June bugs 2012! 6x Boys 12x Girls 8x Team Yellow :)

Oh Emzy that sounds rubbish having to sit there for that long. And I know about the cold I have got one back and Ollies nose is constantly running its my first full day with him in a week and it's going good he is been so good and letting me rest but I hate been sat doing nothing. I am starting to get the tiredness back and will be needing a nap this afternoon when Ollie does. I had awful round ligament pain yesterday and have definitely grown a bit more so I am guessing little girl was having a growths spurt
I forgot to say I started packing my hospital bag :happydance: its got a pack of nappies in it, breast pads, dummies, sudo crem, baby wipes and I've just put all my new born baby clothes in the washing machine once washed and dry I shall be putting in a few bits and pieces, going through all my clothes I've realised me and OH went a bit.. over the top with new born stuff... :blush:

I was talking to my sister about hopsital bag essentials over the weekend, and she advised some sort of energy drink and snack bars would be really useful because you don't fancy eating a meal but need to keep your energy up (she was in labour for 4 days :eek: ) - just thought I would share :thumbup:

I know it's silly and I guess I'm feeling a bit hormonal as well, but all the 'huge' comments just started to get to me....

I have my GTT tomorrow at hospital, fun! Lucozade at 9am after no morning brew followed by sitting in a hot room for 2 hours is not my idea of fun on a Monday morning!!

I have been feeling sensitive about my size too Emzy - hence the lack of photos of me on here or Facebook (or even on my camera :haha: ) I fully understand where you are coming from :hugs:

Good luck with your appointment today :flower:

I'm a fan of Next children's clothes too. Their sizes are about right and the clothes wash well.

I want to get some cardi's and some dresses as I've none of them yet..

I went to an NCT 'nearly new' sale on Saturday morning and bought some gorgeous items including pink summer dresses and frilly knickers :cloud9: :haha: They are mostly from Next and John Lewis, look completely unused and were only £1 - £2 each - total bargain!!
Yes I agree with your sister cliqmo energy drinks and snack bars are great for when your in labour that's what helped get me through I wasn't starving but needed some energy from somewhere and these did the trick and wow 4 day labour I thought my 25 hours was bad enough.
yes i def will be packing a snack bag ;) thanks, and prob one for oh :rofl: the hospital ill be having the baby in is awful for the food they give, the give dinner very early at 4 pm and nothing til the nxt day.. i will be famished waiting for some food! esp if breast feeding! but i think ill only pack a few things and get oh to go to tesco after ive had the baby, were lucky to have a huge shopping center just across the road from the hospital which has pennys (primark) tesco, pharmacies etc so i def will send over :haha:
Yes defo drinks and snacks are a must, but I didn't eat a thing whilst in labour, I didn't want anything, but they don't feed partners, so DH was pleased with the snack bag! Also from personal experience, I'd avoid any fizzy sweet drinks... I had tango and threw up EVERYWHERE as soon as I hit the G&A... bright orange sick everywhere... I think I've already told you the story of DH holding an apron for me to be sick in!? This time I'm going for flavoured water. And straws, don't forget straws!

I've got some lovely summer dresses and frilly knickers, both from Holly's collection and also from a bag of gorgeous Next clothes my friend gave me. I have the cutest hot pink puffy dress and matching knickers for her, so so cute!! I'm a sucker for a pretty dress, so have loads from Holly lol

Well that GTT is over thank god and I had the best tasting bacon butty every afterwards in the cafe! Just waiting for my friend to bring the snot monster home, she's prob not too impressed as her LO will prob get it now as well, but I didn't know when I left that she had a cold!

Oh and I realised when at the hospital that I'm away the week of my 32 week scan, so just rearranged it, so I will now be 33 weeks. Boo and extra week to wait! I so badly want a 4D scan, like I had with Holly, but I need to be sensible and spend the money on baby stuff (booooooooo), especially seeing as my maternity leave starts on SUNDAY!! Argh, I can't believe it, already!
I didn't eat anything either, drank loads though - it's very thirsty work!!
Feeling abit sorry for myself today, DH is working nights all week so not gonna see him at all and then he is away all week next week, I am finding out what it is like being a single Mum!! x
Aaaggghhhhhhh how the heck do I keep up with this thread peeps???????? I have read all the pages (last night, not this morning) and have forgotten them all already!!!

Harri - your groin thing sounds EXACTLY like what i had hun....I called the midwife after mine made my bend double and burst out crying in the middle of the ofice and she told me just to keep my legs shut!! Anyway it has got better and I am still going swimming (only once a week tho) but walking is what makes it the worst which i was surprised about with it not being a 'legs spread' activity!! I find it worse at night when i'm tossing and turning...turning over in bed is a nightmare!

I have aquestion ladies....you know when you say that you're getting uncomfortable...what do you mean exactly? Is it like coz everythings getting pushed up? Or because you feel too full or just that bending over is a pain?? I can't push my feet into my boots any more as i feel like I'm squashing bubs but it's not painful or anything, just weird?? I did go for a power walk last night (about 40 mins) and the last 10 mins were quite painful/uncomfortable in the area just above pubic bone...basically where baby starts? It almost feels like by walking for a while baby is just dropping lower and lower to the point that she is pushing on my bladder and windy area (whereever that is!)....it's not scary painful, just wind-pain painful!!

the other question i was gonna ask was re the pillow thing.....so i tend to fall asleep on my back because i find laying on my back with my hands on my tummy feeling her wriggle is just soooo soothing and sends me to sleep...anyway i then lie on both left and right sides and often on my back too.....i have heard that i should have a support pillow under my bump but is it really necessary?? I'm not in any pain (yet!) in my back or anything so do i need a pillow? When i lie on my side i tend to lie kinda half on my side and a tiny bit on my front?? Is it bad? Perhaps i should ask the midwife when i see her tomorrow???

Gemini - LOVE LOVE LOVE your cot and bedding set! Sooooo cute hun! I'm hoping to buy some stuff this weekend but think it will be quite plain as i'm having some curtains and bunting etc made! So can't wait to do the nursery...just waiting delivery of our new wardrobe so we can move all the old crap out of the spareroom/study (ie nursery) and into our bedroom!

Bought a crib at the weekend from Kiddicare for bubs when she grows out of her moses basket...sooooo many people i know have had their babies in with them for 6 months so really would like to do that too....moses basket wont last that long and the cot is too big so needed something in between the 2!

Cliqmo....sounds like you got some right bargains at the nearly new sale hun....did you get there nice and early? The 2 near me are on the 24th and 25th March...it says on the NCT website that if you're an NCT member you get early access but doesn't say what time that is from?? The sale starts at 1.30 so should i turn up early with my membership card???

Is anyone else doing NCT classes? Broody - i think you mentioned that you were? When are they? Mine are on the 21st/22nd/23rd April (ie super intense!!) but kinda looking forward to them!

OH...my big news this week is i have just signed up to do a 6-week hypnobirthing course!!! whoooop can't wait! I am gonna be the most chilled out dude giving birth on the ward AND a chilled out, stress free mamma!!! whoop!

Off to a meeting but will catch up more later...........xxxx
re the pillow abi, i wouldnt bother unless your in pain while lying down, my mom bought me one and i found it more un comfortable using it then supported, i dunno if its cuz im using it wrong or its too thick it just feels like im stretching my bump, and is very sore tbh, i tend to use a fold in the duvet to just tuck underneath my bump and its enough.

does anyone find the kicking and baby moving wakes you up or keeps you awake?
re the pillow abi, i wouldnt bother unless your in pain while lying down, my mom bought me one and i found it more un comfortable using it then supported, i dunno if its cuz im using it wrong or its too thick it just feels like im stretching my bump, and is very sore tbh, i tend to use a fold in the duvet to just tuck underneath my bump and its enough.

does anyone find the kicking and baby moving wakes you up or keeps you awake?

Hey hun - thanks for the advise...think i will give it a miss then unless i get sore and will maybe reconsider!

I don't normally get kicks strong enough to keep me awake but last night i got up at 3am to wee and was just about falling back to sleep about 4am when she literally WALLOPED me!! it shocked me and i almost jumped out of my skin!! Anyway that's the first time she's kicked that hard...not sure if i'm gonna like kicks like that if they are gonna get that strong in coming weeks!

How are you hun anyway....are you managing to keep those pains at bay?
its great when they do kicks like that... (when your not trying to sleep :haha: )
but it seems lately she is none stop, im even getting bad back pains and rib pains from the kicks now
my tensing pains are also back today :( so best rest again for me today.
Red rose I get woken up every morning by her kicking! She goes nuts in the morning for some reason. I'm starting to notice a pattern now of when she sleeps and when she's awake and its just like Holly was. Holly kept the same kind of pattern when she was born... awake all night ha ha!
yeah i can tell a pattern now too its amazing, its usually sleep 12mid day til about 4-6 waking here and there but mostly sleep then awake 6 til 12ish (my oh always reads my bump a story :cloud9: she tends to go settle after this) then she wakes at 3 til 8/9 ish another short nap then awake while i eat breaky lol

its funny it seems on and off rather than all day or night.. but seems to sleep slightly more in the day

did it take you long to get holly sleeping at night ?
CRAP car just failed its MOT and is gonna cost about £450 to get it through!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is the last thing we needed as we still have a few 'big' purchases to make. Time to sort through the cupboards and get some stuff on ebay & gumtree :(
Hi Ladies,

Abi I'm the same have read through the thread and now can't remember anything to comment on lol
Traybaby that is so rubbish why do cars always do that to us when we could really do without it :(
I am feeling really sorry for myself today and have such bad back pain I can't stop moaning!
I am sure someone has mentioned about being uncomfortable and I am right there with you!! It's hit me full force and I now understand why at the end you just want the baby out!!!
I just can't believe how far we've all come it really isn't long now and I am soooo excited!!! Only 7 more weeks at work after this one and then I'm off, wahoo!!!! xx
OH NO tray that's crap hun :-(

Can't really offer much more support other than to say keep smiling and focus on 1st June and just give your car a big kick up the arse (sorry not helpful i know).
Oh no TrAybaby :(

Redrose it's quite common for newborns to have day & night muddled up at first apparently and she was awake from 12am til 4am every night for the first 6 weeks!! The rest of the time she slept and woke here and there, but her longest awake time was at night. Newborns sleep loads and aren't really awake for long stretches at first anyway, they pretty much sleep and eat but Holly decided to have her longest awake stretch at night! I was advised to keep day time bright and noisy when she was napping and keep night feeds dark and quiet to teach her the difference and she switched around by 6 weeks. I think once she'd got it the right way around, she probably slept 11pm- 2.30am, woke for a feed, then 3am-6.30am ish. Then she slept through 11pm-7am from around 10 weeks. I've been very lucky with Holly, as she loves sleep! From around 6 months old she has slept 8pm-8am and now sleeps around 8.30pm-9.30am ish. Most of my friends LOs either wake in the night still or wake really early in the morning. I really hope I'm blessed with another good sleeper!

This one seems similar to Holly, she always has her most active times between 8pm and 9.30pm, then 11pm and 12.30am, then is awake on and off til 6am, then has a big sleep til lunch time!
eeee i can't figure mine out....I know after i eat she wriggles a little but not too much...I feel the odd wriggle or kick during the daytime but at night when i'm in bed she wriggles around loads! I fall asleep and when i wake in the night for a wee she either wriggles or doesnt - no real pattern. Also in the mornings sometimes she does and sometimes she doesn't! I'm kinda just happy i feel her every night before sleep and odd bits during the day....If i didn't feel her at night i think i would worry though!

OMG work has just kicked off and i am getting really stressed to the point of tears (I HATE that work can do that to me!) AND to top it all off, after gloating to DH the other day that i haven't had a cold in around 18 months BAM i start sneezing like 2 hours ago and haven't stopped since! I am now all bunged up and feel rubbish and wanna go home but have arranged to meet an old colleague tonight after work but maybe that will make me feel better actually! Off to Zizzi for pizza/pasta! I have even stopped myself having any caffeine today (apart from a cuppa at 6.30am this morning) so i can have a diet coke with my pizza! what a LOSER i am!!!
Tell me about it Abi! I'm stressed out to hell at the moment - I'm an accountant so March is year end - the worst time of the year for me! :cry: it lasts from feb-end of may and I literally want to cry at the stacks of work that's piling up! I'm just too tired!

My little man is awake at night too! I do hope he changes his sleeping habits before he's born!

That's sucks about your car TrAybaby!

Bloody Halifax putting the mortgage rate up the month I go on maternity leave! The *******s :(
Oooo I wrote a swear word and it censored it ! LOL! X

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