June bugs 2012! 6x Boys 12x Girls 8x Team Yellow :)

Good luck babyd :hugs: x

Jellytots love the bump progression! Here is mine... sorry if it's huge:

14 weeks

20 weeks

22 weeks

25 weeks

How much flipping bigger can I get??! Here is me at full term with Holly... I think I will be double this size by 37 weeks ha ha

Hya girls! Lovely bump pictures!
Posted a pic of my bump on Facebook last night for a few friends to see and this midwife guessed I was 28 weeks pregnant!!! (WTF???) anyway, i took another pic this morning and it is crazy how i get bigger in the evening!!
Anyone else with a crazy fluctuating bump?


Also freaking out as I found sugar in my urine... seeing the midwife today and hoping i won't have to do the glucose test... but i guess i will have to :(
Tip toeing in to say hello and can I join in please?

Im due 4th June with our first, we are team yellow.

I have been lurking and reading for ages so you have probably seen my name showing but thought I should really get over my shyness and say hello

so Hello :)

Loving all the bump pics
Hi Razra!!!
I was menat to be team yellow too but we caved in! :)
morning Razra!!! Welcome to the thread hun....no need to be shy, we're a very friendly and un-scary bunch here!! Well done for staying team yellow too!
Hey razra :wave: welcome!!

Lovely bumps ladies :) xx
Welcome razra :flower:

Good luck today babyd will be thinking of you.

Wowsers ladies what beautiful bumps we all have. I feel a little guilty for those not feeling much movements right now as i spend most of my (little) free time staring at my bump. When she kicks i can see my tummy move, its frikin awesome. DF can feel her a lot now too :)

Ok so for those that im friends with on facebook that you so much for my birthday messages. I had an amazing day my other half really spoilt me. After treating me to breakfast he ran me a lush bath before dropping me off at a spa for a top to toe pregnancy massage. Then i met my folks for lunch. Then we went and picked up my buggy. IM SO EXCITED that i finally have it. I got the new icandy strawberry. We've been on the waiting list for ages and its now finally been distributed :) then in the evening my DF had organised a surprise get together at our house for all my best friends. It was so nice, he even managed to hide all the food he had bought for the party. Note to self must go in the kitchen more!!!! Anyway it was a brillant day, im so lucky.

The only thing missing was an appearance from my sisters baby. She is due this saturday but has been in a lot of pain for days now. Im too excited to be an auntie. Im flying down to London on sunday for a week, so a little part of me secretly wants her to try to wait till im there cause i wanna be in the delivery room with her. While im away my DF is gonna be painting the nursery so that when i come home i can start to put it together :happydance: oh and while im down in london my BIL got me free tickets to the baby show eeeeeeeeek

Ok gotta go get ready for work now. Take care everyone xx
Welcome Razra :flower:

They really are lovely bumps pics girls, I really need to pull my finger out and get some taken!!! xx
Welcome razra :flower:

Good luck today babyd will be thinking of you.

Wowsers ladies what beautiful bumps we all have. I feel a little guilty for those not feeling much movements right now as i spend most of my (little) free time staring at my bump. When she kicks i can see my tummy move, its frikin awesome. DF can feel her a lot now too :)

Ok so for those that im friends with on facebook that you so much for my birthday messages. I had an amazing day my other half really spoilt me. After treating me to breakfast he ran me a lush bath before dropping me off at a spa for a top to toe pregnancy massage. Then i met my folks for lunch. Then we went and picked up my buggy. IM SO EXCITED that i finally have it. I got the new icandy strawberry. We've been on the waiting list for ages and its now finally been distributed :) then in the evening my DF had organised a surprise get together at our house for all my best friends. It was so nice, he even managed to hide all the food he had bought for the party. Note to self must go in the kitchen more!!!! Anyway it was a brillant day, im so lucky.

The only thing missing was an appearance from my sisters baby. She is due this saturday but has been in a lot of pain for days now. Im too excited to be an auntie. Im flying down to London on sunday for a week, so a little part of me secretly wants her to try to wait till im there cause i wanna be in the delivery room with her. While im away my DF is gonna be painting the nursery so that when i come home i can start to put it together :happydance: oh and while im down in london my BIL got me free tickets to the baby show eeeeeeeeek

Ok gotta go get ready for work now. Take care everyone xx

im also awaiting to be an auntie (again) my brothers sister is due less than two weeks but started getting contractions very close together but shes not dilated so they sent her home :shrug:

i also see my little ones kicks now its very cool to watch isnt it?, tho shes a stubborn one as every time i get the camera to record it she stops its like she knows! or is camera shy alreadylol.
good luck today babyd im sure all will be ok :hugs:

welcome razra :D

i hope its nothing euro, ive to get the gd test too so totally sympathise
Thanks Redrose,

Just back from my appt. The midwife was not too concerned and she said that anyhow they get all women to do a mini glucose test at 28 weeks, so they will have me have one then.
In the meantime, i have urine tests at home so I will keep an eye on it and if i am worries she said to call.

My appt was great, they got me to see all the rooms. Saw a woman being discharged with her tiny new little baby :D

Ordering my pram today and OH just told me that he has booked me for a pregnancy massage in Harrods tomorrow :) looking forward to that :)
Traybaby...sorrryyyyy i am such a crap fb friend!! Happy birthday hun I completely forgot to message you! I even saw the messages and went to do it then got distracted and forgot!! GGrrrrr rubbish friend that i am :-( Your bday sounds fabulous tho and probably just what the Dr ordered!

Yay let's hope ur sis can hang on for you.....i guess she is probably just dying to get it out now tho! Does she know what she's having??

I'm trying to think what i can do for DH bday in a couple of weeks....i've told him to keep the weekend free but he is a fitness freak so he'll be doing his gym stuff on sat and sun morning but I have told him I'm planning something for the rest of the days....so Sat night i'm taking him for a curry and on Sat avo i may take him to the mooooovies (we NEVER go to the movies coz i am crap at staying sat still for more than an hour so i can never be bothered to go!) so although it sounds dull, i think he'll like it! Then on Sunday afternoon i'm taking him for afternoon tea at the Radisson hotel....just thinking i could do with another little something to fill sunday before we do afternoon tea??

We were gonna go away for the weekend but i figured that why spend money on a hotel for a couple of nights when we could just do stuff at home!! (tight arse that i am!!)

Any ideas what we could do???????????????????????????? I'm so uninventive when it comes to this stuff! I have bought him massages and stuff before but it's not really his thing! I would love one tho!!!!!!!
Oh lovely Euro! I am jealous! Which pram are you getting?

I love watching baby kicks! She goes nuts in the bath. Most of what I feel are still really low down though, so I'm sure this baby is breech at the mo. Holly's kicks were a lot higher up by now!
im sure its normal to not be head down til abit later tho?
I am getting the Uppababy :) will still be a while before it is delivered but feels great to order it in! :)
I want to try and get it a bit early so I can practise with the dogs :) We want to start changing their routine progressively now so when the baby arrives they are not blaming it all on the little one ;)
Yes it is Redrose, totally normal. Holly was just head down from early on, but this baby obviously prefers it the other way up!
ooh exciting euronova! I've heard lots of good things about that pram lately :)

Off for my 2nd physio this afternoon... getting ready to hurt like hell for the next day then!
Hey ladies! hope all is well! I've spent the day trying I find a nice dress for valentines meal tomorrow, given up, all the maternity stuff I hate and the bump makes normal dresses to short!

When do the babies go head down? X
Thanks for all your well wishes girls :flower:
Scan went absolutely amazing!! Everything was fine with all measurements and all bones are formed well! We were even lucky enough to see him in 4d :cloud9: it was so amazing. One thing she did say was that he is measuring 24 weeks and that she is certain he will be bigger than grace was :wacko: But I will be having regular scans to check growth and to see that he doesn't get any broken bones x

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