June bugs 2012! 6x Boys 12x Girls 8x Team Yellow :)

Im still not getting loads of movement, its getting me abit down :(

Edit: What I am getting is what feels like muscle spasms and a weird rolling feeling, mainly when im in bed.
Jellytots I will take some more pics tomorrow, it is currently in the washing machine :) With the size, I'm so crap at things like that, I have a standard cot and it's plenty big enough for that, but the size on the mothercare website of the sheet is W120 x L155 so I don't really know? I know you can get cot and cot bed sized sheets and this is for a cot, so maybe it would be slightly small? I'm really not sure! Here is the link with the measurements:


The curtains and measurements are here:


and the mobile here:


Im 24 weeks pregnant,

I get these funning bubbles, stretching and pain lower left, guessing this is baby, i havent felt anything that feels like a kick?

Midwife says baby is fine, good strong heartbeat.
The muscle spasm feeling is first baby kicks :) they will get stronger and stronger until they are actually painful and you have a foot stuck in your ribs!

Jellytots I've just looked on mothercare and what I have is for a cot but they do bigger ones for cot beds so I guess that means my stuff might be too small for your cot bed :( sorry hun. Don't worry I'll put in the for sale section here, wouldn't want you to buy something that won't fit!
Jellytots: sorry to hear about your friend- that does seem really selfish but wedding planning can make people feel that way. We had quite a few people drop out at the last minute for various reasons and it really didn't matter. At least you have let her know how you feel about it. Sorry that you're feeling low generally. A combination of factors teamed with pregnancy hormones won't be helping. Sending you a big hug.

Gem - glad that it turned out to be nothing. Also really pleased that your midwife was so supportive and didn't make you feel silly for ringing. It bodes well for the rest of your pregnancy.

Emma- I'm sure the movements will start to get lots stronger. I'm getting proper kicks now and so I'm sure yours will start to feel more definite soon. It sounds like that is what you're feeling though. Silly placenta! Mine is low. Wish they would just be in the right place!

We're off to see the new Muppet Movie this evening. Can't wait (I'm such a child).

To join in the convo about movement, I'm trying not to stress...I was feeling tons for weeks and now the last weeks it's been very sporadic and way less often. BUT, they've also been in weird places, so I think the baby is just rolling around a lot?? There's definitely still movement. Not sure if I should call and get it checked out since I I still get strong kicks and regular movement...just not as strong or obvious as before. It's the weekend, and I don't feel like its an emergency, right?
Oh, and Jelly, I'd do exactly what you did and try to calmly let my friend know that the uninvite really was hurtful, and although you know uncertainty can be hard with a wedding you feel that as such close friends it's totally uncalled for to plan on you not going. A wedding day is a day to be surrounded by people you care about, and little things are not going to work out as planned, but that's the way it is! It's rude to tell you you can't come. Even if she's stressed. We had cancellations the week-of as well...it happens!!
Cricket as long as you're feeling some kind of movement at this stage, I don't think you need to worry. Baby can turn round and so the movements can seem much different from one day to the next. I get really strong kicks one day (like today) then just little shuffles the next, so think she turns around and so the kicks aren't outwards. If you are worried then always give your midwife a call, but honestly, movements can change from day to day. The important thing is that once you feel them regularly, that you continue to feel them daily x
I know, it really is! I'm much more chilled out about it this time around, I guess because I know what's normal and what's not. But when pregnant with Holly, I was a wreck! I got monitored in hospital twice because I couldn't feel anything, but as soon as I got there she started kicking. Typical!!
Jelly, sorry about the issues with your friend and her wedding. I do think that letting her know how you feel now is the best way to do it -- so that you aren't feeling resentful between now and the next time you are together. My BIL and his fiancee set their wedding date and then as soon as I found out I was pregnant, I let them know about the possible conflict in dates. My DH will probably plan to attend, with our older kids, but I may not be able to make it, depending on when the twins come. It's not the end of the world. I mean, they both know that I will do whatever I can to be there, and if it is at all possible, I will be there with the babies. If I'm still recovering or if the twins are in the NICU, then they will understand. There are some things you just don't have control over. I wish your friend could recognize that and know that you want to be there for her and if something comes up at the last minute -- oh well, that's life. Sorry, girl. :hugs:
Im still not getting loads of movement, its getting me abit down :(

Edit: What I am getting is what feels like muscle spasms and a weird rolling feeling, mainly when im in bed.

Hey Emma - I'm in exactly the same boat hun. I had that weird rolling thing like 2 sundays ago and havent felt it since....all i ever feel (usually a couple of times at night before i go to sleep) is the odd flick or something that i can only assume is a kick! I'm definitely not feeling very much! Mark keeps talking to her and telling her to kick mummy as much as she wants but she's not doing as she's told!

I felt a few yesterday mornign when laid in bed and then i went swimming (first time in a week) and i got a pain in my belly.....i put it down to having pulled something from when i pushed off from the wall and stretched out but then for the rest of the day and last night i didn't feel anyhting til literally when i was about asleep and even then i don't know if it was a kick or wind. Very tempted to get the doppler out but if i can't find the HB then i'll just worry so i'm not gonna!

Off to mcarthur glen today to hopefully buy some baby stuff from Joules or M&P....can't wait! Would just like a little sign before we go tho that all is well in there! I thought by 25 weeks she'd be going crazy etc but it would seem not.

Hopefully in a couple more weeks when they are bigger then we'll be feeling all limbs flailing around!
Hey girls....hope all is well with you all.

Jelly - totally agree with the other girls....your mate is full of her own importance and probably can't even see what she has done. Hopefully by being honest with her she will have a stop and think about what a crap friend she is being. I had a really chilled out wedding with zero stress and it was the best thing ever. Seeing my best friends get married though and some of the things that happen and fall-outs that happen on the back of all the stress is just mind-blowing! Lets hope she see's sense and offers an apology once she has seen sense???

Emma - can't believe your mate didn't let you be a bridemaid just on the off chance you may be pregnant!! My friend asked me to grow my hair to be her bridesmaid coz it was quite short at the time and she didn't want me having short hair in the photos!

Speaking of hair......i did something a bit stupid on Thursday.....I went to the hairdressers to get my roots done and a few inches off the bottom of my hair (it's kinda of bra strap length) coz with bleach and swimming it had gone all raggedy.....anyhoo i ended up getting it all bloddy cut off! I now have a BOB!!!!!!! I can't believe i've done that because i really thought the most practical hair do for having a baby would be long enough to tie back....hhhmmmmmm i think i like it tho but i just can't tie it up! ooops!

Emma - do you also have an anterior placenta?? That would DEFO explain the subtle not very obvious kicks....I also have an AP!

Euro - AMAZING scan picture hun....can't believe how clear that is and his little nose and mouth are just toooooo cute!

Emma - Sounds like the nursery is coming along well......sounds like you have been keeping Jim pretty busy too with all the papering and painting! (or was it his bro who did it??) either way...your powers of delegation are wicked!

Emzy - thanks so much for the heads up re the Hipp baby list....have just googled it and looks very useful so thanks for that!

AFM....Off to shopping outlet today to have a mooch around M&P and also Joules (soooo cute!)...last time we were there I saw some really cute bits i wanted to buy but as we didn't know what we were having i decided to revisit today!

Our nursery still looks very much like a study.....desk, filing cab etc are all still there! I dunno when we're gonna get to do it yet but on a positive note i have CHOSEN MY FABRIC at long last (I know you were all on the edge of your seats awaiting my decision ;-)

I have decided to do curtains and some bunting in the TREES and then mum is gonna make me a crawl mat/quilt in the spots! I got to have both as just couldn't make up my mind!!!

My bezzie mate is 1 day overdue today and i am so excited for her!!! She is my friend who lost her mum very suddenly on the 1st December so she has had a really tough couple of months but is staying really strong bless her. SHe's having a little boy and i can't stop checking my phone for news but nothing happening yet! SHe's off for a membrane sweep on Weds 15th if nothing has happened since then. She has really low platelet levels which means at the moment as they have dropped below 100 she can't have an epidural or a spinal block if a c-section is required...she'll have to go under a general. She has only ever said that she wants an epidural and is gutted that it doesn't look like she'll be able to have one.

I have taken a 25 week bump pic but can't upload at the moment so will have to do it another time.

One quick question......anyone know anything about mattresses for cots?? Where the bloomin eck do you start there's so many to choose from???? Any advice welcome!
Oh and another question for 2nd time mums.....did any of you ask for the strep B test when you were in labour?????

I have no idea what this is all about but a friend of mine said whatever you do, insist on the strep B test?? Something to do with reducing risks of meningitis or something and i think they need to do the test at a particular stage???

Anyone got any idea what i'm on about?
Woohoo for eggplant Abi!!!! :happydance: :happydance:

Jelly - that's so harsh of your friend, it definitely sounds like a case of 'Bridezilla'! I can't believe she would be so harsh! My friend is also getting married on the 9th June next year and I'm due 11 days before, she's told me she totally understands if I can't make it but I have a seat waiting for me! I hope she doesn't get a bad case of bridezilla and change her mind! Wedding planning is stressfull, I remember stressing over RSVPs that hadn't come back but I think your friend is taking it too far!

I can go all day without feeling movement too, I think it's normal this early on! I'm also too scared to use my Doppler!

Abi - I hope you'll show us your nursery when it's done! It sounds fab! Xx
My 25 week bump! Had a bit of a spurt this week by the looks of it, my 24 week pic is the one in the black top for comparison.


I've had a bit of a change of heart on the jungle bedding... seeing as it won't fit Jellytots cotbed after all, I've decided to keep it for Evie's room! We were going to sell it and buy something pink and girly, but getting it all out and washing it has made me remember how lovely it is and it's a shame to sell it really! So we're going to keep it and go with the jungle theme for Evie as well :)
Im 24 weeks pregnant,

I get these funning bubbles, stretching and pain lower left, guessing this is baby, i havent felt anything that feels like a kick?

Midwife says baby is fine, good strong heartbeat.

i get feelings like that too, but i also get a sharp flicking feeling every now and again too, but only really started getting those a bit stronger in the last week or so. some days i dont feel anything so must depend on which way they are positioned.

The muscle spasm feeling is first baby kicks :) they will get stronger and stronger until they are actually painful and you have a foot stuck in your ribs!

Jellytots I've just looked on mothercare and what I have is for a cot but they do bigger ones for cot beds so I guess that means my stuff might be too small for your cot bed :( sorry hun. Don't worry I'll put in the for sale section here, wouldn't want you to buy something that won't fit!

thanks for checking hun, it is a shame it doesnt fit. i defo dont get all of these sizes, think when we get it will check witht he shop people that it will lol. so much easier for our beds as just get double or kingsize and you know its fine, just pillowcases i struggle with lol.

To join in the convo about movement, I'm trying not to stress...I was feeling tons for weeks and now the last weeks it's been very sporadic and way less often. BUT, they've also been in weird places, so I think the baby is just rolling around a lot?? There's definitely still movement. Not sure if I should call and get it checked out since I I still get strong kicks and regular movement...just not as strong or obvious as before. It's the weekend, and I don't feel like its an emergency, right?

i wouldnt worry chick, sounds perfectly normal and exactly what i get. some days or when im too busy concentrating on other things i dont feel a thing but only when im relaxing on the sofa or just about to go to sleep i get the odd few. then one or two days i havent felt anything apart from a roll or two out of the blue. its not until you are further along they start going by counting so i really wouldnt stress yourself about it as that could make baby lie still a bit more if they know you are worried. although if you go for a good few days which isnt normal defo call your midwife and ask her.

Im still not getting loads of movement, its getting me abit down :(

Edit: What I am getting is what feels like muscle spasms and a weird rolling feeling, mainly when im in bed.

Hey Emma - I'm in exactly the same boat hun. I had that weird rolling thing like 2 sundays ago and havent felt it since....all i ever feel (usually a couple of times at night before i go to sleep) is the odd flick or something that i can only assume is a kick! I'm definitely not feeling very much! Mark keeps talking to her and telling her to kick mummy as much as she wants but she's not doing as she's told!

I felt a few yesterday mornign when laid in bed and then i went swimming (first time in a week) and i got a pain in my belly.....i put it down to having pulled something from when i pushed off from the wall and stretched out but then for the rest of the day and last night i didn't feel anyhting til literally when i was about asleep and even then i don't know if it was a kick or wind. Very tempted to get the doppler out but if i can't find the HB then i'll just worry so i'm not gonna!

Off to mcarthur glen today to hopefully buy some baby stuff from Joules or M&P....can't wait! Would just like a little sign before we go tho that all is well in there! I thought by 25 weeks she'd be going crazy etc but it would seem not.

Hopefully in a couple more weeks when they are bigger then we'll be feeling all limbs flailing around!

have a fantastic time shopping, i cant wait until april when i can afford to properly go all out and buy a few treats. hope baby moves for you too just to put your mind at reat.

Hey girls....hope all is well with you all.

Jelly - totally agree with the other girls....your mate is full of her own importance and probably can't even see what she has done. Hopefully by being honest with her she will have a stop and think about what a crap friend she is being. I had a really chilled out wedding with zero stress and it was the best thing ever. Seeing my best friends get married though and some of the things that happen and fall-outs that happen on the back of all the stress is just mind-blowing! Lets hope she see's sense and offers an apology once she has seen sense???

Emma - can't believe your mate didn't let you be a bridemaid just on the off chance you may be pregnant!! My friend asked me to grow my hair to be her bridesmaid coz it was quite short at the time and she didn't want me having short hair in the photos!

Speaking of hair......i did something a bit stupid on Thursday.....I went to the hairdressers to get my roots done and a few inches off the bottom of my hair (it's kinda of bra strap length) coz with bleach and swimming it had gone all raggedy.....anyhoo i ended up getting it all bloddy cut off! I now have a BOB!!!!!!! I can't believe i've done that because i really thought the most practical hair do for having a baby would be long enough to tie back....hhhmmmmmm i think i like it tho but i just can't tie it up! ooops!

Emma - do you also have an anterior placenta?? That would DEFO explain the subtle not very obvious kicks....I also have an AP!

Euro - AMAZING scan picture hun....can't believe how clear that is and his little nose and mouth are just toooooo cute!

Emma - Sounds like the nursery is coming along well......sounds like you have been keeping Jim pretty busy too with all the papering and painting! (or was it his bro who did it??) either way...your powers of delegation are wicked!

Emzy - thanks so much for the heads up re the Hipp baby list....have just googled it and looks very useful so thanks for that!

AFM....Off to shopping outlet today to have a mooch around M&P and also Joules (soooo cute!)...last time we were there I saw some really cute bits i wanted to buy but as we didn't know what we were having i decided to revisit today!

Our nursery still looks very much like a study.....desk, filing cab etc are all still there! I dunno when we're gonna get to do it yet but on a positive note i have CHOSEN MY FABRIC at long last (I know you were all on the edge of your seats awaiting my decision ;-)

I have decided to do curtains and some bunting in the TREES and then mum is gonna make me a crawl mat/quilt in the spots! I got to have both as just couldn't make up my mind!!!

My bezzie mate is 1 day overdue today and i am so excited for her!!! She is my friend who lost her mum very suddenly on the 1st December so she has had a really tough couple of months but is staying really strong bless her. SHe's having a little boy and i can't stop checking my phone for news but nothing happening yet! SHe's off for a membrane sweep on Weds 15th if nothing has happened since then. She has really low platelet levels which means at the moment as they have dropped below 100 she can't have an epidural or a spinal block if a c-section is required...she'll have to go under a general. She has only ever said that she wants an epidural and is gutted that it doesn't look like she'll be able to have one.

I have taken a 25 week bump pic but can't upload at the moment so will have to do it another time.

One quick question......anyone know anything about mattresses for cots?? Where the bloomin eck do you start there's so many to choose from???? Any advice welcome!

im sure your hair looks lovely, and you can always put a hair band on or use some clips etc to keep it back once baby arrives for when you need to.

im with you on the babys room, we havent sorted much out either. it has kinda been a dumping ground for half empty boxes since we moved in, but the baby purchases are in there too, and the sofa bed is staying in there for something to sit on while feeding etc in the night so halfway there. plan to gut it of crap in the next few weeks.
making your own bunting is a cute idea, ive been looking for some cute fabrics to make my own too, but too many to choose from. may just for for a mix of jungle type colours that will go with everything.

as for mattresses for cots, they always say to go for the most expensive you can afford. we are looking at one for £100 in toys r us and is sprung. we are getting a cotbed so need one to last a year or two. foam ones are fine for just a cot, but you would need a sprung one for when they get out of the cot and start in a bed. well thats my understanding anyways from my research. hope it helps.

My 25 week bump! Had a bit of a spurt this week by the looks of it, my 24 week pic is the one in the black top for comparison.



lovely bump pics, you can defo see a difference, all good though :)

I've had a bit of a change of heart on the jungle bedding... seeing as it won't fit Jellytots cotbed after all, I've decided to keep it for Evie's room! We were going to sell it and buy something pink and girly, but getting it all out and washing it has made me remember how lovely it is and it's a shame to sell it really! So we're going to keep it and go with the jungle theme for Evie as well :)

aw its nice when things bring back lovely memories, from your pics it will look lovely again so i bet you cant wait to get it all set up in the nursery :)

afm, thanks everyone for your lovely messages. i replied to her yesterday but i havent heard anything back yet. not sure if i will or when so will just wait it out. no doubt she is feeling a bit bad now herself, but that cant be helped. maybe even if she had worded it differently i may not have got as upset, but its still gutting. im feeling a lot more better about it today so thats a good sign. ive got a fantastic wedding in september to look forward to for another friend unrelated to this group of friends. she is a fellow forces wag, and we have been friends from the confetti forum when i was planning my big day, she had to delay hers due to deployments unfortunately.

anyways i better get on and start dinner, going to take a while with a broken oven. bring on thursday when modern housing pull their finger out and come and fix it.

hope you are all having a fab weekend. looking forward to my days leave tomorrow. plan on not doing a lot and just chilling and sorting a pile of paperwork to shred.
Abic- Hope you enjoyed your shopping. Cant wait to see your finished nursery it sounds like it is going to be lovely. I am really rubbish I cant decide on a colour or anything with Ollie I had sorted colours and and themes and everything by now. Hope your friend has her little boy soon my best friend is due in 4 weeks with a little girl I cant wait there will only be 3 months difference between our 2 it will be great. No we didnt have the strep b test with Ollie.

Emzy- Great bump pic and yes can defiently see the difference in a week.

Here is my bump pic week 23 1 week till v day not long that is what I have been counting down too then it will be counting down till 3rd tri and then on the home straight :happydance:


  • bump 23weeks.jpg
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