June bugs 2012! 6x Boys 12x Girls 8x Team Yellow :)

I'm feeling movement all over the place. Sometimes very low and sometimes near my belly button - and everywhere in between. Baby obviously still has lots of room to swim around!
morning everyone, can I ask is anyone else unbelievably tired? I actually gave in and went to bed at 7.30 last night and slept right through till a pee break at 4am and then slept again until 6.30am and I am still tired could quite happily go back to bed! Had all my iron levels etc checked a few weeks ago and they were fine.

Starting to get so fed up with not getting anything done as Im either asleep or wanting to be! I feel like all I do is work and sleep LOL

Congrats to everyone that has had scans and found out what they are having :)

Thanks for the tips Emzy I'll write them down so I dont forget nearer the time.
Glad to see i'm not the only one suffereing extreme tiredness too

Hugs to those of you suffering the dreaded SPD :(
i can feel baby all over.. how can you tell if you have a lying low placenta? cuz i think i could have one as i can feel baby all over and thought there would be a patch i wouldnt cuz of the placenta
I have a low lying placenta (it partially covers the cervix and then comes up at the front as my partner puts it "like big granny pants")and it was picked up on my scans. So I would imagine they would have told you at the 20 week scan as I have to go back for another one at 34 weeks to see if it has moved.

I dont really feel bubs at all at the moment and was told I may not until aprrox 25 weeks :( so I'm really jealous of those of you that can feel baby kicking.
they never checked for the placenta at my last appt :( i just thought i should have a part that i cant feel baby and since i can feel her move all over im starting to wonder if my placenta is low.. if your placenta is lying low do you have to have a c section?
they would have looked at the placenta position during your 2 scans. If they did not mention it was low then it is prob normal. Mine is low on the left side but does not go over the cervix so they think it will be fine but I am still having a scan at 34 weeks to check it has moved completely out the way (they tend to grow upward with the baby so usually are not a problem in the end... if it stays over the cervix they can recommend a c-section as there are more risks of heavy bleeding in labour)
I feel taps and kicks all over but thinking about it I never feel any on the bottom left corner of my tummy so prob where the placenta is attached :)
Weighed myself this morning and put on 2 pounds in like 2 days! will try and have a light day today as i really want to stay on track!!! Hopefully it's only cause i had a fairly big meal last night!
If it doesnt move then yes i will :nope: as it partially covers the cervix. Not sure how much it has to move to be ok.

They seemed pretty confident it should move as its attached to the front wall so it should get pulled up out of the way as my bump gets bigger
Mines low lying they found out at my 20 week scan and I have to go back at 32 weeks. Could be that yours is posterior (at the back of the womb) and so you feel them all over. I had a low lying placenta last time too at 20 weeks but it moved by 32. It's quite unusual for them not to move by 36 weeks but if they don't, then yes you have to have a section x
oh i didnt think of that possible it could be? they told me they dont check where the placenta is here til 32 weeks which i think its stupid if someone went into early labour.
they even forgot to test my sil's fr streb (which here is meant to be done between 35-37 weeks) they only did it this week at 39 weeks and found out she does infact have it, and if she had gone into early labour the baby could of gotten sick. do you get checked in the uk for that?
We don't get routinely tested for it in my area but I know some areas do x
here is my 23 week bump ladies..

and yayy emzy for nearly double digits til baby :)


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Morning ladies,

Had my 25wk midwife appointment today and all is going well :thumbup:

Heard little ones heartbeat (130bpm) :cloud9: and measuring 25cm exactly for fundal height

Next appointment scheduled for 28wks to have Anti D injection

I hope you are all well and happy xx
Hello everyone! OMG it's the freaking weekend all long last!!! I think we're all feeling abit the same with the tiredness by the sounds of things!

Redrose - are you talking about Strep B?? I asked this same question on here a few days ago and doesn't sound like most people got the test. A friend of mine told me to insist on the test but i don't know at which point that happens??? I thought it was during labour???

I had my follow up heamotologist appt this morning....was expecting to see the consultant i saw last time for her to tell me about my blood results etc but when they called me in I went straight into the scanning room with a different consultant! Anyway although at my 20 wk scan they said it's prob a girl, i did come out feeling a bit of an anticlimax coz she jsut sounded so unsure...anyway they took me in today and literally were like, due to the blodd condition we must confirm that you're not carrying a boy due to the risks to the baby in labour if it is a boy. So they did a spefic sexing scan for me and it's like 99.99999999999999999% a girl!! He even pointed out her bits and said (in his dead posh voice!) "i know it's rather crude but you can see here there's a hamburger shape which is your daughters erm lips"....I had to do everything not to just crack up laughing!!!! Bless her!!! Got to see all the bits and bobs again which i kinda missed at 20wks coz the sonographer wouldn't really show me much although DH got to see most of the scan but the screen was turned away from me :-(
Anyway i am a happy happy girl now that they are so sure and i can defo not be worried that i'm decorating a nursery for a girl that may be a boy!

Speaking of which....I haven't made a start on the nursery yet....just spent weeks and weeks picking my 'scheme' but mum has ordered the material which arrived this week to make the curtains and bunting. We're just struggling to get the room cleared of crap at the moment and we have an old crappy wardrobe we're getting rid of but need our new one for our bedroom to arrive before we can get rid! Once that's gone and the desk etc is out of there I can start painting and glossing and then get the carpet man round for that too! Oh and moving and replacing the radiator coz it's old and i want a nice new one! Can't wait to get it started but think it's gonna be end of march (maybe easter weekend) when we can get round to doing this stuff!

Jellytots....what is that thing you were talking about (ooops its on a different page and i can't go back or else i'll lose everything i've written!!)...you were saying some people have it and you didn't haveit at your last Dr but now you have to have it? OMG sorry i am being cryptic here!!!

Oh and you sound like your diet is pretty good actually....the only 'bad' thing in there is the penguin isn't it? Oh and the crisps? The rest is all good hun!

I am having porridge for brekkie now except on a friday i have a bacon sarnie. had a few McDo but only 3 chicken dippers and a sauce (no fries!)....i've been having loads of chocolate which is my BIGGEST downfall.....had a whole easter egg yesterday and gonna buy me another one on the way home from work! Sod it, it's almost easter innit??

Went to that circuits class on Weds and i still can't walk! Decided to leave all that til after I've had bubs coz it was really hard and also the whole time i couldnt think of anything other than what damage i could potentially be doing to my wee girl! I keep saying i'm gonna stick to swimming but i actually have to go before i can stick to it! DH goes every friday night for Tri-club swimming and puts me to shame (he's proper uber-fit) but i'm sure i'll be really good once i have a baby to run around after! I have now put on 17lbs and i really don't wanna go much past 2 stone but at the same time it's about how you feel not what you weigh coz lots is just water/blood etc innit?

Anywa Jellytots you inspired me....I can't go to baby yogo coz i already pay £72 a month on the gym so i refuse to pay for classes outside the gym but i have just bought a pilates DVD online so i will do that on the days im not swimming (like everday!).

I still have a yoga DVD i bought to get me toned 3 years ago sat still in it's celophane wrapper....oops!

Right....stuff to do before heading home (or should that be the pool??)......hhhmmmm will decide in a bit. Just had a cuppa and a twirl so may need to let that go down first!

Happy freaking friday y'all! xoxoxoxo
Morning ladies,

Had my 25wk midwife appointment today and all is going well :thumbup:

Heard little ones heartbeat (130bpm) :cloud9: and measuring 25cm exactly for fundal height

Next appointment scheduled for 28wks to have Anti D injection

I hope you are all well and happy xx

LUSH to hear babys HB!! that's awesome!! Must be a boy then??? (soz can't remember if you already know but this is my guess!)

Nice that you're measuring just right....it means that you don't have 1.5cm of extra flab on your stomach like i do ;-)
LUSH to hear babys HB!! that's awesome!! Must be a boy then??? (soz can't remember if you already know but this is my guess!)

Nice that you're measuring just right....it means that you don't have 1.5cm of extra flab on your stomach like i do ;-)

Interestingly at the scan I was told by the tech that she would "hedge her bets" that we are :pink: -but she explained that because little one was legs together throughout the whole scan it could be :blue: and he was hiding his bits :dohh:

I have googled "potty shots" endlessly and read up lots about heartbeat theory, and I am pretty confident it is a (very chilled out :haha: ) little girl - but we shall have to wait and see at the 32wk scan now :thumbup:
abi i was told between 35-37 weeks is when they should test you because you need to be on a iv drip with anti biotics throughout the whole labour if you have streb b,

my sil will now have to have an iv drip and no water birth for her
evening, sorry didnt get on agaon last night but ive been feeling pretty ill since got home from work yesterday, turns out i have a throat infection and they cant give me anything for it, well apart from dissolvable co-codamol and this yukky green stuff to gargle every few hours. not really started working yet as feel horrendous now (currently in bed with the laptop, telly and a bag of mini eggs hubster got for me to make me feel better that is quickly disappearing).

abi - its the gtt i was on about, for some reason here they have decreed i come in the overweight category so their guidelines must be lower.
lol, dont work too hard at the gym, you dont want to hurt yourself make sure you take it easy.

thats good your appointment went well abi and they have defo confirmed its a girl. also good they took the time to show you more and be a bit more pleasant to you.

cliqmo pleased your appt went well, my measurement was 25cm dead on too which i was pleased about, just fx it stays normal throughout. the heartbeat was 158 so thinking it may be a girl as was 144 last time. oo will have to wait and see what we both get.

red thats a shame for your sil, but at least they know so can make sure both are safe.

well as i mentioned we picked up the moses basket last night, good job hubster was home as no way i would have been able to drive there and back, was so tired. it is lovely but need to boil wash all the covers etc it is clean but cant be too careful. it is in good condition the stand has only a few scuffs which is fair enough and hardly anything to write home about when it only cost £10 but im going to tidy up the handles a bit by resewing them as you can tell it has been used which is pretty much a given. the only thing i am a little concerned about is that it bows slightly in the middle where there are no wooden supports on the frame, should i put it on the floor and stack it with books all over to even it out and make it completely flat again? just need to get a new mattress for it now which i think is £12 from babies r us. it came with one but im being fussy now and following recommendations ive read in books/online.
anyways here is a pic...


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