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babyd maybe ask your doc to give you something? my midwife recommended a medicine called lactulose something or other it worked very quickly and it gave me a right clear out and i was fine after that.. that was at 16 weeks and was very gentle on my tummy
Thank you :) I am going to try get to doctors this week to refer me to physio anyway as I was naughty and haven't done it yet, so will ask then. I am managing to go a little bit but still getting really bad belly ache so it must not be clearing it all - sorry!
also... bran flakes help :haha: i ate them for a week none stop and oh god did it help
Babyd- I am exactly the same am really constipated it's really giving me a stomach ache, I ache all round it's not nice.
I'm going to ring midwife tomorrow . I had a headache last week and it felt like pressure on my head and eyes and it come back yesterday. Think my bp is playing up so will see If u can get it checked. Kinda worried with the pressure in eyes as might mean more burst vessels x x
Hope everyone's well I'm just eating ice cream and baby is going mad lol x
KEslinger -that sounds terrifying! You poor thing! Funy what you said as we DTD yesterday morning, but it was a bowel movement that I had just had, (tmi lol) when I noticed the blood last night.
Just had a look at notes, ectropian cervix is what I have, they said no more BD as everytime I bleed they'd need to get it checked in case, after what you said though I think I'll only head there again if it's a lot.
Also said I would need further investigation after bubs as I was on an abnormal smear which was taken the day I ovulated the cycle I fell pregnant!

Babyd - have you tried crutches? They don't do anything if you have to walk alot, but I find mine make short walks a great deal easier? Dreading OH going away as I can't get myself out of the bath any more! My mum will come help, but she has a slipped disk so not sure she will actually be much use, might need to try a dry run! Haha! X

Yeah, any kind of bleeding you need to be careful. The hospital had said about the pad in an hour and the bright red blood, but my doctor (who knew I was spotting the whole time) seemed almost alarmed that I was still spotting. Like it was a surprise... uh, we talk about it every 4 weeks, lol. She said if there is ANY red blood she wanted to know about it. -- But, she just wants a call and then they'd either schedule an appointment or just give me advice unless there was cramping, a lot of it, or clots, then they'd make an urgent appointment or have me go in to emergency. After DTD yesterday I haven't had any bleeding at all, thankfully. I don't remember where I had read up on that ectropian cervix... either in my what to expect or online when I was freaking out about bleeding. Try not to strain when you're having a BM, or you will most likely bleed some more. Be sure to eat plenty of fiber to help in that. I do know a few people who had an abnormal WHILE they were pregnant but ended up being normal after the baby was born. I hope that everything works out for you in the end. <3

AFM, my baby has stayed really low this whole pregnancy, OH had only felt her move once, she rolled over underneath his hand a few weeks back. This morning she was kicking super low (it feels like she's kicking straight down trying to escape!!!) so I pushed into my uterus on the left, then the right, then down from the top and all the sudden i felt her kicking above my belly button! I had OH put his hand there and she gave him a few good kicks in his hand. LOVED that. It made me feel so much better. I'm a plus size girl so I tend to stay over in my plus size thread lol it moves MUCH slower than this thread and I can't keep up with work and what not. I do pop in and read a few pages as often as I can though. =)
I'm going to ring midwife tomorrow . I had a headache last week and it felt like pressure on my head and eyes and it come back yesterday. Think my bp is playing up so will see If u can get it checked. Kinda worried with the pressure in eyes as might mean more burst vessels x x
Hope everyone's well I'm just eating ice cream and baby is going mad lol x

i hope your ok i get headache like these and there awful, i find the only thing that helps for me is to take two paracetamol and go to a dark room to sleep, it could be a migrain u have, tho i didnt have bp problems i dont think, def talk to your doc,

we also just had some ice cream :blush: this baby goes mad every time i eat ice cream.. :flower:
The only reason I worry is pregnancy puts a lot of pressure on my eyes due to being diabetic and may have to have laser surgery in pregnancy . Hopefully just a quick bp check will say everything's ok x x
Your poor friend. The chances are at that gestation baby will do fine with some help for a few weeks.

Got my confirmation letter from work, I'm officially starting my maternity leave in just over 2 weeks! Eek!

wow thats not long to wait at all, bet you cant wait.

I'm sure everything will be fine, 29 weeks is obviously early but the statistics are good and they have probably given her steroids to mature babies lungs.

That's mad how fast it has come round Emzy! I put in all my forms this week and have worked out that I have 4 weeks at work, then a weeks holiday and then 3 weeks back and i'm off so not long at all! That's if my SPD doesn't get any worse, it's been really painful this week.
I have just noticed that my feet look sooo puffy already! They look awful x

not long left at work for you either, im sure it will fly by for all of us.

hope your friend isn't in hospital too long jelly xx
Im getting scred bp will start to rise soon and protein will to and then they sign me off work which I don't want as I only work weekends.
Had a pressure feeling in eyes/head tuesday but went after I had bp tablet so going to ring midwife if it happens again
Hope everyones ok xx

fx everything stays good with you and you dont encounter any problems with your bp or anything.

Not sure if youve seen on fb, but mrs Craig has given birth to little angel wyatt. I feel devestated for her and her family.

God bless and keep watch over little Wyatt xxxx

oh thats awful news, massive hugs for her.x

Hope the scan goes well! We were going to have one, we had one last time and loved it, but thought seeing as I'm getting an extra nhs one at 32 weeks we would save the money this time.

I feel like baby has had a big growth spurt over night. Yesterday I felt really uncomfortable and over stretched and this morning I've noticed my bump is bigger and my movements are much higher. Think she's finally flipped other way up as the kicks are high now! Lots of pressure on my bladder now though, not good!!

Travelling back up north today to go home. Been a lovely week at my mums and been nice to have help with Holly too.

ive felt exactly the same regarding a growth spurt, ive been feeling uncomfortable since thursday.judging by everyones reactions on fb im the size of a house already too :/
glad you have had a nice week away, always good to have a bit of a break.

Well that was the worst experience ever! Still shaking now!!! Apparently the delicate cells inside the cervix are growing out to the outside of my cervix, (there's a name for it, but left mat notes in car!) and that as I had intercourse last night, it bled, they put bubs on a trace, took them a while as she was kicking all over the show, but she's ok, cervix still looks long, but aggrevated. So no more BD for me until July!!!

Thanks so much for the well wishes, sure it had something to do with missy moo being ok! Xxxx

oh my how scary, so glad everything is okay though. fx all stays that way now chick

I'm not allowed to BD unless I have 2 weeks with no spotting/bleeding (which I've had on and off throughout my whole pregnancy). My spotting/bleeding isn't related to me doing anything, it just shows up. We BD'd this morning and nothing yet. Scariest bleed for me was around 10 weeks, we were getting ready to DTD, I was just getting turned on (no contact at all) and felt super wet/warm. HUGE gush of blood. =\ I freaked out. Went to the bathroom and filled the toilet with all blood and clots. I made an appointment and they always ask if you filled a pad in blank amount of time, when I told them I didn't know, I didn't use one, I just filled the toilet with blood and clots and it stopped they didn't say much. When the doctor came in she was a little worried but I was reassured when she showed me the baby on ultrasound and let me listen to the heartbeat (that was the first time I had heard her little heard beating away!). Since then I've continued to have spotting (either pink/brown or mucus tinged with blood) and I've even passed more clots. At my NT scan they found that I had a clot in my uterus but the technician and perinatologist forgot to document it. They just told me that I could expect more bleeding throughout the pregnancy. Now, my doctor says I should be on pelvic rest unless I have 2 weeks with no spotting. Fingers crossed that I don't have anymore bleeding/spotting.

Gemini, I was also going to say, with that condition of your cervix, don't be surprised if you see some bleeding when you have a bowel movement with any straining/pushing. That can also aggravate that tissue and make you bleed some. I have my fingers crossed for you too, no more bleeding. It's heart wrenching seeing blood.

oh my thats sounds terrible for you too. glad they are monitoring it for you but also fx for you too chick.

Morning girls, just caught up - glad everything is ok Gemini, must have been very scary for you and my thoughts go out to Mrs Craig, such sad news.
I have been awake since 5 and just got up to make myself a tea before Grace gets up, I went shopping yesterday got loads of new bits which i'm very happy about but my SPD is now a thousand times worse, the pain is shooting down my legs and i'm in agony :cry: I have such a busy day today aswell, not sure how i'm going to get through it to be honest!

sorry to hear you are experiencing this, put your feet up and take it easy. hope it eases off quickly for you.

Morning everyone...babyd that must have been quite nice despite the stupid hour just to have some you time??

Well my bezzie mate (who lost her mum suddenly in December) gave birth 2 wks late to her little boy at 9lb 6oz! Chuffed to bits for her but the joy is bittersweet as she will be missing her mum so much right now! Can't wait for cuddles with him (little Harry!)

I didn't even realise that 3rd tri started at 27 weeks so nice surprise to see those comments girls thank you!! Friggin scary tho....3rd trimester???? Aaaaggghhhhh!

Weirdly we're off for nhs antenatal on weds which feels far too early! Didn't have a choice tho they just write and tell u when u have to go! It's a 3.5 hour session after work!
Got the NCT ones on the weekend on 21/22 April which I'm most looking forward too!its all day sat, sun & Monday night so gonna be pretty intense!

Such an awful shock about mrs Craig....just devastating...not sure who's friends with her on facebook but pls pass on my best wishes to her :-(

I'm off for a session with a trainer at the gym this morning who's doing me a pre-natal gym plan....bit late in the day but hey ho!

Hope everyone else is ok & catch up soon xxx

woohoo for 3rd tri!
thats lovely news for your friend, although sad her mum couldnt be there.

i start my antenatal classes end of march i think. its only 3 sessions of about 3 hours each. was thinnking about paying for the nct ones but we cant afford it at the moment so will have to wait and see.
hope the gym plan goes well, hubster has been taking me out for walks otherwise i would just veg out on the sofa all weekend, olus being uncomfortable the last few days hasnt helped as had a few pains when bending down too much. had friends round for tea last night and that completely knackered me out.

Gemini- Glad all went well at the hospital and bubs is fine. I havent DTD since I had my bleed at 16weeks then finding out I had a low lying placenta at 20 weeks and the sonographer saying it could cause bleeding if we DTD I dont want to risk it, its scary seeing blood.

Babyd- I have been getting up early due to not sleeping good already and its nice to have a cuppa before Ollie gets up :haha: Sorry your SPD is bad but at least you got some new bits from shopping.

Abic- Happy 27weeks 3rd tri already :happydance: Congratulations to your friend thats a great weight awful news that her Mam isnt going to be around to see him though life is cruel sometimes.

Emzy- Happy 27weeks to you to:happydance:

AFM- I had an awful nights sleep last night Ollie is full of cold and really not himself and was up every hour last night and took ages to get back off so I feel awful today, I have loads of stuff to do I got OH to get all Ollies baby clothes out and I have 8 bags to sort through and a pram to put on eBay I am trying to be organised but have picked the wrong weekend with Ollie been ill.
Happy 25 weeks to me today though only 2 weeks till 3rd tri.

hope ollie is feeling better for you very soon, also that you managed to get some of your stuff sorted through. ive just been ebaying some odd bits today and took me nearly 2 hours to list 6 items in between preparing tea. wish it didnt take so long but i hate the sales/wants pages on fb as so much rubbish adverts and people repeating them every day i get sick of the update emails.
oh and happy 25 weeks!

happy 27th week and omg i cant believe the june bugs have started going into third tri.. tho i feel like i still have so long to go.. i feel fed up already :haha:

here is my 24 week bump.. i feel so self conscious about my self tho.. i feel huge

its a lovely bump!

You don't look huge, you look lovely!! I know the feeling though, im getting fed up of people saying I'm huge and it must be twins/huge baby etc!

ive been having that today, although half of them can talk cos they were literally the size of hippos when they got pregnant. sorry if that sounds a bit mean but its not nice of them to judge me like that when they were double the size of me at this stage. makes you feel really bad and that you are doing something wrong and look really fat. i know all bumps are different but feeling rather self conscious at the minute with yet another 12-14 weeks of growth to go. i wasnt skinny when i got pregnant due to my ankle injury so had to stop running for a bit and put a few lbs back on but still.

ladies we bought our first packs of nappies today :happydance: how exciting!!!
there was packs on offer in my local supermarket so we bought two, my oh worked out tho two packs is ony a weeks worth tho :haha: so every week we prob will get more.. i showed my oh a nappy he said they were so small lol and he tested it out on one of my teddies :haha:

aww how cute, they are tiny though. was looking at my moses basket set up in my room thinking in 3 months time im going to have a real live baby sleeping in there. scary biscuits! still doesnt seem quite real that i am pregnant.

I'm going to ring midwife tomorrow . I had a headache last week and it felt like pressure on my head and eyes and it come back yesterday. Think my bp is playing up so will see If u can get it checked. Kinda worried with the pressure in eyes as might mean more burst vessels x x
Hope everyone's well I'm just eating ice cream and baby is going mad lol x

hope you get some results and that everything is okay.
enjoy your ice cream!

well ive had a good week kinda, apart from the bad news for my friend. not heard anything more yet but noticed both of their cars were gone this afternoon and a family members car was there instead. just hope everything is okay for them all. thanks for your good wishes. just scary that it could happen to anyone like that out of the blue.

completed my hospital bag list and not even ticked half of it off yet so think i need to do some serious shopping this month for all of the little bits.
defo need to get some new pjs anyways as my normal ones are only just fitting and wont be long before i cant do the buttons up.

ive attached this fortnights pic from this morning at 26+2, its gone down a bit now so think it was either breakfast, flump sticking bits out, or something else making it look bigger up the front.

hope you have all had a good weekend, im so not looking forward to work and the early morning commute tomorrow.


  • 26+2weeks.jpg
    22.3 KB · Views: 1
Great bumps ladies :) :thumbup: you all look fab!!!!
Here was my 26 week and 3 day bump:


You look great harri! Check those boobs too! Haha! My boobs are disappointing already. Just sagged down with the nipples at the bottom. Leaking LOADS when I get up in the morning they drip! Beyond gross!!! X
Gorgeous bumps! Darn you all with your gorgeous figures *shakes fist* LOL Jellytots I actually feel like a hippo, a real life hippo!

Jellytots if you need maternity jammies they had some lovely ones in the sale at Mothercare when I went in last week, might be worth a look? I got these as my hospital jammies:


one of these as a nursing PJ top:


And one I can't find on the website, which is like a cream coloured nursing PJ top with lace on it, it's lovely and soft.
Gemini LOL at your boobs! Mine are like rocks in socks, just dreadful! I don't have any leakage though yet and I didn't at all last pregnancy either!
gemini funny u say that about your boobs mine have started leaking since yesterday... its odd i wasnt expecting it.. they have become very painful too and my nipples have become swollen
omg emzy i love the pj's at the top.. just want im looking for! i wanted to find something black but light as it will be hot in the hospital
They are lovely, 3/4 bottoms as well which I liked as will be nice and cool. They are nursing ones to with the drop down cup bits. They are on mothercare website. those ones aren't on sale but the 2 tops were x
My boobs aren't holding up well either (pun intended :haha:). I'm only a B cup anyway and they used to be nice and perky but they're rather pathetic looking nowadays lol.

On a lighter note, I finally felt baby move from the outside earlier today! :happydance:
Prepregnancy mine used to be a bit saggy, nothing a good bra couldn't fix. =( But, since getting pregnant and more so recently, they've been filling out and starting to look a whole lot better. Loving it. Everything is getting firmer, lifting. Haha, But, after breastfeeding I'm sure we'll be headed south again.
My boobs drip too, it's gross! My boobs are so heavy as soon as I take my bra off I can feel gravity dragging them down lol :haha: it's pretty depressing!
Those pjs look great Emzy! I must get some!! X
My boobs haven't really changed, it's just my nips that have got huge! Love those pjs, might have to get some of them!
It's my V-day today :happydance: feel like the last couple of weeks have dragged x

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