KEslinger -that sounds terrifying! You poor thing! Funy what you said as we DTD yesterday morning, but it was a bowel movement that I had just had, (tmi lol) when I noticed the blood last night.
Just had a look at notes, ectropian cervix is what I have, they said no more BD as everytime I bleed they'd need to get it checked in case, after what you said though I think I'll only head there again if it's a lot.
Also said I would need further investigation after bubs as I was on an abnormal smear which was taken the day I ovulated the cycle I fell pregnant!
Babyd - have you tried crutches? They don't do anything if you have to walk alot, but I find mine make short walks a great deal easier? Dreading OH going away as I can't get myself out of the bath any more! My mum will come help, but she has a slipped disk so not sure she will actually be much use, might need to try a dry run! Haha! X