At my 28 week appointment, they measured fundal height, felt babies position/presentation, listened to heartbeat and checked BP and urine. The blood test I believe is a full blood count and I believe the main purpose is to check if your iron levels are low, as it's quite common for them to be a little low at this stage, so may need iron tablets. Think that was it
ah cool, thanks. at least i know what to expect, it says check up in my book but didnt go into detail.
lol emzy i thought you said felt boobies position i nearly spat out my tea when i read that
here is my 26 (im sure more like 27 weeks tho) bump pic as i will be away 2mor
lovely bump there redrose
Hi Girls,
I hope everyone is well today.
Up early, we are off to crufts to show both our dogs as they qualified! My friend is running them for me! Long but un day ahead! X
hope the dogs do really well, have a fantastic time. we were supposed to be going there today but i really didnt feel up to it.
Good luck at Crufts!
Lovely bump pic Redrose.
Glad baby moved Babyd.
Off to work for me- another chaotic day in the classroom. Only 3 more weeks of the little darlings and then some 'me' time. Missing hubster though. Never sleep as well without him next to me.
Have a lovely Friday everyone and I'll check back in this evening.
hope you had a good day at work and wasnt too chaotic. know what you mean about hubsters being away, after all of these deployments and exercises over the last 7 years im still not used to them and cant sleep properly. when is he back?
Just a quick hello, as off to toddler group in 10 mins.
Good luck at crufts!! Is it on telly? It is sometimes isn't it?
Lovely bump red rose.
I'm so full of snot, I can not believe I am on my 6th cold since the first week of January... 6 in 10 weeks!!! I normally only get 2-3 a year. It's really getting me down now

That's what happens when you are pregnant with a snot bag toddler to look after! ha ha She picks up all sorts at toddler group and soft play and stuff.
sorry to hear you have another cold. have you tried taking pre-natals again or vitamin c? could help shake them off a bit quicker and keep them away.
Hey Ladies,
I hope you are all well? I have just posted a thread in Pregnancy Club but wondered if I could get your opinions too? I am not sure if I am over-reacting
Sooooo ... My sister and her Husband announced last week that they are looking to purchase a labrador puppy, and I got a text this morning to say they have chosen a pup and that "Bonnie" will be with them in a few weeks.
As you may know OH and I have a short list of names that we have agonised over ALOT and which all of my family have seen and studied (it is a literal list normally stuck on the fridge

) ... and Bonnie is one of them ...
Granted OH and I were not absolutely, definitely going to use the name for our little girl - but I find myself seriously miffed that of the
trillion or so names available they have chosen one from the handful we have picked out
Am I being unreasonable?
As ever your advice and wisdom would be very much appreciated
you arent being unreasonable at all, i would be livid and tell them straight away what the hell do they think they are playing at.
this is why we arent telling any of our friends or family any of the names we have chosen with so many pregnant friends and people getting pets at the moment. i made the mistake of that a few years ago when we started trying and thinking about names etc and one of my friends used the girls name at the top of our list after she liked the idea of it, although it does suit her little girl beautifully.
BTW I have that thing again where i haven't felt baby move since last night
I HATE this because all i do is sit and worry and sulk and it makes me really grumpy etc and then i just sit at work and cry and look pathetic infront of my ALL MALE colleagues.
I'm like pull yourself together Abs but i just can't til i feel her! I have just downed half a bottle of ice cold water and laid on the floor but still nothing. I have pushed and prodded and poked (the midwife said it's ok to do this) and still nothing.
I really hope she's just chillin out???
On a positive note, had a really good hypnobirthing session last night! Very calming and relaxing but not sure if i am gonna get the knack of it! I kept getting really distracted but apparently it doesn't matter because its your conscious that gets disctracted not your subconscious!! She did say that it wouldn't feel any different afterwards but in a week or 2 (if i do my homework every night!) I will notice subtle changes in due course! I cant wait!
Just need bubs to move now............
im sure they are completely fine and just having a bit of a growth spurt or something, getting wound up about it wont help chick, try to stay positive. i find a few jelly beans or ice cream normally helps my flump move around or even a square or two of chocolate. hope you get lots of movement tonight to make uo for it.
glad your hypnobirthing is going well, i did think about doing that but seem to be doing okay with my yoga breathing etc so decided to just stick with that instead. hope you start to notice the changes very soon.
Cliqmo I would definitely say something about the name! That really pees me off when people do that!
Abi I haven't felt anything since he moved last night either, will mention it to midwife later but I think he has moved round to my back because it is killing me today! I'm in a really tired and sad mood today, hubby is in bed because he worked through yesterday and last night and then he is back to work for the whole weekend I just want a hug!!! And Grace is being a right wingey bum aswell x
big hugs chick, hope you are feeling a bit better now x
Cliqmo- I would be really peed off aswell especially as that is maybe the name you want to call your baby and there's is just a dog I am sure they could think of a different name for the dog.
Abic- I am sure bubs is just in a funny position or something I usually find if baby is having a quiet day that lying on my side makes her move.
Babyd- I am sorry your feeling rubbish and yes I would mention to your midwife about movement.
I am super uncomfortable today just feel really stretched and heavy, my back is hurting to. I am just feeling that way out and very moany.
ive had that heavy feeling and aches the last few days too, hope you are feeling better chick
I hope your little ones give you a big strong kick to let you know not to worry! I have to say my little man is VERY quiet lately, he kicked me this morning but I've had nothing since.
I feel like I'm wasting my Fridays off work

All I did all morning was change my blog layout and design ( and then this afternoon went to aquanatal but it was cancelled so I just had a swim.
I then went to superdrug to buy all the travel size items for my hospital bag, it took me ages to find everything and then I got to the till and I'd left my bank card at home!!!! arghhh!!! Now I am just sat on my arse!
oh no, forgetting your purse is the worst thing ever, esp when you had just found everything. good idea for all the travel sized things, take up less room.
hope you have had a few more kicks today.
your nursery is very lovely, i so need to pull my finger out and get mine organised.
Ahhh harri your nursery is so cute! I am so jealous of everyone doing there nurserys and putting all the baby stuff in their own drawers, we can't do that this time

I've just got back from midwife - as I said this was meant to be my 28 week appt because I actually have my consultant at 28 weeks, but today she said I still have to go at 28 weeks so today felt like abit of a waste of time really! Everything was fine, baby is laying transverse and bump is measuring 26cm so just about right. I said about the movements and she didn't seem bothered at all, just said to have an icy drink to wake him up abit x
thats annoying baout your appointments, why are some people just really bad with sorting your dates and appts out? at least you got the all okay to put your mind at ease.
Harri your nursery is lovely! And I love how organised your draws are

I was exactly the same with Holly...
But this time, everything is in bags piled up in the nursery still!! I really want to get it sorted now, but need to get some draws and stuff sorted and clear some room in Holly's wardrobe for little dresses and stuff to hang up. Then I can wash the baby clothes and put them away.
I'm sooo excited! DH told me today that he is booking a 4d scan for my mothers day present next week!! I'm sooo excited! I had one with Holly and loved it so much, but didn't think we could justify having one this time really, there are a few baby things still to get and also I keep thinking I could spend the money on Holly instead, but he said he has messaged the place to ask to book one for next week!! I'm mega excited.
Hope these lazy babies give their Mummies a kick soon! Mine has quieter days but still quite wriggly most of the time. I noticed on my notes that I have an anterior placenta this time too, but I guess with it being low lying that's why I've not noticed it affecting movements or anything. It was posterior with Holly if I remember rightly.
aww how lovely of your oh to book that noce surprise for you.
im the same int he nursery stakes, everything is still all packaged up from when we bought it and a massive pile of boxes in the corner yet to clear out and move to the spare room. really should get a shimmy on and get the cot bought and set up. would like it at least half done before flump arrives.
Lovely nursery Harri- compact like ours by the looks of it- you've done a great job.
Great news about the 4D scan Emzy. We're not having one as we want to stay team yellow and worry that our surprise could be ruined spectacularly by a 4d scan.
Come on lazy babies- get kicking! Mine is non-stop, which I do really love but I'm beginning to find it uncomfortable whilst I'm working. I did have one day of reduced movement a couple of weeks ago and I was really grumpy until I got home and used my doppler. As soon as I'd done that, baby starting wriggling anyway- typical!
I am exhausted. Seems to have been the longest week ever at work, due to other people being off sick. I have done the job of about 15 people this week I reckon. Never been more glad to see my sofa.
ive had no end of movements today and yesterday and know what you mean about it being uncomfortable. my bump seems a bit sore from all the kicking and absolutely knackered today. dont get me wrong though it is lovely to feel it.
make sure you put your feet up and have a nice relaxing weekend to make up for your busy week!
apart from flump kicking and moving around like mad all day ive had a pretty uneventful one. hubster is now out at cadets so got the third evening on my own in a row. starting to get bored of the tv now and tempted to just have a really early night as quite tired today too. got a lot of sorting out and putting stuff on ebay to do over the weekend so will be a not too relaxing one.
made my final hospital bag list and have now started ticking everything off it as i pack, feels quite good to be doing that as not felt like ive achieved much in regards to preparing.
hope you are all having a good evening xx