June bugs 2012! 6x Boys 12x Girls 8x Team Yellow :)

Glad your scan went well Babyd.

Sounds like everyone is busy planning and buying stuff.
Not sure we're doing anything for Valentines day as we're off to Barcelona on Wednesday. Sure we'll more than make up for it there though.

I'm back in Nottingham with my parents overnight and been shopping today with my mum and my best friend. My mum and dad have bought us an amazing bouncy chair from Mamas and Papas and I bought the matching cot mobile with some money from my Gran. We would never have justified spending that ourselves but when people want to buy you something, then it's rude to say no...


We got the Astro bouncer and the galaxy mobile (which turns into an activity centre later on). We have 4 of the MAGIC card packs as well- each one has 150 songs/tunes/stories/games on them- so baby should never be bored! Also arrived to a bag of owl themed baby goodies for the nursery.

Loving buying stuff- makes it all seem real. We are ordering our Uppababy pram too Euronova- in the green- can't wait to get it!

Hope everyone has a romantic valentines day. Glad you had such a lovely birthday TrAYbaby. Abi- your plan for hubby's birthday sounds great.

Thanks for all your well wishes girls :flower:
Scan went absolutely amazing!! Everything was fine with all measurements and all bones are formed well! We were even lucky enough to see him in 4d :cloud9: it was so amazing. One thing she did say was that he is measuring 24 weeks and that she is certain he will be bigger than grace was :wacko: But I will be having regular scans to check growth and to see that he doesn't get any broken bones x

im very glad all has gone well :happydance:

im pretty sure my baby is breech at the mo too as i get lots of kicks to the cervix! tho i know shes small enough to be all over still, but the kicks always catch me off guard lol
Yeh they said baby was breech today and also at last scan..here is a couple of 4d pics :)


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Really glad your scan went well Babyd :)

Wow Broodybelle I am jealous of your purchases they look so cool!! xx
Morning girls,

Tuesday is the worst day of the week for me but not today it's V DAY!!!!! And Valentine Day!! Have a lovely day girls hope you all get spoilt xx
Yay - Happy V day GemGem

Were not doing anything for Valentines day, although i bought a heart shaped gingerbread from the local bakers and put it in my hubbys packup with a cheezy 69p card! Thought it might make him giggle!

We have decide on our Names,

Girl - Rose Audrey

Audrey is Jims Mums name, she died in her 50's, 11 years ago, I never met her and Jim misses her so very much

Boy - Joseph James
Yay Gem happy v-day hun!!! Congrats! Such a nice feeling!!

Babyd....so so happy for you hun and what an amazing 4D experience and the pics are soooo cool! We were thinking about getting a 4D scan but i just don't know if i can justify spending the money on it or not! Will maybe do some research and see how cheap I can get it for!

Anyone else thinking of a 4D scan?

Right...need to talk about me for a sec if that's ok.....so last night when i was laid on my back in bed, bubs was moving and kicking like a good'un, then so far this morning absolutely nothing, nada, niet, rien! I don't get it??? Anyway that in itself is a little unnerving BUT i then (about 45 mins ago) came over SOOOOOOOOOOO dizzy i thought at one point i was going to fall over! I had to grab the wall to steady myself. Thought it was lack of food so had my porridge with jam in (trying not to eat the old bacon sarnies!) but still don't feel right. My head is swimming and it feels a bit like that thing when you go to bed pissed and wake up in the night for a wee and everything is moving???

What could it be?? Is it normal? Is it just hormones? Luckily i have my 25week midwife apt tomorrow so will ask there but i can't wait til then coz i am worried that something is wrong??

Help please someone.............
Yay - Happy V day GemGem

Were not doing anything for Valentines day, although i bought a heart shaped gingerbread from the local bakers and put it in my hubbys packup with a cheezy 69p card! Thought it might make him giggle!

We have decide on our Names,

Girl - Rose Audrey

Audrey is Jims Mums name, she died in her 50's, 11 years ago, I never met her and Jim misses her so very much

Boy - Joseph James

Those names are lovely Emma! my friend called her baby girl Audrey and she is just beautiful and the name is beautiful too! Lovely way to honour Jim's mum too....I hope it's a girl now!!

Joseph James is lovely too....you can call him JJ!

We're sticking with Matilda Rose I think......i was having slight doubts about Matilda as I'm not sure if it sounds a bit german or something....I'm thinking about spelling it the french way to soften it, either Mathilde or Mathilda (even though it will still sound the same!)....I love france and lived there for a while and always said when i lived there that i wanted to have french babies!! Obviously that never happened but I was thinking about the film Leon and the way Jean Reno says Matilda in his french accent is ace!

To be honest she has been called Tilly since we decided on the name so although her birth cert etc will have the full name on there i think she will always be known as Tilly!!
Abi I have no idea! But if you are worried call the doctor or midwife today! Even just to put your mind at eases! I hope you feel better soon!
emma- i like Audrey a lot.
I think we have pretty much decided on a name for our little boy. We want to call him Elliot ( middle names are traditionally the grandad so eithe Elliot Michel Timothy or Elliot Timothy Michel)
Going to put the deposit on my green uppababby pram today, than off for a yummy mummy massage at Harrods and lunch with OH.
LO has been kicking loads in the last 4 days, before I could be a day or two without feeling much but it's becoming more regular. OH put his hand on my tummy last night and I told him he might have to e patient as I wasn't feeling anything then. But instantly the baby gave this massive kick right into his palm! You should have seen the look on his face!
Yay Gem happy v-day hun!!! Congrats! Such a nice feeling!!

Babyd....so so happy for you hun and what an amazing 4D experience and the pics are soooo cool! We were thinking about getting a 4D scan but i just don't know if i can justify spending the money on it or not! Will maybe do some research and see how cheap I can get it for!

Anyone else thinking of a 4D scan?

Right...need to talk about me for a sec if that's ok.....so last night when i was laid on my back in bed, bubs was moving and kicking like a good'un, then so far this morning absolutely nothing, nada, niet, rien! I don't get it??? Anyway that in itself is a little unnerving BUT i then (about 45 mins ago) came over SOOOOOOOOOOO dizzy i thought at one point i was going to fall over! I had to grab the wall to steady myself. Thought it was lack of food so had my porridge with jam in (trying not to eat the old bacon sarnies!) but still don't feel right. My head is swimming and it feels a bit like that thing when you go to bed pissed and wake up in the night for a wee and everything is moving???

What could it be?? Is it normal? Is it just hormones? Luckily i have my 25week midwife apt tomorrow so will ask there but i can't wait til then coz i am worried that something is wrong??

Help please someone.............

Abi, I dont get any sort of regular movement, I had some in bed last night and nothing since, midwife said this is normal, slightly worried that your feeling dizzy, maybe give midwife/doc a ring anyway, cant do any harm.

Oh and have a good appointment tomorrow.

I wont be getting 3/4D scan, redundancy is rubbish, cannot afford much at the moment and hubby says its a waste of money :(
Abi I have no idea! But if you are worried call the doctor or midwife today! Even just to put your mind at eases! I hope you feel better soon!
emma- i like Audrey a lot.
I think we have pretty much decided on a name for our little boy. We want to call him Elliot ( middle names are traditionally the grandad so eithe Elliot Michel Timothy or Elliot Timothy Michel)
Going to put the deposit on my green uppababby pram today, than off for a yummy mummy massage at Harrods and lunch with OH.
LO has been kicking loads in the last 4 days, before I could be a day or two without feeling much but it's becoming more regular. OH put his hand on my tummy last night and I told him he might have to e patient as I wasn't feeling anything then. But instantly the baby gave this massive kick right into his palm! You should have seen the look on his face!

Elliott is a lovely name,

Very jelous of your massage, I did have the day off but have to go in for a few hours :(

I caanot wait till I can feel outside kicks.
Abi, I would try not to worry hun, I had this alot with Grace and had it a couple of times this pregnancy aswell - my midwife just told me to rest and eat and drink regularly, it could be your blood pressure is low or your anaemic so mention it to your midwife as she might want to do a blood test :hugs:
As for the 4d scan, it was absolutely amazing to see baby in 4d yesterday, but I am not sure I would spend the money on it, unless I was rich and could splash it about abit!
dont forget abi your baby will have times that they sleep too :hugs: i find this little one has got her own routine now :haha: she barely kicks in the mornings then awakes up mid morning to afternoon your bubs prob is asleep or turned away you cant feel them as much. the dizziness im not sure could be maybe you got up a little too quickly? if your concerned id call your midwife just for reassurance. :hugs:
i really really want a 3d/4d scan :cry: oh missed the last two scans and i just want him to see her moving around!
Hey Ladies,
I am not going to have a 4d scan cause we already gave in and found the sex so we want to keep a bit of a surprise as to what the baby will look like :haha:
However I received an offer in the post today that might temp a few of you!!

4D scan from Pekaboo - West Sussex - £88 : 5-10 min DVD of scan in 4D + colour prints + 3D images on CD + wellbeing check (+ 37 week position check for £10)

Just ordered our pram :) getting it end of March so we will practise walking with the dogs :D
Also looked at the paccapod changing bag and really like the Logan one and OH likes it too (not too girly) so will get that when we get the pram :)
And just ordered a UV light soother on the go steriliser (I love gadgets!!), we are not even sure the baby will be having soothers but let's face it, it prob will :haha:
Abic- I have been feeling dizzy and a bit shaky this morning too I have just eating so going to see if this makes it any better otherwise I think it will be a trip to the doctors tomorrow as I dont have a midwife appt till 20th march and I do think I am anemic like I was with Ollie as I am sure I got it round about this time last time.
Thanks for all your advice girls.....i really don't want to call the midwife because it would be the central midwife team and they were rude to me last time! When i had that week of REALLY intense painful headaches and I called for some reassurance and they just said i need to see my doctor! It takes ages to book a Dr's apt at my Drs too....if i didn't have the midwife apt tomorrow I would defo be calling etc but I figure there's not much they can do between now and then?? I had my BP checked about 3 weeks ago and all was fine? Oh well will just wait and see tomorrow.....i'm just feeling sorry for myself now :-( I don't think I feel AS dizzy as I did this morning but it's still there a bit really....its not like something that happens for a few seconds or minutes, it just feels constant woosy swimming head but will hopefully either feel better tomorrow or get some reassurance tomorrow at least!

I think i may have just felt a tiny kick but not sure......OMG why is being pregnant so flippin worrying?? Its gonna be none stop worry forever now!! I'm already scared about the whole cotdeath thing and what we can do to reduce the risk etc....a friend of mine told me about these things which monitor baby's breathing and will sound an alarm if there is no breathing for 30 seconds etc! dunno what they are or how much they cost but will need to do some research!

Just want today to be over now.....good job me & DH don't do valentines coz he'd be in for a really shit night tonight!!

PS I have just booked my 4D scan for 3rd March!!! Can't wait already....haven't paid a deposit or anything so can always change my mind!! Not gonna tell DH that i haven't paid anything tho coz he will think i've just wasted £100!!!!
PS i've justified spending the money by the fact that i haven't been out drinking etc for months and therefore saved tons of money! Oh and usually go skiing at this time of year and haven't done that either so there's more money saved!!!!

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