It's flipping flying by isn't it! Arghhhh!!
Anaesthetic appointment was ok, I walked in and she said "erm how comes you are here?" and I said I thought it was because I have a high bmi and she said "do you??" and looked through my notes lol She said I don't look like I do, so that was nice to hear! She said normally they would only see ladies with a BMI over 40 and mine is in the 30s so she has no concerns. She said you can tell by looking at someone whether they will have a problem or not, because of access to their airways, etc and she can see that she wouldn't have a problem. Also didn't know why I was there seeing as I've had a previous successful natural birth before, a successful spinal and a successful general within the last 2 years, when my bmi was the same! So was a waste of time really, but she was really nice anyway!