June bugs 2012! 6x Boys 12x Girls 8x Team Yellow :)

gosh ladies look at this

I've read about that baby, apparently she had 2 teeth when she was born too! Crazy!!

I will be removing my cot bumpers for the first few months, we're also looking at dream pods rather than loose covers or blankets that can come loose!

defo me too.....not blankets or teddies or anything anywhere near my cot!

I have been reading a book which tells you all about how to get baby to sleep through the night by 12 weeks and looks really good and do-able but it tells you to put baby in the cot from 2 weeks onwards. This worries me as I think i would feel much better if i had her next to me so i can check on her a million times a night!

The thing that i've read with the sensor is that it can give a false sense of security....in other words if the alarm doesn't go off then you assume all is well, when in fact there could be something wrong with the sensor or something??? Also if you have one that goes off quite a lot will you get used to it and assume it's just going off again like it always does?? I really really don't know what to do??

Also read that babies shouldn't have any kind of music/mobiles/lighting displays/bright colours etc near the cot at sleep time or else they will be too stimulated to go to sleep.....i'm now not sure about the BT pacifier (that's the one we were gonna get) as it goes against everything i have read! Oh the above stimulus can be used when waking baby up tho so that they associate the active things (mobile/music/lighting etc) wit waking up!

I have learnt so much in the last couple of days from my book! It's called Baby Secrets by Jo Tantum and is bill!!
i think your right about the sensor pad about giving false sense of security, but even if it didnt go off id still check up on the baby as im sure most mothers would and if it went off a few times cuz of it being highly sensitive i personally would be ok with it as i know its working and still check on baby etc..

as for the stimulus thing ive never heard of that.. i heard bright colours in the baby's room is good for them.. but i def would agree with the lights in the room when they go to bed i think if you put them into a dark room every night from day one they will get used to it and link the darkness with time to sleep, so when you do go to put em in the cot at 6ish months they would be used to dark means bed time.. i might try use there cot for nap times so she gets used to the cot and not have to be in a separate room then at night til shes out grown the crib/moses basket
Hi Harri! Yes the Gingerbread theme is all good thanks, although now I know we're having a girl I can't help but wonder if we should have gone for something more girly! I love nautical I bet it looks lovely.
The sensor mat can be used in the moses basket as well as the cot which is why I like the sound of it. My mate said she couldn't sleep untill she got one and was literally setting her alarm for like every 10minutes!!!!
Abi I think if the mat would give you some reassurance then get it, it may go off once in a while and there not be anything wrong but anytime the alarm goes off I am sure you would treat it as a serious and not leave it thinking it was a false alarm.
I am sticking with the BT Pacifier as my main monitor and am bidding on an angel care on ebay just for a bit of piece of mind! xxx
I didn't have a sensor for Ollie he was in with us in his Moses basket till 5 month that's whb I felt comfortable he slept through the night from 12 weeks but still wanted him near me
FB - think i may do that too as i have also read somewhere that baby should stay in your room til 6 months!!!!! I guess it's all down to personal preference and actually there probably isn't a right and wrong....i think mothers instinct will kick in and we'll just know what to do! I am deaf in my right ear and so when i sleep on my good ear i just don't hear things that i should hear! DH sleeps like a log so he don't hear anything either! I sleep soooooo light and if i have my good ear out then i will hear a pin drop but i always end up sleeping on my good ear....34 years of habit is hard to break!

Still not felt bubs move...... :-(
I never really thought about cot death with Grace, but saying that I don't think I slept for the first 12 months, I was always checking on her! I still do to be honest! We got her the gro bags to sleep in, but they were such a pain when I had to change her in the night so she had blankets. For some reason though, I am panicking more about it this time and considering getting one of the monitors. I think I have read more about since Grace. My cousin lost her little boy to SIDS a couple of years before I had her, and it is so devastating to think that it could happen to you. I think you just have to be overly cautious and make sure you do everything you can to prevent it x
Hi girls,

I'm not planning on getting a sensor pad and my brother died from SIDS at 3 months old. I plan on having the baby in our room for 6 months as that is what is recommended by the FSID and babies are so noisy that you would notice if they went quiet. No cot bumpers and using gro-bags. The risk of SIDS is up to 2 years old. There is no point in worrying about it as it can't change anything anyway. One thing to look out for is sleep apnoea- as this can mean a greater risk but it is quite unusual. I would definitely use an apnoea monitor if I started to worry- I will be offered one to borrow from the FSID anyway because of my family history.

Co-sleeping should be avoided (especially if one of you smokes or if you have had a drink). One of the main reasons for this is overheating. So make sure you have a thermometer in your room or in baby's room.

I have grown up knowing all of the risk factors and raising lots of money for the FSID. I refuse to worry about it as it will ruin the joy of being a parent. Like everything in life, you wouldn't put your baby at unecessary risk but there are some things that can't be predicted in life or altered. We put ourselves at risk everyday when we get in a car or cross the road.

Broodybelle - I am so sorry about your brother and thank you for your refreshing and honest approach hun. It is really admirable and in a way probably a good way to think of it in spite of your own experiences.

When you say to keep the baby in with you, will you put it in the moses basket and then the cot but in your room? I'm struggling with where i can fit a cot in my room and although we have a big bay window, i am not very happy about using that area because the windows will be cold and it's right next to the radiator too..... i am really confused about what to do....i think i would like her in with us as much as possible too but jsut where to put the cot!!!

We have a rocking crib that I intend to use in our room for as long as baby fits (it is bigger than our moses basket) so hoping it will last a few months and then we'll have to see from there. In an ideal world I don't want the cotbed in our room as it will be a squeeze, and like you it would probably have to be next to the bay window, which is cooler than the rest of the room, but we can always put the baby in an extra layer- they are better cooler than hot. If having a smaller bedroom for a couple of months is necessary then we'll have to do it, as important to me to have baby in with us.

Suspect hubby will have moved into the spare room by then anyway, as baby will be noisy...

Hey girlies

I never bothered with a sensor mat and I won't this time either. The 2 people I know who had them hated them as they went off unnecessarily all the time and caused too much stress! Holly was in our room til 5 months then went in hers and still til this day I'll pop in a couple of times a night to check she's alright! When she was little she napped downstairs then started her night time sleep downstairs and we took her up with us when we went to bed, so she was never far from us. Holly hated her Moses and so slept in her pram carrycot til around 12 weeks then we moved her cot into our room til 5 months and she napped downstairs for her swing.

With regards to baby sleeping in the dark, my advice would be to not make their room pitch black and silent, otherwise they'll need it that way to sleep which can cause problems when out and about, staying away from hme and at nursery and stuff when they have to sleep in noisy/light places. My friend had her baby sleep only upstairs in her cot with the blackout blind on in silence but she wishes she didn't as she had real problems with her lo not napping in the pushchair when out and so she had to come home for nap times all the time. Holly sleeps anywhere and everywhere through any amount of noise and light and I'm really glad she does, makes life so much easier!

Also I've never heard that about mobiles and stuff! The fisher price seahorse was a lifesaver when holly was little as was her mobile, but she was never bothered about her light show thing. She still goes to sleep with the music on her monitor now. She slept through 11-7 from 10 weeks then 8-8 from around 6 months. Now she does 8.30-9.30 or so, so I was blessed with a good sleeper!the first 6 weeks though she had day and night muddled and was awake all night and asleep all day!!
I agree with emzy about napping and things not making the house too quiet or dark Ollie will sleep anywhere he naps in his buggy or on the sofa and that's with me having the tele on and doing day to day things he has always been a great sleeper.
Anyone getting what feels like kicks in their bum yet?! Feels so weird! Baby has also been using my cervix as a trampoline today, feels so weird!!
Wow red rose 12lb 12oz! Ouch! My friends baby was 11lb 15oz and that's nearly a whole lb more!
Hi all, I haven't posted in here in ages but just wanted to let you know we lost our little girl at 18 weeks. We names her Hannah, she was born Jan 13, 2012. Her due date was June 15th.
Kelly I am so sorry to hear your heartbreaking news :hugs

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