June bugs 2012! 6x Boys 12x Girls 8x Team Yellow :)

Oh god, they literally didn't do anything about Grace and never said that could have been why she didn't feed well! They were abit crap to be honest, hoping I will have a better experience with everything this time!
My Dad just rang and wants to take Grace to see the Gruffalo in June, I have said yes but it is 2 weeks before I am due and he lives 3 hours away - I really don't want to go into labour down there especially with my stepmum being there lol x
Aww look at the beautiful babies! Just as well I'm already pregnant cos I'm so broody at the moment :haha:

I haven't had any heartburn, nor did I have any with Aimee and she hardly had any hair, just a few wispy bits. I don't have any baby pics of her on my computer, she was born in 2000 - before I had a digital camera & laptop lol.
Whoever mentioned about feeling emotional! That's me the last few days- I never cry and the last few days I've cried over everything and nothing. Hubby has gone to Dubai today on a company jolly and won't be back until Sunday- it wouldn't normally bother me but this morning I was a right mess before work. Feel really stupid and like I'm constantly fighting back the tears. Lesson observations are going on in work tomorrow- just praying they don't drop in on me, as any negative feedback could tip me over the edge!!!

All the baby pics are lovely. No heartburn for me yet- hoping it'll continue but doubtful!

I never had heartburn with Ollie really bad but he had lots and lots of hair everywhere on his body he had a very hairy back bless him :haha: he was jaundiced too. I have had no heartburn this time either I wonder if baby girl is going to be like me and bald until 2 year old :haha:

I know all about the toothache my wisdom tooth cracked a while ago but I am petrified of the dentist and put it off and put is off I havent had any pain with it for a while but I am going to have to go and get it sorted.

I am super emotional aswell I have been crying at anything and everything today especially my best friend had her baby this morning and everytime I talk to her I cry :haha: she sent me a few pics of baby Layla and I cried looking at them god knows what I am going to be like on Saturday when I go see them both damn crazy pregnancy hormones :haha:

Well have been on a week of rest and no more spotting and anything but am getting really really bored I want to clean clean clean but am not allowed at all I have had to go to MIL a couple of times so I dont do anything. We are really struggling with names for baby girl we cant agree on any at all I dont want her to arrive and have no name, we have 13 weeks left to discuss but I had Ollie 2 half weeks early so want to decide by 37weeks its so hard.
all this talk about teeth and dentists has tempted fate for me. Remember a few weeks ago i braved my fear of the dentist to get my broken tooth fixed, and as they cant fix it till after bubs is here they put a cement like dressing on it........well the dressing came off so i had to go back to the dentist AGAIN this morning grrrrrrrrr lets hope this one stays on.

I had my 28 week appt on monday (forgot to tell you guys doh!) bubba measured on track but she is breach so her head is just under my right ribs. My regular midwife was off as pre usual (have only seen her once and see someone different everytime i go) so saw a visiting one plus she had a student in with her who did my bloods and my arm still hurts today :(

My bubba has also got into the habbit of kicking me so hard down onto my cervix and bladder that yesterday i thought pee was gonna come out when she did it. So have bought me some tena's today to wear at work to give me peace of mind :blush:

oh and how the hell have i forgot to mention that this saturday my parents have treated us to a 4D scan :happydance: Me, my fiancee and both sets of grandparents are going along. And since i work in a cinema im gonna find a quiet day/time and stick my DVD on the big screen to watch :happydance: ha ha bubba in her first staring role
Hey everyone!! Can't believe how much has happened since 2 days ago!!

Nice one on the 28 week apts...I also had mine today...weird but at 25 wk apt I measured 27cm and today I was 26cm...mw said could either be coz a student mw did it last time or that it's subjective or that bubs is in a different position! Of course I got to worrying that bubs isn't growing properly :-( she did reassure me but I still am not convinced coz I feel like my bump has slowed down! Also she asked me about movement & my movement gave been v sporadic (& none existent last night) so mentioned to her & she went & referred me for foetal HR monitoring at the hospital! Felt a bit ott but as I hadn't felt anything since yest evening so I guess it made sense...it was all good anyway!

Babyd-defo try hypnobirthing hun...I got the Marie Mongan book & it was reading that that made me wanna do the course...I see it as a real investment coz even if I can't apply it in labour I can use the techniques in day to day life....I have suffered real bad panic attacks in the past so hoping its gonna help with all that!

Ooooh broody that's ace re NCT...u can tell me all about it! Do u know how much earlier we get into the nearly new sales with membership card??

Omg there's so much I wanna say by keep forgetting! Am tired & have a stinkin cold so gonna sign off for now :-)

Big hugs to u all...esp those with heartburn and toothache!!!
Omg whats with all the vom & poo on OBEM tonight?
Does this really happen????
I threw up after my first few puffs on the Gas and Air! But no wee or poo... they tried to make me go for a wee in the middle of pushing as they said I hadn't been for ages and so my bladder might be in the way... it is impossible to wee whilst a baby is trying to come out of your vagina!! I made them put a bowl in thing in the toilet as I thought the baby was going to come out in the toilet ha ha!
I haven't watched last nights obem yet, but I didn't throw up or poo in labour thank god! I did have to have a catheter put in after though because I couldn't deliver the placenta and couldn't wee lol.
Abi thats the book I have been looking at getting, I looked at some courses yesterday but mentioned it to DH and he just doesn't take things very seriously and made me feel stupid for mentioning it :( so I don't think I will get to go on a course! And I wouldn't worry about how your bump measures hun, the fact that it has gone from 27-26 is probably the way that baby is lying and I think they only worry if it is 5cm difference? I might be wrong though, I'm sure if she was that worried then she would book you in for a scan, try not to worry though!
Talking about feeling movements, baby was moving like mad yesterday morning and I haven't felt anything since? I always feel him at night and in the morning but not felt anything - I will keep an eye on it and mention it to midwife tomorrow x
No poo or wee for me in labour either. I didnt throw up or anything either and was on gas and air constantly thats all I had through my whole labour. I havent watched the past obem I need to have a catch up on them.
Babyd- Yes I would keep an eye on baby movements he may just be having a little lazy day.
...weird but at 25 wk apt I measured 27cm and today I was 26cm...mw said could either be coz a student mw did it last time or that it's subjective or that bubs is in a different position! Of course I got to worrying that bubs isn't growing properly :-( ...

Ooooh broody that's ace re NCT...u can tell me all about it! Do u know how much earlier we get into the nearly new sales with membership card??

Hey Abic,

I am sure it is just that LO has nestled in and so your bump isn't as pronounced right now, try not to worry :hugs: - good news about everything being okay on the monitor :thumbup:

I went to one of the NCT nearly new sales last weekend, it was awesome and I picked up some real bargains :yipee: You get in 15mins earlier with the membership card, but in reality because you join a completely different queue at the entrance (which is MUCH shorter than the other one :eek: ) most members get longer than that (the 15mins starts when the last person in the membership queue goes through, so if you are well ahead of them in the queue you might be in there for 30mins before everyone else floods in :happydance: ) - be warned though to get what you want and get in the checkout queue pronto - I ended up queueing for longer to pay than I did to get in :dohh:

Omg whats with all the vom & poo on OBEM tonight?
Does this really happen????

I reeeeally hope not :sick: I can handle pain but being sick always makes me cry :haha:

I looked at some courses yesterday but mentioned it to DH and he just doesn't take things very seriously and made me feel stupid for mentioning it :( so I don't think I will get to go on a course!

Talking about feeling movements, baby was moving like mad yesterday morning and I haven't felt anything since? I always feel him at night and in the morning but not felt anything - I will keep an eye on it and mention it to midwife tomorrow x

I have booked us to go on the NCT course (which my DH also grumbled about :grr: ) but I didn't give him the option :haha: to be fair when I explained that it is educational but also an opportunity to make some friends who are due babies at the same time he did come around to the idea :winkwink:

I hope everyone else is doing well?

I keep getting acid reflux but not heartburn, is that also related to baby hairyness? :shock: ... Oddly my nephew was born with a shock of hair but my sister has a bottle of unopened gaviscon in her cupboard because she didn't once need it- I guess like everything there are always exceptions to the rule??
I just got a phone call too say my maternity allowence has been approved and it starts on 11th March, I have no choice on the date as im not working now it starts 11 weeks before baby is due.

And apparently it goes up £8 a week from April!
Great news about maternity allowance Emma.

I am suffering with backache today I just can't get comfy at all, which is rubbish as I am still on rest. I feel if I could do a bit of housework it would ease it, I think it's from been sat down all the time.
be good for you to have some extra money before bubs is here to get last mins things :flower:

i just measured my bump like the midwifes do, i googled it :haha: and im measuring 27 cm, im 26 weeks by the hospital dates and im 27 weeks and 2 days by my doc and own dates.. is it safe to say mine and docs dates are looking more likely than the hospitals?
Red rose- it seems so with yor bump measuring 27 weeks I was always measuring a week ahead with Ollie and had him 2 weeks early.
i also had a dream last night our baby came on the 3rd :haha: that would make her 2 days early by my dates but nearly 2 weeks early by the hospital..

totally can sympathise about the backache, i think this baby has its feet against my back.. ouchie!
Cliqmo - thanks loads for the tips for the NCT sale! I didn't realise there was 2 queues and didn't even think there would be queues! So if it starts at 2pm shall i get there a bit earlier? like say quarter of an hour?

Babyd - hows the movements chick? Hope all is well and you got on ok at the mw today? I was told yesterday if you're at all worried about movements at this stage that we should call the midwife service as soon as poss!

I have just watched the end of obem from last night and i just can't get my head round the labour thing...i'm kinda REALLY excited and am thinking, bring on the pain but then i have a crappy pain threshold so i'll probably be screaming like those women for an epidural! I'm a bit worried about the epidural thing tho as i don't like the idea of having to have an assisted delivery....my ideal would be to have the gas & air and then just hypnobirth my way thru it!

I have my first class in an hour and a half....sooooo excited!

BabyD - think you're right about the 5cm thing re the bump size....she said to me that 4cm either way is perfectly normal and that it could be where the baby is laying. I think i feel better now...i just hope it grows in the next 3 weeks but i will be seeing yet another midwife next time too! Thats the 5th one in 6 appointments so its no wonder there's no consistency in measurements etc!

Right...off for a slob on the sofa....still feeling really sorry for myself coz am so bunged up and shivery and coldy :-(

hope all is well with everyone xoxo
Abi - I don't have the midwife until tomorrow and still not felt baby move at all :nope: starting to get myself really worked up now as I have just sat in the bath for an hour talking to bump and still nothing. It's just worrying me because he has literally been really really active and is usually moving around for most of the day. Hubby is away aswell so I am getting myself in a right old panic. I haven't rang midwife or anyone today purely because I remember this happening last time and everything was fine, so I am stupidly trying to put it to the back of my mind. My midwife appointment isn't until 4.30 tomorrow so I will ring the maternity unit in the morning, I can't do anything now as Grace is in bed and on my own :cry: x
Ah he just moved :cloud9: feels alot lighter though if that makes sense, not as strong? Maybe he has just changed position x

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