I'm not allowed to BD unless I have 2 weeks with no spotting/bleeding (which I've had on and off throughout my whole pregnancy). My spotting/bleeding isn't related to me doing anything, it just shows up. We BD'd this morning and nothing yet. Scariest bleed for me was around 10 weeks, we were getting ready to DTD, I was just getting turned on (no contact at all) and felt super wet/warm. HUGE gush of blood. =\ I freaked out. Went to the bathroom and filled the toilet with all blood and clots. I made an appointment and they always ask if you filled a pad in blank amount of time, when I told them I didn't know, I didn't use one, I just filled the toilet with blood and clots and it stopped they didn't say much. When the doctor came in she was a little worried but I was reassured when she showed me the baby on ultrasound and let me listen to the heartbeat (that was the first time I had heard her little heard beating away!). Since then I've continued to have spotting (either pink/brown or mucus tinged with blood) and I've even passed more clots. At my NT scan they found that I had a clot in my uterus but the technician and perinatologist forgot to document it. They just told me that I could expect more bleeding throughout the pregnancy. Now, my doctor says I should be on pelvic rest unless I have 2 weeks with no spotting. Fingers crossed that I don't have anymore bleeding/spotting.
Gemini, I was also going to say, with that condition of your cervix, don't be surprised if you see some bleeding when you have a bowel movement with any straining/pushing. That can also aggravate that tissue and make you bleed some. I have my fingers crossed for you too, no more bleeding. It's heart wrenching seeing blood.