hope everyone is well, ive tried to have a good read through and catch up since i was last on at the weekend but you guys post way to quick lol. if i miss anything out i apologise, i obviously need to make more of an effort to get on here more lol.
loving all of the bump pics, they are fab to look at, plus nice to see everyones little bumps getting bigger
for those worrying about the gtt, try not to apparently in a lot of areas they make all ladies do them whether they have any traces/high bmi or not. but then obviously some areas only do it in those cases, you just need to think of it as a morning off work. and no matter what your results, obviously we hope for good ones! they will come up with the best way to manage it, best to be safe than sorry. when i was in lincoln i didnt have to have one, but now i have moved to shropshire they do want me to.
as for feeling kicks, im getting them really regular now, but i have started to notice patterns of timings, im currently being hoofed right now

, as for the area where they are felt, i do feel them quite low down still, only very occaisionally higher up nearer under my belly button.
for those worrying about frequency, try not to worry too much, i still have odd days where i dont feel anything or very little.
glad your scan went well babyd, lovely pics and very lucky you managed to see in 4d. fx all the growth scans go well for you.
we have been thinking about maybe going for another scan or a 4d one, but we are a bit worried that we will accidently find out the sex if we do that, also i want to leave what baby looks like as a surprise, so will probably just stick with the two we have already had, at the moment our money is quite tight until the house sells so be best off buying the bedding or something instead.
Its fab that everyone is now all buying things, i pick up my moses basket today when ive finished work, will have to upload a pic of it later. i managed to get it for £10 on ebay with the rocking stand. it was only used for 6 weeks so in very good condition, just need to get a new mattress for it which will only be about £12. thats a saving of nearly £60 for the one i was going to get
broodybelle, so sorry to hear about your cousin, glad everything is well with them both now, with her being young she will cope fine with it all, although may be a bit much. i know its a bit different but crohns runs in hubsters family, his brother and sister both have it and they were told at a young age they would have to have a colostomy bag fitted after so long as their gut would need removing. fingers crossed they can revert back quite soon, although with it having saved her life im sure she wont feel too badly about it. it will be a bit of a pain but you can still do everything you could before, just a bit of forward lanning sometimes instead. glad baby leo has put weight on, im sure he will do brilliantly and be a little fighter. have a fabulous time away and make sure you relax.
as for being uncomfortable sleeping - i have this every night, i dont often have to get up for a pee anymore but i seem to wake up every few hours to feel wide awake, massively uncomfortable and a bit frustrated im not getting my full 8 hours. so this week i have been proper knackered and cannot wait for the weekend when i can have a proper lie in.
on the subject of eating i think i am having way too much during the day. i find though if i dont eat enough i get a horrible acidy taste in the back of my mouth that nearly makes me sick. i dont have breakfast at home as i cant eat when i first get up, i get up at 7 and leave the house by half past. so i have a banana when i get into the office with a cup of fruit tea, then an hour later have a hot cross bun or some snack a jacks or cereal bar, another hour or so later i have either cheesestrings/dunkers, then i have my crisps about half 12 and my main lunch of either soup/mugshot/sandwich, then my yogurt half hour later, my apple or grapes etc an hour after that, and to keep my energy up my penguin. if im still a bit hungry a handfull of dried fruit and nuts. feel such a pig now thats written down. for tea though i have my main meal, then either an ice lolly or a slice of homemade cake or something and nothing usually after that. im drinking 8+ glasses of water/squash a day so im not dehydrated instead.
dont know how you guys can love cleaning, i cant stand the smell of cleaning products at the moment, hubster has to do all of that housework. i tend to stick to washing, the dishes, hoovering etc that doesnt involve any cleaning fluids. yak!
on monday i started doing pregancy yoga and i have to say im feeling good now, a lot better in my legs etc and not feeling so much pain there anymore. spoke to my midwife on tuesday when i had my home visit and she said it sounds like its helping so to carry on with that. she doesnt think i have spd so thats a bit of a releif. well ill see how i get on, but i do recommend the classes if you can get to them, not only for the gentle stretching etc but also good for the breathing techniques. plus movements you can use to help speed up the process etc so all good

home visit went well and got to hear the heartbeat again which made our valentines day. although it has gone up now, was 144 last time and was 158 this time, must have been proper wriggling around.
anyways i better get going as time to leave work. will catch up later when got back from picking up the basket.
laters xx