Evening everyone, hope you are all doing well.
Cant believe im now into the double digits this week, getting scarily close too quickly.
Think we have decided on names, although these probably aren't the final ones we are pretty close. We like Olivia Paige for a girl and William James for a boy. We do have about 6 other girls names and one other boys name so hoping its more than likely going to be a girl lol
It's great everyone is buying/aquiring things for baby. Ive seen loads of things I like but having to be good as until we get the house sold we are broke

Think I will manage to get a few clothing bits this month so I can pack the hospital bag by 30 weeks (im usually super organised and want that all squared away, going to kill me not getting the nursery all done before baby arrives), the car seat will also be installed in a few weeks all ready, but also to take advantage of the parent and child spaces as now starting to get difficult getting out of a normal space, with bump getting in the way and me taking up more room to get out of the car when my inner legs are hurting lots. Just mainly pleased I have the moses basket so at least they have somewhere to sleep when they first come home. Just debating on whether the sheets and blankets im planning to get are a good idea or not. not sure if im keen on the sleeping bags when they are so little.
Glad you got the boots Abi, they are lovely, i have some leather ones similar and are so comfy.
as for monitors, we have chosen one of the tomy ones, has all the features we want and a few friends have got them and really recommend them. defo not going for the mat ones as friends have had them and only used them for a week or so before getting very irritated. i plan to check on baby regularly anyways and do all the recommended things to try my very best to make sure baby is safe etc. also as i have sleep apnoea myself will be looking out to make sure baby doesnt have it as i developed it when i was born although i was 3 months prem so maybe that has something to do with it.
So sorry to hear about your loss kelly, massive hugs for you x
thanks for putting the list ideas for what to pack for hospital, i have started compiling a list to tick off as ive got them, and will start by emptying my small suitcase and holdall for baby and putting it in babys room to pack over the next few weeks.
for those worrying about movements, i still gets days where i dont feel much. i.e. today i havent felt much at all, but was woken up at 3:30am and couldnt get to sleep til about 5am thanks to flump kicking me the whole time. defo wasnt fun that time in the morning and then couldnt get comfy. so they must have proper tired themselves out as only got about 2/3 kicks at about lunchtime so i know they are fine. oh well, after a knackering long day at work at least i can have an early night and take advantage of the bed to myself for a few hours with hubster out at a mess dinner this evening til late.