Hi girls
Is anyone having mood swings? Overly emotional? Hormonal? I keep going through phases of feeling really down in the dumps and miserable and anxious about everything. Then 10 minutes later I feel fine, on top of the world! It's driving me mad! I did feel like this in my last pregnancy, but earlier on and I'm sure I felt fine by 20 odd weeks. But I can't really remember. Maybe it's the time of year? I just keep feeling so down and I don't know why! I wouldn't say I'm depressed, I have been depressed before and felt hopeless, it's not like that. I just feel fed up? I guess it's probably because of having SPD and I'm stuck in a lot more than I usually am. Normally, me and Holly are out every day at toddler groups, the park, soft play, shopping, etc but whilst I am trying to get out a couple of times a week still, I am spending a lot more time indoors. I am doing lots of fun things with Holly, like crafts and things but I guess that's not really stimulating for me is it.
Anyway, sorry, it's turned into a bit of a rant there! Just wondered if anyone felt the same as me and if anyone had any tips for me so I can stop feeling so sorry for myself! x