June bugs 2012! 6x Boys 12x Girls 8x Team Yellow :)

Hi Ladies,

I have developed a terrible habit of reading and running so I am sorry for that :blush:

I am so sorry for those of you with worries or concerns in your pregnancy, I am sure everything is going along okay but just take care of yourselves in the meantime :thumbup:

Our little Sproglett certainly seems to be a lively little monster, very feisty now with surefire kicks and nudges if I turn over in the night or rest an arm on my belly... the other day I placed a tub of Ben and Jerries on my bump :)blush:) and you could see it bouncing as she was pummeling it :haha: :cloud9:
Just had a phone call to say that my cousin, who is 27 weeks pregnant is in surgery and they have had to deliver the baby. She was in hospital over new year with horrific pains and then they got better, she was re-admitted last night and was put on morphine whilst they carried out tests.

The doctors think it has something to do with her pancreas and so she is in theatre as I type. She has had a little boy (not that she knows this) and he is doing okay. He is 2lb4oz which is a good weight for 27 weeks, so hopefully he will be okay. Not sure what they will find is wrong with her though. Her husband is in pieces as he doesn't know what to do or where to be!

Just really scared for her and for the baby. Things change so quickly with tiny babies. Praying that everything will be okay. Can't imagine having my baby 3 weeks from now.

In pieces right now. Just didn't expect this to happen. Makes me so glad that everything has been okay with me so far and we'll just continue to pray that that continues.

Sorry to bring a bit of a downer to the thread but I'm at home on my own. :o(
Sending love and hugs to your family Broodybelle, keep us updated :hugs:
How horrible! I hope she pulls through and the baby is ok. At 27 weeks the odds are really good.
Keep us posted!
it sounds like they are both fighters, im sure they both will make it through :hugs@ 27 weeks is usually ok and he sounds like a good weight :hugs:
Big hugs broodybelle :hugs: I posted a while ago to say my friend had her little boy at 27 weeks and he is home and well now. Sending love x
Broodybelle- Big :hugs: thoughts go out to your cousin and her little boy he is a really good weight hope all goes well.
Abi, one of my buddies here on BnB was experiencing low blood pressure and apparently that is quite common in pregnancy. I wonder if that's why you're feeling this way? I don't think you should feel badly about calling to discuss your symptoms -- it's better to be safe than sorry! I have been feeling more tired than usual and something is happening when I am up doing a lot -- I can hear my heart beating in my ears. Not sure what the medical term is, but I told the doctor today and he recommended I start taking iron supplements. So there are things you can do if you're not feeling right!

Just had a phone call to say that my cousin, who is 27 weeks pregnant is in surgery and they have had to deliver the baby. She was in hospital over new year with horrific pains and then they got better, she was re-admitted last night and was put on morphine whilst they carried out tests.

The doctors think it has something to do with her pancreas and so she is in theatre as I type. She has had a little boy (not that she knows this) and he is doing okay. He is 2lb4oz which is a good weight for 27 weeks, so hopefully he will be okay. Not sure what they will find is wrong with her though. Her husband is in pieces as he doesn't know what to do or where to be!

Just really scared for her and for the baby. Things change so quickly with tiny babies. Praying that everything will be okay. Can't imagine having my baby 3 weeks from now.

In pieces right now. Just didn't expect this to happen. Makes me so glad that everything has been okay with me so far and we'll just continue to pray that that continues.

Sorry to bring a bit of a downer to the thread but I'm at home on my own. :o(

Broodybelle -- I know this is a scary time for your cousin and her baby! I hope that everything works out for both of them. Yes, 27 weeks is early, but there are babies born even younger that come out just fine. Keep praying for the best outcome!
Hope your mw appointment goes ok today Abi!

Woohoo I'm no longer a papaya! Helloooo eggplant :haha:

How's everyone doing today? Anyone struggling with sleeping? I can't get comfortable and I wake so many times in the night! I'm exhausted by morning! :cry: xxx
Broody....I'm so sorry to hear about your cousin hun....sending lots of hugs and get well soon to them both. As the other girls have said it sounds like he has a really good weight and they are both in the best place to get the best care so keep everything crossed and pray that they are both well soon :)

Has there been any more developments since you posted last night hun?
Hope your mw appointment goes ok today Abi!

Woohoo I'm no longer a papaya! Helloooo eggplant :haha:

How's everyone doing today? Anyone struggling with sleeping? I can't get comfortable and I wake so many times in the night! I'm exhausted by morning! :cry: xxx

YES YES YES!!!!! I feel exactly the same....before I was getting up a million times a night to weewee but now i am just so restless that i keep waking myself up all night! Having bad scary dreams and am obsessing about bubs movement subconsciously i think that i'm just not getting a solid nights sleep!

Going to bed around 9.30, reading til i'm tired and then lights out at 10-10.30ish and i'm awake again (like wide awake and could get up) at 4am.....usually lay awake til about 5.30 then fall asleep and my alarm goes off at 6am so then have to get up and am exhausted!

I was thinking last night in the middle of the night that went we go into labour and if it lasts a couple of days then potentially we may be awake for 2-3 days before bubs is born (this has happened to several of my friends)....anyway normally if you don't sleep for a few days you always know you'll catch up at some point but then when new baby is here there is just gonna be no opportunty to catch up!!! That really scares me because i need my sleep to keep me sane! I can manage and function without sleep but my depression and anxiety creeps back in when i'm tired and just can't handle that and am especially concerned coz of the whole post natal depression thing!!!

I may need to actually give in and accept help (eg MIL taking LO for a few hours as a one off so i can have a nap etc.....not something i wanted to have to do but may need to!)
Abi, one of my buddies here on BnB was experiencing low blood pressure and apparently that is quite common in pregnancy. I wonder if that's why you're feeling this way? I don't think you should feel badly about calling to discuss your symptoms -- it's better to be safe than sorry! I have been feeling more tired than usual and something is happening when I am up doing a lot -- I can hear my heart beating in my ears. Not sure what the medical term is, but I told the doctor today and he recommended I start taking iron supplements. So there are things you can do if you're not feeling right!

Just had a phone call to say that my cousin, who is 27 weeks pregnant is in surgery and they have had to deliver the baby. She was in hospital over new year with horrific pains and then they got better, she was re-admitted last night and was put on morphine whilst they carried out tests.

The doctors think it has something to do with her pancreas and so she is in theatre as I type. She has had a little boy (not that she knows this) and he is doing okay. He is 2lb4oz which is a good weight for 27 weeks, so hopefully he will be okay. Not sure what they will find is wrong with her though. Her husband is in pieces as he doesn't know what to do or where to be!

Just really scared for her and for the baby. Things change so quickly with tiny babies. Praying that everything will be okay. Can't imagine having my baby 3 weeks from now.

In pieces right now. Just didn't expect this to happen. Makes me so glad that everything has been okay with me so far and we'll just continue to pray that that continues.

Sorry to bring a bit of a downer to the thread but I'm at home on my own. :o(

Broodybelle -- I know this is a scary time for your cousin and her baby! I hope that everything works out for both of them. Yes, 27 weeks is early, but there are babies born even younger that come out just fine. Keep praying for the best outcome!

Hey LIttlebird - thanks for the advice hun....I think i know what you mean about the HB in your ear thing as I have had that lots of times....not sure what causes it as my BP has always been fine (sometimes on the low side of normal but never actually high or low) - let me know how you get on with that hun!

I know i shouldn't feel bad calling the Dr...i don't really feel bad, more just what's the point as i just feel like i get passed from pillar to post and end up having to book an apt for 2 weeks away and seeing as though i have the midwife this morning i decided just to leave it! Felt rubbish and spinny headed right up til about 3 pm yesterday but then felt absolutely fine!! it was weird! In fact i felt so good that decided to treat DH to a curry out last night (although i forgot my purse and he ended up paying anyway - ha!)

Gonna mention the dizziness thing to the MW this morning and also my 'funny turn' on thurs last week when i went woosy and my hands all swelled up etc!

Hope you're ear thing works itself out soon chick xoxoxoxo
Hope your mw appointment goes ok today Abi!

Woohoo I'm no longer a papaya! Helloooo eggplant :haha:

How's everyone doing today? Anyone struggling with sleeping? I can't get comfortable and I wake so many times in the night! I'm exhausted by morning! :cry: xxx

YES YES YES!!!!! I feel exactly the same....before I was getting up a million times a night to weewee but now i am just so restless that i keep waking myself up all night! Having bad scary dreams and am obsessing about bubs movement subconsciously i think that i'm just not getting a solid nights sleep!

Going to bed around 9.30, reading til i'm tired and then lights out at 10-10.30ish and i'm awake again (like wide awake and could get up) at 4am.....usually lay awake til about 5.30 then fall asleep and my alarm goes off at 6am so then have to get up and am exhausted!

I was thinking last night in the middle of the night that went we go into labour and if it lasts a couple of days then potentially we may be awake for 2-3 days before bubs is born (this has happened to several of my friends)....anyway normally if you don't sleep for a few days you always know you'll catch up at some point but then when new baby is here there is just gonna be no opportunty to catch up!!! That really scares me because i need my sleep to keep me sane! I can manage and function without sleep but my depression and anxiety creeps back in when i'm tired and just can't handle that and am especially concerned coz of the whole post natal depression thing!!!

I may need to actually give in and accept help (eg MIL taking LO for a few hours as a one off so i can have a nap etc.....not something i wanted to have to do but may need to!)

I am so worried about this! I am so crappy without sleep! I hope I have a sleepy baby in the first few days! Xxx
Am I eating too much fruit at work ladies? Can too much be bad?


I'm so paranoid I will be hungry and succumb to the vending machine I'm coming prepared but I do get through most of it in a day!

I just have a tomato and basil mugshot for lunch though!
I have the pulsating heartbeat in the ear too and no prob with my blood pressure. It's a form of tinitus and it's actually just a sign that you are pregnant. Apparently up to 60% of pregnant women will have it at some point in pregnancy, it's due to the increased blood flow :)
Am I eating too much fruit at work ladies? Can too much be bad?

View attachment 340282

I'm so paranoid I will be hungry and succumb to the vending machine I'm coming prepared but I do get through most of it in a day!

I just have a tomato and basil mugshot for lunch though!

OMG I am so jealous of how strong willed you are!!!!

My desk often looks the same but then it just sits there and goes off as i don't generally eat it! I may eat the grapes and banana but i usually put chocolate spread on bananas to make them more edible! I HATE fruit and veg with a passion and it's so hard for me to eat this crap!

I have had a currant teacake for brekkie and am now downing a blackcurrant and soda so my wee is less yellow when i pee in the bottle in about 10 mins time!!!!!
Abi don't worry about the sleep thing... yes that does happen and you will be KNACKERED at first as baby will be wanting to feed every 2-4 hours for the first few weeks, but you manage. I hadn't slept for 48 hours when Holly was born. I was feeling crampy on the Thursday night so couldn't sleep at all then ended up getting out of bed at 3am to sit on the toilet (I thought I needed a poo, but I was actually in labour ha ha) so when I had her on Saturday morning, the last time I had slept was Wednesday night! So I was shattered. But newborns sleep A LOT at first and you just have to do what I didn't do and sleep when baby does. I didn't and tried to do housework and go on facebook and stuff, but I bloody wish I did! Holly was one of these babies with day and night mixed up at first and so she was awake from 2am til 6am for the first 6 weeks!! I was knackered. Anyway, you will most probably feel like a zombie for the first 6 weeks or so, I had no idea what day/time it was or anything but it does get better. And if you sleep during the day when baby does you would feel a lot better. It's just getting used to broken sleep that's the thing. Now this time, I won't have the opportunity to sleep when baby sleeps anyway as I will have Holly during the day! I will be SHATTERED!!
Good luck at the midwife abi! And don't worry about the no sleep thing, you find a way to cope!! I didn't sleep for days as was in early labour for 4 days and then went in to have her on the sunday evening and didn't have her till the Monday afternoon, and then was really poorly in hospital for nearly a week! DH also only had a week paternity, so by the time I got home he had to go back to work :( I am hoping it will be alot different this time as DH is now self employed, so can have more time off to help me out especially as will have Grace this time aswell

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