June bugs 2012! 6x Boys 12x Girls 8x Team Yellow :)

Yep I was fed up at 37 weeks too I had just had enough of been pregnant. I dont think I could of done another 2 weeks maybe 4 :haha: I can iamgine me going over with this one i think she will be a stubborn little girl like me :haha:
I know, I think we were spoiled with nice early babies last time, I bet we go over! She'll prob end up a June Bug after all! It's funny, as Holly was meant to be a September Star but was born in August lol
heya ladies has anyones feet started to swell up? mine are like ive been wearing heels all day :(
im worried as my hands were swollen last week im hoping its not anything, but my blood pressure has been fine at all my appts.. my next appt isnt til 24 weeks, but i found out today that if you give birth at 22 weeks onwards in ireland they do help you and baby has 40% of living from that stage, and it slowly increases from then, it reassured me a little as im 22 weeks today and if anything (touch wood) was to happen they would at least help!
Red rose mine haven't yet but they did swell early on last time x
I hope I am not late either... a couple of weeks early would be perfect :)

Redrose- call the midwife it you are worried but it sounds like just another annoying pregnancy symptom... put your legs up and try to limit your salt intake in food if you are prone to water retention.

Played with I movie and did this little video of our scan this morning:
Hi Ladies

Has anyone got any good "things you need for baby" lists? I have a shopping addiction but think we have everything we need :blush: :haha:
We are having a boy! :D
and i might be completely biased but I think he is super cute already!


:happydance::happydance: congrats!!!! i knew you was having a boy!! :happydance::happydance: he is so cute look at his little face :flower:
She just said it was water retention and not anything to worry about. I think if your hands, feet and face swell up all of a sudden then that is a problem as a sign of something... maybe preeclampsia?

I do have a list but link is on the computer... Google hipp new baby list and you might find it? It's a pribtable checklist :)
Fantastic news on your little boy Euronova. Picture is gorgeous. I have no evidence whatsoever to back this up but suspect we'll be joining you with a little boy when baby is born.

Redrose: My sister-in-law had awful fluid retention with her first pregnancy and her hands and feet were really swollen by this stage. Her blood pressure was fine though. She is a nurse and at one stage they were saying they would have to sign her off because of it, however she got through. With her second pregnancy she was fine.

i will come on in a mo and catch up and reply properly but i just need to vent a bit as rather upset.
one of my close friends is getting married 9th june. she only booked this date just before xmas so she already knew i was due 1st june. she messaged me on fb last night asking the probability of baby coming before or after the date so i would know if i would be able to go to her wedding. now she's a nurse so she really should know better, and one of our other good friends is a midwife at the same hospital. so i told her i would still really like to go as we have been friends for years and she is the last couple out of all 6 of us to get married so we are all looking forward to it.
told her i would do everything i could to make baby come early, as i want them to anyways. but cos she has to pay for the venue this weekend she has now decided tonight to message me to uninvite me as she doesnt want the uncertainty of if i can go or not. now i know weddings are stressful and can be expensive, esp after planning my own etc, but i had 5 people drop out on the day due to illness which you defo cant equate for, but cos babies are an uncertain there is still every chance i could still go. i have no idea what to reply to her and just so upset im in tears. she says she really wanted me to go but is on about organising a get together once baby is here and after the wedding. now i know why this all came about as she was fine before. our friend vic had a baby in september 3 days before one of our other friends weddings but cos she had a high pre-eclampsia risk and baby got distressed she had a c-section and couldnt go, she was orginally due two weeks later, now luckily steph had some friends she wanted to come but didnt have space for and invited them instead last minute to take their places so all worked out in the end. im not in the right frame of mind to reply at the moment as i am proper gutted, sods law now s/he comes early and i would have been able to go anyways. hubster is out helping at air cadets on camp tonight so probably with the hormones and hubster not here to talk me is why im feeling so pants. what should i do???
well ive tried to catch up but it seems the site is too busy to let me look at previous pages, will have another look later or tomorrow. hope you are all having a fab start tot he weekend.x
Oh Jelly Tots that is so sad, sounds like your friend really has got caught up in her own selfish world and forgotten how important friends are- and it is so much worse that she set the date after your due date was known!! I would have been gutted and furious :hugs:
Hi ladies OMG i think its been pretty much a week since i posted wowsers!!! I think my bubba has been having a massive growth spurt this week. Ive been totally shattered and exhausted, plus ive been throwing up too. Everytime i go throw a growth spurt i seem to be sick. Anyway in the last few days people have been commenting on how big ive finally got, saying they can actually tell im pregnant now YAY. And no bloody wonder my belly has exploded this week, its pretty cool.

And since its my V-DAY today :happydance: here is my BUMP pic for 24 weeks.

Oh and thanks for all the wonderful comments about my dentist visit last week. I was so brave but they wont fix my broken tooth till after the baby is here so in the mean time i have this polly-filla type cement dressing to keep it sealed :thumbup:

Have a great weekend everyone xx


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jelly tots that is so unfair of your friend!! why the hell cant she invite you anyway have have a list of people she could invite last min, im sorry but im organising my wedding at the moment and id never dream of telling one of my friends they couldnt come because they might not make it.. i just think its very rude! im very sorry hun big :hugs:

talking of weddings i feel so stressed! we just picked invites.. but as simple as invites should be it wasnt gosh everything wedding wise is such a headache :dohh:

here is my 22 week bump, as well as my avatar :cloud9:


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i will come on in a mo and catch up and reply properly but i just need to vent a bit as rather upset.
one of my close friends is getting married 9th june. she only booked this date just before xmas so she already knew i was due 1st june. she messaged me on fb last night asking the probability of baby coming before or after the date so i would know if i would be able to go to her wedding. now she's a nurse so she really should know better, and one of our other good friends is a midwife at the same hospital. so i told her i would still really like to go as we have been friends for years and she is the last couple out of all 6 of us to get married so we are all looking forward to it.
told her i would do everything i could to make baby come early, as i want them to anyways. but cos she has to pay for the venue this weekend she has now decided tonight to message me to uninvite me as she doesnt want the uncertainty of if i can go or not. now i know weddings are stressful and can be expensive, esp after planning my own etc, but i had 5 people drop out on the day due to illness which you defo cant equate for, but cos babies are an uncertain there is still every chance i could still go. i have no idea what to reply to her and just so upset im in tears. she says she really wanted me to go but is on about organising a get together once baby is here and after the wedding. now i know why this all came about as she was fine before. our friend vic had a baby in september 3 days before one of our other friends weddings but cos she had a high pre-eclampsia risk and baby got distressed she had a c-section and couldnt go, she was orginally due two weeks later, now luckily steph had some friends she wanted to come but didnt have space for and invited them instead last minute to take their places so all worked out in the end. im not in the right frame of mind to reply at the moment as i am proper gutted, sods law now s/he comes early and i would have been able to go anyways. hubster is out helping at air cadets on camp tonight so probably with the hormones and hubster not here to talk me is why im feeling so pants. what should i do???

Aww Sweetie, its horrible. I had a simular experience with the girl who was my chief bridesmaid. She got married last summer and decided to not ask me to be a bridesmaid as she thought I would be pregnant and she didnt want a pregnant bridesmaid.

As it happened I wasnt pregnant and went to the wedding but hated every minute. She lives an hours drive away from me and I havent seen her since her wedding last June.

It really feels like a kick in the teeth doesnt it, Im not sure what to suggest? What does your DH say? I dont think she should have chosen a different date as I know we had nightmares with our wedding, trying to fit around peoples uni, holidays and other weddings and couldnt please everyone but to uninvite you is really mean.


Keep you chin up.

Congrats on the baby boy Euronova!!

Jellytots so sorry to hear how selfish your friend is being. Weddings do make people get so wrapped up in themselves and forget how it's so much more important to have your friends there to celebrate the special day with you. I would feel exactly the same as you and I don't know what I would do so I can't help other than to sympathise :hugs:

Had a bit of a scare on Weds, rang the midwife to say I hadn't had much movement since Monday night thinking she would reassure me it's normal but she was concerned and made me go straight up the hospital to get monitored. Baby was fine she was just in a strange position what a day though! Little madam has been kicking like mad ever since!!! xx
Jellytots :hugs: how awful of your friend :( Weddings bring out the worst in some people. I would feel exactly the same as you and I think in your position I would email my friend back and tell her just how upset I felt about it.

Have you had any more thoughts on the My Jungle Family nursery set? I have just got it all out and will be washing it tonight. Once it's dry I will take some more photos and post them up if you like? Don't worry if you don't want it, I can just ebay it or pop it on the for sale forum on here :)
i can see my baby girl kicking... its so magical to watch... every time she gives a big kick i see my tummy bump up its just breath taking to watch!! has anyone doen this yet or am i crazy for watching my bump :blush:
thanks everyone, im glad im not the only one to have that reaction. hubby hasnt a clue really, he thinks its nothing to get upset about but when its one of my close friends it just hurts that little bit more. ive replied to her and mentioned how gutted i am, it wont make any difference but anyhoo it might make things easier when we next all meet up.
although at the moment he isnt being the most supportive, i feel really lonely right now as i have no friends in this area. i cant even just go shopping or out for cake and coffee with anyone on a weekend or day off work as i literally know no-one. hope this gets easier once baby has arrived and i go to the stay and play clubs and all that on camp. he doesnt understand and is making me upset so may have to stay out of his way for now as i cant seem to talk to him about anything without him making me upset. bloody men.

sorry i havent replied about that yet emzy, ive been trying to find out whether it would fit the cotbed unless you can help, the size is: 146(l) x 80(w) x 65(h) cm. if you could post a couple more pics that would be great and then hubser can decide with sil which one she is going to buy for us (as she is buying us the cot and mattress too, she want to help pick the bedding).

loving everyones bump pics, ive not done one yet for 24 weeks, and with yesterday being my v-day it wasnt the best day, plus hubster doesnt seem to bothered about it, he is more interested in the rugby. god i hate sports sometimes, its all he is interested in sometimes.

glad everything is good gemgem, always best to get checked out. also good that you are feeling more than enough movement to make up for it, makes you feel so much better doesnt it.

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