June bugs 2012! 6x Boys 12x Girls 8x Team Yellow :)

just back from my brothers and his gf.. i loved having cuddles with my baby niece a week old today :cloud9: also was nice to see my oh holding such a small baby!

hope everyone is having a nice weekend, im so excited we just bought our mosses basket brand new of someone who got two as a present, and shes only charging us 25 for it and the stand which woudl normally be 90-150 as a set usually esp with the base! :)

aww how lovely having newborn cuddles
thats a bargain for the moses basket, its great when you start getting the odd bits here and there

Hi girls, thought I would pop back in and say hello. I tend to spend most of my time in the other sections now, and.. I don't get an awful lot of time! (Tonight's fun activity was dealing with my toddler who poored a bowl of tomato sauce over himself :dohh:)

Baby is doing well and active despite the fact I have quite a lot of pains. Had a midwife change and she has worried me terribly, but am trying to remember the first midwife was a lot more optimistic (and was also my original midwife with Nathaniel, so I trust her a lot more).

To the girls who don't have as active babies, cold drinks and lieing down are honestly the best ways to get them moving. It truely works! Nathaniel barely moved once/twice during my pregnancy and it had me very worried obviously! However we discovered this was because he was sleeping on a permanent basis really. Even during labor he was asleep. So please bare in mind, you can feel only rare movements and have a baby that is perfectly fine. Try not to worry and keep in constant contact with the midwives, mine were always reassuring me with dopplers etc.

nice to see you back and that everything is going well. bear with your new midwife and if you get concerned you could always contact your previous one for advice etc if need be.

27weeks today I am so excited to be in the 3rd and final tri.

yey for 3rd tri, its a great feeling isnt it

Yay for 3rd Tri Firstbean!

I'm off to church to look after everyone else's toddlers this morning. Not sure how much longer I can keep it up though- it's the getting up and down from the floor that's becoming undignified! They are very cute though.

Looking forward to DH coming back from Dubai tonight. I have my Anti-D appointment at the hospital on Tuesday- excellent- means an afternoon off work. Not sure that's quite the right attitude but I am so ready to be done with it all!

Have a lovely Sunday everyone.


be careful getting up and down etc, im struggling to even do normal stuff at home now flump bump is getting bigger like emptying the washing machine. hubster has to help do it now.
thats great your oh is back home, hope tuesday goes well for you. i have my 28week check up and bloods then too and have the same attitude to the afternoon off work lol. 8 weeks left at work and counting teehee!

Morning Everyone,

The sun is shining and im inside as we are sorting our nursery out today!! YAY!!!! so excited. Its been painted Lemon and we are putting the blind and curtains in today, putting the border up and moving the furniture from our spare room in there too!

Hubby gone off to B+Q to get some border adhesive and some tieback hooks, Im cleaning!!! so excited.

Emma x

how lovely, you will have to post some pictures when its all finished

Broodybelle let me know how your anti goes, ive mine soon too, have they done much about you being - ?
they havent done anything and they said there gonna take bloods first if there no antigens in my body they wont bother giving me it.. id of thought it was safer to give it me anyway just incase? :shrug:

baby has def gone head down now as im getting lots of pressure down there and all the kicks are high up now.. and i only get little bubble movements at my lower tummy.
i also felt baby have the hiccups this morning :cloud9: it felt like bubbles in my tummy lol

looks like a few of us are getting that now, rather uncomfortable sometimes im finding though when baby proper presses down, tend to end up waddling a little bit lol. great feeling the kicks higher up though. when i am sat at my desk i can see my tummy sticking out in places when i get a good kick which can be quite distracting, but good :)

woohoo Firstbean 3rd tri YAY :thumbup:

Emma i hope you have a fun day putting your nursery together, please share some pics once you are done :)

I had my 4D scan yesterday. My wee monkey was awake from 7:30 and jumping around my tummy for hours so come 11am and scan time and she was fast asleep....cheeky wee thing. Then she had part of the chord and her hands up over her face. After some jiggling she kinds gave us a little glimpse of her beautiful wee face. Such an amazing experience, i think i might wear out my DVD

aww thats fabulous, what lovely pictures too

Hi Girls,

Anyone else is struggling with long car journeys? I can't quite figure out what exactly is the problem but if I am more than 2 hours in the car, my pelvic bones in my bum get really sore and i cannot seem to find a good position. After that i get really stiff and my hips hurt in the night. I have a 7 hour journey to do twice next weekend and really dreading it!!!

Thanks for all your messages about Crufts. My 2 girls (dog) did really well. The puppy behaved perfectly which was the most important and the mum won a second place and lovely rosette in her class :) (I did not handle them but then there was a 9 months old pregnant woman running in the ring with her dog... i am not sure what she was trying to prove or if she was desperate to start labour.... but it was pretty painful to see her bump jolting up and down!)

i commute an hour to work and the same back home mon - fri and starting to find that getting uncomfortable towards the end. im forever adjusting my seat. the worst is at work though being sat down most of the day, then find when i go to get up it hurts lots.
glad your dogs did well. oh my being that far along and still running around, mental lady. although yeah probably trying to kickstart her labour lol. got a friend trying to do that now today is her due date, shes been walking miles the last few days to try and shimmy him along a bit, not worked so far though.

Lovely pictures TrAyBaby :thumbup:

In the past couple of days I've started to actually SEE baby kicking from the outside :happydance:

thats fabby news, also great for your oh as they can see it too :)


I'm knackered, we've just got back from a lovely day at the farm. Holly loved it and so did we, but I am shattered!!

The leg cramps have started for me. I woke last night with the worst leg cramp I have ever had. I got them from about this time with Holly too, but this was something else. It went right from my hip, down my thigh, calf, across my shin and over my ankle to my toes. It was horrendous! I woke up and started jumping around and woke Matt up as I couldn't get rid of it, no matter how much I stretched and I started crying! It was cramping for a good 10 mins and was bloody awful. I felt a bit silly crying at 5am with a leg cramp, but I said to Matt it was worse than bloody labour pains, it was horrible! And even though it went, it has hurt all down my leg all day and still hurts now. Urgh, horrible!! Anyone else getting them?

I'm also getting lots of pressure down below at the mo, just baby getting bigger and pressing down I guess. You can tell we are approaching 30 weeks now, as we are starting to feel it!! I've also started being sick again in the evenings. I did this last time too, although slightly later on than this.

My 4d scan is booked for Saturday!! I'm soooo excited! Baby Premier are doing a special offer for £99 for a 4D scan with photos, a DVD, etc so we are going for that.

TrAybaby I love your piccies :) I can't wait to get mine, so excited!

ooo the cramps dont sound fun at all, hope they ease off a bit for you. i havent had any yet but there is still time for them to crop up im sure. getting really bad heartburn/indigestion before i go to bed which is not pleasant even though i feel fine after tea and all the time up to going to bed.
eeek very exciting for your 4d scan, we were going to have one but didnt want to risk finding out what the sex is.

Ooh and my mat leave officially starts today!


Not had any leg cramps yet, but have had the feeling that one was going to start a few times and then managed to avoid it. My back is aching like mad today though.

Feeling really down about going into work tomorrow. I work in a team of 3 teachers who teach 3 parallel classes age wise, so we use the same planning etc. One of the teachers was moved into my team last year and has been a nightmare ever since. The only reason she was moved into my team was that the other teacher that worked alongside her refused to work with her anymore! I've tried to be patient and make allowances for her however she has been teaching significantly longer than me, gets paid more than me and doesn't do anywhere near the same amount of work as me and continually lets the team down. She has been off sick for the last two weeks and whilst it has been stressful trying to pick up the pieces of where she left off, it has been bliss not to have to see her. She is back in tomorrow and I've been having panic attacks about the thought of seeing her. Surely this isn't good for me or the baby!? I just know that she will be in a right mess because she won't have a clue what she is doing and I don't have the energy or patience to cope with it. I'm her team leader, so it's my responsibility to deal with all the crap- but I can't face it.
I'm just sat here crying as I don't want to have to face work in the morning. DH not back from Dubai until later- hoping he can talk some sense into me! I have never considered ringing in sick before, when I'm perfectly healthy but this is really getting to me. Stupid pregnancy hormones and even stupider work colleague!!! :(

thats awful hunni, the only thing i can think of for you to do is have a word with the head or take it to someone higher. it isnt good at all for you to be feeling like this, especially if its upsetting you to this extent. the only thing you could do to make something happen to sort it is to threaten with having to take sick leave due to stress, as that is what you are dealing with and you shouldnt have to. hubster mum and dad are head teachers and have had to deal with something similar at their schools, ended up having to get rid of the staff memeber not pulling their weight (had plenty of warnings) but the school committee/governors or whoever decided they had enough. massive hugs chick.

ive had a nice relaxing weekend so far, watched a few films, been food shopping and managed to hunt out some bargains on ebay.
got a vibrating bouncer from ebay for £16, its a mamas and papas one and is lovely and brightly coloured. not sure if you will be able to see it as its ended but its this one... https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/180834471166?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1423.l2649
and the best bit is that some of the proceeds i made last weekend from my ebay selling paid for it :)
just had a yummy roast chicken dinner with all of the trimmings for tea, and then a bowl of strawberries with some clotted cream ice cream for pud :)
not looking forward to getting up for work tomorrow, really struggling with mornings at the moment with my broken uncomfortable sleep :( got yoga in the evening though which cheers me up a bit and then only half a day tuesday as got my 28wk appt in the afternoon.
hope you have all had a good weekend x
The head is more than aware of how bad at her job the other teacher is! I'm not the only one to have complained repeatedly about her either. Just not sure how seriously she would take me going in and saying it's making me stressed. I have cried on her before about the situaition and it made no difference whatsoever. Just makes me so cross that crap teachers are almost impossible to sack!!! I love the school, love my class, love the rest of the staff- just hate this one person that I unfortunately have to spend alot of time working alongside. Definitely making me not want to go back to work after maternity leave. She is my biggest reason for finishing earlier.

Feel ridiculous, as I'm normally such a level-headed, go-with-the-flow type of person. Never let work get to me like this.

I understand to a degree. My mum is a head and I have followed her efforts to sack some idiot staff in the past, lol, she managed it with the last one by finding out she was having an affair with the site agent/cleaner! Who just happened to be the head of governors husband would you believe it!
I think it's bad she's doing nothing. You could always go off on stress related and state her as the reason? X

I understand to a degree. My mum is a head and I have followed her efforts to sack some idiot staff in the past, lol, she managed it with the last one by finding out she was having an affair with the site agent/cleaner! Who just happened to be the head of governors husband would you believe it!
I think it's bad she's doing nothing. You could always go off on stress related and state her as the reason? X

It is so hard to sack bad teachers- any other job and she'd have been long gone!
I have debated going to my docs about it- will see how I feel tomorrow. Just feel for the fact that the other main teacher on the team is on maternity leave and an NQT is covering her leave! It's so much for her to cope with in her first year of teaching. There is a lot that needs to be done before the holidays, like tests etc. I really need to be there to oversee it all and ensure that I leave my class in order. Torn between being selfish and thinking of only me and then thinking of what a mess it would leave behind if I don't do the next three weeks. :cry:

you really need to get this sorted chick, its not good for you or baby being this worked up/stressed/upset about going to your job which you previously loved. i would go to your doctor and see about getting signed off with stress. the head will have to take notice if the consequences are affecting other members of staff. i know you dont think its fair to with the nqt covering someones mat leave but you need to put yourself first as no-one else will.
DH has arrived home and outright refused to allow me to go into work tomorrow and is making me go to the docs. He is then going to come into school with me and tell the head exactly what he thinks.
Broody I have to say I agree. It's not good for you to be stressed right now, for you or baby! If I were in your situation and the head wouldn't do anything about it, I'd get signed off with stress til your mat leave kicks in hun. It's really not worth it, take some time to look after yourself sweetie :hugs: x
Hi girls....sorry haven't had chance to read posts yet as am in bed on phone but wanted to run sthg by you...
Since 4pm yesterday I have been feeling extremely nauseous which ended up me starting a whole nights worth of violent puking from 11.30osh last night & most recently at 5am which was just bile (sorry tmi). Bubs has been v active all weekend including all night last night but do u think this is a bug or a pregnancy related thing? DH and I ate the same stuff and noone else is poorly???

DH just left for work and I'm now home alone til he gets back 7.30ish tonight :/(

Should I be doing anything or just sitting it out?x

Ps feel so lonely and poorly right now & all night I've been feeling a little bit panicky and frightened...at least I can put the tele on for distraction. So hungry but can't face eating :-(
Hey Abi

I've read that morning sickness can come back in the third tri! However it could be a bug so I would give your midwife a call and see what she thinks? She might have some advice for you to make you feel better. I hope you feel better soon Hun :hugs: :hugs: x
Thanks Harri....I googled last night & read the same...really couldn't face feeling like this for 3 more months! Fingers crossed its a 24 hr thing!

Doesn't help when bubs moves & makes me feel more sick!
Hope you manage to get things sorted today Broody!
Abi it sounds like a bug to me, there is a sickness bug going around at the moment - make sure you are drinking plenty of fluids and get lots of rest. If you are not keeping fluids down then I would ring midwife :hugs:
I can't wait till the clocks go forward in a couple of weeks, Grace has been getting up at 6am every morning :coffee: DH has been leaving for work at 4.30 so by the time I get comfy and fall back to sleep again I have grace jumping all over me!
Abi- poor you. Definitely sounds like a bug. Hope you feel better soon.

I have a docs appt at 4:20pm today and DH is coming with me, so we'll see what they say. He called into school for me to let them know I wasn't coming in and the teacher in question picked up the phone- he said he had to resist the temptation to say anything to her. Especially her comment of "I hope that me having the last two weeks off work hasn't caused Hannah any stress." LOL.

Nearly in 3rd Tri Babyd- hooray for that.

Thanks for all your support ladies- it was exactly what I needed last night- things are always so much worse when you're on your own.

Abi defo sounds like a bug, I had it in January and its horrible :( rest and try to sip water and it should pass within 2 days. Call doctor if you can't keep fluids down at all. Feel better soon hun Xx

Broody let us know how you get on Xx
Emma I think you press the multi quote button on each post you want to quote, then on the last one click reply with quote and they should all come up x
Forgot to say, my boobs have started leaking! They never did last time til after she was born. I'm hoping this is a good sign that I will make a bit more milk this time! Lol
Abic- Yes it does sound like a bug. Hope you get well soon. :hugs:

Babyd- Ollie has started to wake up at 6:15am aswell I am not used to it we were having to get up at half 7 anyway when OH goes to work as I am not allowed to lift Ollie out of the cot but he has decided he likes getting up at 6:15 instead I am knackered by this time. Happy 26 weeks only 1 week left in 2nd tri :happydance:

Broody- Hope your feeling a little bit better today and the time of work helps you out, it wont be long till your on maternity leave.

Emzy- I realised last night that my boobs had started to leak too I never got it this early with Ollie.

Here is my 27week bump pic from yesterday.


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    27 weeks.jpg
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Well I've been to the docs. She has said it's definitely not depression (which I know because I've been seriously depressed) and that it would appear the anxiety attacks are purely linked to one thing and that removing myself from the situation is the only course of action, as I can't take medication whilst preggers. So I have to self certify my absence for this week and then have an appointment in a week's time where she is prepared to sign me off until Easter.

Feel in two minds about it all to be honest, so will see where I'm at in a week. I feel like I'm letting my class down (it's parents evening this week) and I feel really sad that I might not be in work to say goodbye to them all or to say goodbye to the many, many colleagues that I work with and love to bits. So I feel like if I can cope then I will go back for the final week at least. We shall see. The thought of being anywhere near that woman though just makes me feel so sick!!!

DH is ringing the headteacher, so we'll see what she says!!!

Morning girls.....firstly thanks to all the get well messages...feel tons better today but tummy still a little on the fragile side but not having to lie on the bathroom floor which is nice! Working from home today....was weird as i called in sick yesterday for the first time in that job (5 and a half years) and even by yesterday afternoon when i still felt crap i was feeling guilty...WHY?????

Broody - so glad you went to the Dr yesterday - it's a real shame that someone can make you feel like this and there's nothing you can do about it. I would contact the head again and tell him/her that you love your job and don't want to let the kids or your other colleagues etc down but the only way you can move forward is avoidance of said evil teacher. If she/he choses to do nothing about it then you may have no choice other than to stay off which i know you'd rather not do but at the same time stressed mum=stressed baby and you can't afford to let the 2 most important people in your world down right now.

Perhaps even make some suggestions as to how you can avoid evil teacher so that the head can see that you've thought about the practicality of you coming back and working in the same place as evil teacher. The only other thing you can do is to just try (and i KNOW how hard this will be as have been there myself a number of times) and rise above it. As soon as you see or have a conversation with the evil one just think about your baby, the fact you're leaving soon, the fact that you're better than this petty nastiness and bite your tongue, take a deep breath and walk away. It's HER weakness, not yours. Your are amazing because you care so much but clearly she doesn't have the same committment....she clearly has issues and she is getting away with not dealing with them by treating other people the way she does.

I really hope you get it sorted out chick and remember to stay strong, rise above it and deep breaths!!
OMG just wrote a long reply and pressed post and it's bloody disappeared!

Glad you're feeling better Abi :hugs: :hugs:
I know what you mean about calling in sick, I had to do it last month and it was my first absence, it felt awful but we need to be well for our babies :)

Can't believe we're a squash now! Woohoo! Xxxx

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