June bugs 2012! 6x Boys 12x Girls 8x Team Yellow :)

is it normal to get achey period like pains at this point in pregnancy? its similar to the strecthing pains in the first tri

I have been getting a few pains, but put that down to my bladder infection. Not been getting period type pains, are they all the time? It is prob just everything moving about in there and moving further up maybe?

yeah its a constant pain at the mo.. i cant just called a midwife or doc here i have to go in if i wanna talk to them and that will cost me 60 euro which i just dont have this week :nope: i hate how here you cant just go to the doc if you have a problem :cry:
is it normal to get achey period like pains at this point in pregnancy? its similar to the strecthing pains in the first tri

I have been getting a few pains, but put that down to my bladder infection. Not been getting period type pains, are they all the time? It is prob just everything moving about in there and moving further up maybe?

yeah its a constant pain at the mo.. i cant just called a midwife or doc here i have to go in if i wanna talk to them and that will cost me 60 euro which i just dont have this week :nope: i hate how here you cant just go to the doc if you have a problem :cry:

Oh hun :hugs: maybe have a nice warm bath and go to bed with a hot water bottle? And if it is still bad can you go to A+E?x
I went through a little stage of nesting a couple of weeks ago, but it soon stopped! House is a tip, but I made lists at work today of what needs doing so we can start getting organised and actually buying stuff!
Oh and I found this the other day, it's a pregnancy weight gain tracker if any of you are worried about how much you should be putting on - I thought I'd put on way to much so far, but it actually is normal! https://www.babycenter.com/pregnancy-weight-gain-estimator

This is awesome thanks babyd! My dot is on the upper limit line!!!
So...went to the midwife this morning and all is well with me and bubs :-) no HB today as she said coz i've had movements they don't bother with the HB which i was a bit disappointed with!

Anyway my bump is measuring 27cm which she said is over a cm too big....she said it's not too much of a problem but not to get any bigger than 5cm too big as they will need to refer me to the diabetes clinic! she was basically telling me that i have a cm too much flab!!

Yippeeee i love my flabby protective blubber thats actually keeping bubs warm!
is it normal to get achey period like pains at this point in pregnancy? its similar to the strecthing pains in the first tri

I have been getting a few pains, but put that down to my bladder infection. Not been getting period type pains, are they all the time? It is prob just everything moving about in there and moving further up maybe?

yeah its a constant pain at the mo.. i cant just called a midwife or doc here i have to go in if i wanna talk to them and that will cost me 60 euro which i just dont have this week :nope: i hate how here you cant just go to the doc if you have a problem :cry:

Oh hun :hugs: maybe have a nice warm bath and go to bed with a hot water bottle? And if it is still bad can you go to A+E?x

thanks for your support, its horrible cuz oh is out til 11 and im trying to figure out the gas heating (new place) but cant for the water, i had it on for a whole hour and the water is still luke temp.. i dunno if im suppose to adjust the temp some how :dohh: anyway hopefully i'll figure it out
Hope you managed to sort your hot water Redrose and hope you are feeling better this morning!
Well, my SPD has definitely arrived now :( been really uncomfortable for about a week, but couldn't get out of bed this morning and the pain is really bad. Need to go doctors to get referred to physio - should have done it a month ago when midwife said because now i'm gonna have to wait another month before I see anyone :(
So...went to the midwife this morning and all is well with me and bubs :-) no HB today as she said coz i've had movements they don't bother with the HB which i was a bit disappointed with!

Anyway my bump is measuring 27cm which she said is over a cm too big....she said it's not too much of a problem but not to get any bigger than 5cm too big as they will need to refer me to the diabetes clinic! she was basically telling me that i have a cm too much flab!!

Yippeeee i love my flabby protective blubber thats actually keeping bubs warm!

Mine was 26cm Abi, dont worry too uch,
Im glad all is well :happydance:, im getting a little more movement now, want more though!!

Hows the nursery going?
We still need to paint the walls, done ceiling only so far, oh and the gloassing needs doing too!
the other day i went over board with the cleaning (addicted to dettol at the mo) and cleaned the floors and bathrooms and kitchen sides with dettol and hot water... my god the house smelt lovely to me.. my oh was like omg it smells too clean :rofl:

Dettol is fab isnt it! I clean with it too!!:blush:
i admit i also put it in the bath last night after i finally worked out th water .. :blush:
babyd i hope the doc can do something to help your pains :(
i had a v scary night, the pains got worse, so i went for a bath all was fine then i got out and my left arm started hurting and going tingly :shrug: it was like when u roll on your arm for too long and the fingers go dead.. i couldnt get the pain to stop so i went to bed hoping it was stop.. luckily it did, i woke this morning and my arm and bump are feeling much better and i think my bump was just moving up cuz its rock hard higher up now and i can feel ava move higher up
Morning girls

Talking of dettol and cleaning stuff, I got a weird craving for the smell of Flash All for One cleaning stuff when I was pregnant with Holly. It got really bad, I cleaned with it about 6 times a day then I'd put it on a cloth and carry it round with me inhaling it!! I think it's called Pica when you have cravings for non edible things. I used to really really want to eat it so bad, I used to salivate at the thought of it!! So weird!! I remember it started at about 30 weeks, so I will see if I get a weird craving for it again. I think it's meant to relate to some kind of deficiency when you crave non-edible things!

Red rose I had period pains all the way through with Holly, not so much this time though. Have they settled down now? They're very unnerving, I remember well!

Don't worry too much about fundal height as well, I always measured 3 weeks ahead but they weren't bothered. I think they said more than 3 and they send you for a growth scan. Holly was 2 weeks early though!

Baby D and Abi sorry to hear about the SPD :( It's bloody awful isn't it! I have to say, I am yet to see any improvement from physio, but on the plus side it hasn't really got any worse. I went for my 2nd appointment on Monday and she examined me and the hip she had manipulated had popped back to the same place it was in to start with, so the first session hadn't made any difference. She said it can take a few goes, so she did the same again and I'm seeing her again in a fortnight.

I'm starting to feel really tired again as I approach 3rd tri. I can not believe it's almost time for 3rd tri already! I remember getting very very tired in the middle of 3rd tri last time and I've started needing that afternoon nap already and I feel like I'm dragging myself around some days. It's starting to become a bit more real now though, I'm starting to realise I am actually going to have another baby in around 3 months! Crazy!

We've got quite a bit done, got all the baby stuff down from the loft, cleared the spare room which will now be the nursery, I've sorted Holly's clothes into sizes, all ready to be washed. I don't think we will have to buy any clothes for Evie's first year at least, she has so many! ha ha! We've got the car seat out and all the bedding, moses basket, towels, toys, steriliser etc out. Bought new bottles, nappies, wipes, breast pump, and crib bedding and I got my PJs for hospital the other day too.

A piece of advise for me would be to take black/dark PJ bottoms into hospital with you. I was so, so glad I had loose black PJ bottoms and a strappy top. I bled much more than I thought I would after the birth (wore 2 maternity pads next to each other!) and you inevitably leak. I saw so many women with light coloured PJ bottoms or nighties with blood patches on them. So I specifically went out and got some dark PJ bottoms! They're not even maternity ones, just stretchy, soft normal ones as you do go down a bit after the birth. I guess I went down to looking about 5/6 months pregnant after the birth.

I've decided to go down and stay with my Mum and Dad for a week. They've been here visiting this last couple of days and have offered to take me back with them and bring me back in a weeks time. It's been so handy to have my mum look after Holly a lot and do a lot of the lifting and pram pushing, so think it'll do me good! Not to mention that Holly will get spoilt rotten! Anyway, so I will try and get on here and catch up but might not be able to post as often as usual.

Oh and has anyone else's boobs started to really hurt now?? Mine absolutely kill!! My nipples are on fire!! Oh well, preparing for milk so it's all good!

Note to self, don't forget to buy lansinoh nipple cream...
RedRose- Glad your pains have stopped now I remember having them with Ollie and the next morning would wake p with a bigger bump :haha: so guessing it is maybe growth spurts but I know they can be worrying.

babyd- Sorry your SPD has got bad. Hope the physio will help you out a bit.

Emzy- I know all about the tiredness I have got it again already I cant remember being this tired at this stage with Ollie I am having to have the odd afternoon nap not everyday but somedays :haha:
I agree on the dark pjs bottoms I took dark ones in to and was very glad. I really need to get a move on and start getting things sorted I want to get my pram out and cleaned and sell that one I need to look for a new one get all Ollies clothes out and sell what I can of them as wont be needing the boys clothes anymore. I am keeping the odd boy outfit just incase lil one had a hiding willy (paranoid I know :haha:) i have bought a swing for lil girl as only had a bouncy chair last time and have bought one outfit I think when I was pregnant with Ollie I had everything sorted by now I need to get a wriggle on as before I know it, it will be June :haha:
Emzy you have done so much! I am really really getting unsettled now as we haven't done/got anything and not even sure about where baby is sleeping yet :( really need to get sorted.
You made me laugh about smelling the flash, I have a thing about smells anyway and constantly have dh scarf around me with his aftershave on haha!
I didn't get any help from the physio last time, they sent me to a group session which really didn't help at all! My nipples are also on fire, but not as bad as I had with Grace. One thing I have escaped this time is heartburn - I suffered badly from day 1 last time, but not had it all so far!
Redrose, glad the pains have settled down abit and glad the other girls have also experienced them to put your mind at rest!
thanks ladies i feel much better now, i was so anxious yesterday that it was bh or something that i did nothing yesterday just rested.. it really helped. ive got a house warming tonight so my friend is gonna help me today :) i still have the period like ache but its not as bad as yesterday, i might take some paracetamol and put it outta my head as i know its just stretching pains.. also i got my first stretch mark :cry:
emzy i have been getting sore boobs and nips but mostly if im cold..
Afternoon Girls,

Redrose glad your feeling better today, there is nothing worse than being on your own and feeling like that.
Babyd sorry to hear your spd is bad it sounds terrible and I am touching wood I don't get it!
Abi really glad your midwife appointment went well. I looked at the link for watching our weight and I think I am actually over the top line :dohh:

Have a lovely time at your mum and dads Emzy the break will do you good. Funny you should say about painful nipples I have been getting it really bad but like Redrose said only when I'm really cold, they are so painful though that I want to pull them off!!!
Glad you're feeling better Redrose. So hard not to worry at every pain.
Sounds like people are starting to get organised, useful tip about dark coloured pj bottoms. Thanks.
Barcelona is beautiful. Have spent most of the day wandering and I'm absolutely knackered. Feet hurt, bump hurts and I'm ready for a napl. Lovely to get some sunshine though. Thankfully the hot el room has a bed that you can move up and down automatically. So have my feet raised up in a bid to bring them back to life!
My cousin has called her little boy Leo Arthur.

hope everyone is well, ive tried to have a good read through and catch up since i was last on at the weekend but you guys post way to quick lol. if i miss anything out i apologise, i obviously need to make more of an effort to get on here more lol.

loving all of the bump pics, they are fab to look at, plus nice to see everyones little bumps getting bigger :)

for those worrying about the gtt, try not to apparently in a lot of areas they make all ladies do them whether they have any traces/high bmi or not. but then obviously some areas only do it in those cases, you just need to think of it as a morning off work. and no matter what your results, obviously we hope for good ones! they will come up with the best way to manage it, best to be safe than sorry. when i was in lincoln i didnt have to have one, but now i have moved to shropshire they do want me to.

as for feeling kicks, im getting them really regular now, but i have started to notice patterns of timings, im currently being hoofed right now :), as for the area where they are felt, i do feel them quite low down still, only very occaisionally higher up nearer under my belly button.
for those worrying about frequency, try not to worry too much, i still have odd days where i dont feel anything or very little.

glad your scan went well babyd, lovely pics and very lucky you managed to see in 4d. fx all the growth scans go well for you.
we have been thinking about maybe going for another scan or a 4d one, but we are a bit worried that we will accidently find out the sex if we do that, also i want to leave what baby looks like as a surprise, so will probably just stick with the two we have already had, at the moment our money is quite tight until the house sells so be best off buying the bedding or something instead.

Its fab that everyone is now all buying things, i pick up my moses basket today when ive finished work, will have to upload a pic of it later. i managed to get it for £10 on ebay with the rocking stand. it was only used for 6 weeks so in very good condition, just need to get a new mattress for it which will only be about £12. thats a saving of nearly £60 for the one i was going to get :)

broodybelle, so sorry to hear about your cousin, glad everything is well with them both now, with her being young she will cope fine with it all, although may be a bit much. i know its a bit different but crohns runs in hubsters family, his brother and sister both have it and they were told at a young age they would have to have a colostomy bag fitted after so long as their gut would need removing. fingers crossed they can revert back quite soon, although with it having saved her life im sure she wont feel too badly about it. it will be a bit of a pain but you can still do everything you could before, just a bit of forward lanning sometimes instead. glad baby leo has put weight on, im sure he will do brilliantly and be a little fighter. have a fabulous time away and make sure you relax.

as for being uncomfortable sleeping - i have this every night, i dont often have to get up for a pee anymore but i seem to wake up every few hours to feel wide awake, massively uncomfortable and a bit frustrated im not getting my full 8 hours. so this week i have been proper knackered and cannot wait for the weekend when i can have a proper lie in.

on the subject of eating i think i am having way too much during the day. i find though if i dont eat enough i get a horrible acidy taste in the back of my mouth that nearly makes me sick. i dont have breakfast at home as i cant eat when i first get up, i get up at 7 and leave the house by half past. so i have a banana when i get into the office with a cup of fruit tea, then an hour later have a hot cross bun or some snack a jacks or cereal bar, another hour or so later i have either cheesestrings/dunkers, then i have my crisps about half 12 and my main lunch of either soup/mugshot/sandwich, then my yogurt half hour later, my apple or grapes etc an hour after that, and to keep my energy up my penguin. if im still a bit hungry a handfull of dried fruit and nuts. feel such a pig now thats written down. for tea though i have my main meal, then either an ice lolly or a slice of homemade cake or something and nothing usually after that. im drinking 8+ glasses of water/squash a day so im not dehydrated instead.

dont know how you guys can love cleaning, i cant stand the smell of cleaning products at the moment, hubster has to do all of that housework. i tend to stick to washing, the dishes, hoovering etc that doesnt involve any cleaning fluids. yak!

on monday i started doing pregancy yoga and i have to say im feeling good now, a lot better in my legs etc and not feeling so much pain there anymore. spoke to my midwife on tuesday when i had my home visit and she said it sounds like its helping so to carry on with that. she doesnt think i have spd so thats a bit of a releif. well ill see how i get on, but i do recommend the classes if you can get to them, not only for the gentle stretching etc but also good for the breathing techniques. plus movements you can use to help speed up the process etc so all good :)
home visit went well and got to hear the heartbeat again which made our valentines day. although it has gone up now, was 144 last time and was 158 this time, must have been proper wriggling around.

anyways i better get going as time to leave work. will catch up later when got back from picking up the basket.

laters xx
Quick question ladies are your movements still low mine are very low I cant remember what they were like with Ollie at this point.
Quick question ladies are your movements still low mine are very low I cant remember what they were like with Ollie at this point.

Mine move around quite abit, they are low this evening but sometimes are up round my belly button!x

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