June bugs 2012! 6x Boys 12x Girls 8x Team Yellow :)

Abi, could you be dehydrated Hun? If not phone your midwife ASAP

If I have learnt anything since Friday it's if you don't feel right phone for help that's what the midwifes are there for x

Still waiting for my scan, doesn't look like I'll be going home today now :nope: still no definite as to what caused the bleed. Had a midwife say yesterday that I could be here till baby is born which really upset me. Just want to go home now but I know I'm in the best place for my and ump just wish I knew what was happening.

My oh is on nights this week so I won't get to see much of him, luckily tho he has dropped off my iPad which I have now loaded with credit so I can surf the tinterweb :happydance: which should help pass the time. No way ami paying £10 a day for the hospitals rubbish tv and very slow Internet package.

Been keeping busy doing my cross stitch for the baby's room, I'll try and work out how to take a pic later so I can bore you all with my progress lol

Hugs to those who need them, congrats on making another week everyone :) and hello to the newbie:thumbup: (sorry can't remember your name please forgive me)
Abi, I think it would be a good idea to call if you are feeling like something is wrong. Better to be safe than sorry, right?

Razra, keep us updated. I can't imagine having to stay in the hospital until birth, can't you just go home and be on bed rest? Good luck with the scan and I hope they have some better news for you later today!
Razra did you get scanned today? Hope everything is ok!
Abi - I sort of know how your feeling, I am feeling very disconnected lately and not really feeling like I am pregnant in a weird way, but I am very excited about everything that is happening. But I also felt like it with Grace when I had ante-natal depression, it was a completely different feeling though as I wasn't excited at all :( You have said you don't feel depressed though, so I am sure it is not that. Are you getting enough sleep/rest? I would call your midwife hun to get reassurance xx
evening everyone,

razra, hope everything is okay and they work something out for you soon so you can get back home.

abi, ive not felt like that before but i have had odd dizzy feelings every now and again where i feel a bit like im not really in the room. defo get yourself checked out if you are worried. could it be an affect from coming off your anti-d's?

went to physio today and i came out feeling rubbish and unlistened to. she basically gave me a leaflet on spd, a tubigrip made into a support which was too tight and made me feel worse, didnt manage past 3 hours with it on and flump didnt like it either as totally squashed my bump, and she hardly answered any of my questions. the only one i did get an answer to was that if the tubigrip support didnt work i would have to get elbow crutches :( i think she was just trying to force and scare me into using the thing they gave me today.
im now on ebay looking at the emma-jane maternity support, my yoga teacher has one and says its the best thing since sliced bread, she has spd aswell.
got my 31 week midwife appointment tomorrow so will mention it to her. im in agony now though thanks to the nhs style support, can hardly walk or move around so no idea what its done to me but was defo too tight.

anyways hope you guys are all okay, ive managed to secure the laptop as hubster is upstairs in the spare room suffering from a rather minging throat infection with dayglo green phlem, yuk!
:cry: well the worst has happened, went for my scan, only walked across the corridor but it triggered another bleed. My placenta is completely covering the cervix and comes up the front as well. Baby is fine and measuring on date (31 weeks today) but because of the second bleed and the placentas positioning I was told this afternoon that I will not be leaving hospital until bubs is here :cry:

Been bleeding on and off since 5pm so guess we wait to see when they will do the c section now. I'm torn between as long as poss to give bubs a fighting chance and sooner rather than later so i know it's out and safe rather than worrying with every bleed that I'm gonna lose him/her

I know I'm in the best place for both our safety but feel :cry: that I won't get to nest, buy the last bits and bobs in the shop, leave work like everyone else does and just the general when's it gonna happen excitement that everyone else gets.

Huge hugs to you all, here's hoping we all make it safe and sound to our due dates :)

Oh no jelly tots hope the mw can help you out a bit more :hugs:

Abi are you feeling any better?
Oh nooo Razra! :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:
I really feel for you hun! My friends baby was born at 31 weeks and was absolutely fine! I was born at 33 weeks. Hopefully that will make you feel a little better.
So glad bubs is OK, that's the important thing :hugs: You'll have to give your OH lots of lists!

Jelly, sorry you're not feeling well! I do hope it passes quickly, although my experience with having colds and stuff during pregnancy is that it seems to take longer than usual to go away. Feel better soon!

Razra, I'm so sorry you're stuck in the hospital. But it does sound like your situation is quite risky. I wonder how early they'll want to deliver. I've been looking at premature birth and babies spending time in the NICU since I know it's a possibility with the twins. DS2 was born via c-section at 38.5 weeks and they've scheduled my c-section this time at 38.5 weeks so I think that's a fairly safe time to have the baby. DS2 didn't have any issues nursing or sleeping really. I understand what you're saying about getting it over with as soon as they will allow it, so you know that your baby is out and safe, but what I found in my research is that the longer they can stay in, the better. 36-37 weeks might still mean some time in the NICU, and even if you're not talking about the hospital wanting to monitor the baby, babies born early sometimes have more difficulty nursing and sleeping. Since I'm planning to nurse the twins (I nursed our older boys), and I already anticipate sleep being a challenge (one waking the other up), I am definitely hoping they stay until 36+ weeks! But I understand that it's not easy to be in the hospital during this time, and I have no idea what they'll decide for your delivery date.
sorry, haven't been on in ages, and didn't get a chance to catch up yet. Dh and i have been very busy lately. We found out a few weeks ago that our three and a half year old was having some problems hearing. Took her to the ear doc that put her tubes in at 18 month because she had had 16 ear infections. My daughter's tubes came out a few months ago but her ear drums never healed back up. She had two massive holes in her ear drums. Then on friday she had to have reconstructive surgery on her ear drums. They took the skin from behind her ears to graph her ear drums. After she is healed up (6-8) weeks she will go in for her hearing test to learn how much hearing loss she has suffered and possibly a hearing aid from there. It seems so awful for someone so lil to have to go through this, however im trying very hard to keep some perspective as there are things alot worse than going deaf, Right? At least its nothing life threating! It would be so reashering to at least hear her speak again at this point. :(
Anyway my rant is done,as nothing i say can change any of it now. Its in a higher powers hands now. I hope everyone is doing well!! you guys are in my prayers for a safe and healthly lil bubs.

Ps: When should a baby be head down by? Lillie has been breach for the last 5 weeks or so,and with everything going on, i just want as much time to prepare myself for the possibilty of a c-section if its likely. And my doc kind of evades the subject if i bring it up at my apointments.
Lilbynon, I'm sorry to hear about your daughter's surgery and hearing. I'm sure it's not easy to have a little one going through that. It's hard to explain to them what's happening at that age!

I don't know what the guidelines are for going head down, but I think you still have time. I thought you had until like 36 weeks for that to happen.
Razra- sorry to hear you are going to have to stay in hospital but as you say it is the best place for you and bubs of anything does happen. Fingers crossed bubs can stay in there longer
Hey Razra....I'm so sorry to hear that you have to stay in hospital hun.....I can't imagine how you must be feeling hun.....hopefully the weeks will fly by and your baby will be here safe and sound before you know it! You'll have to make a list of movies/TV series that your DH can download onto the ipad for you....I know it must be a real pain and you feel you are missing out but try and make the most of things...get your friends to visit, catch up on celeb gossip in magazines and do some online shopping so you can still chose the things you want for baby! I know it may not be the same but this is YOUR experience and YOUR story! Could you make a video diary to entertain yourself?

Thanks to everyone for your kind words re how i have been feeling.....I still feel similar today but am trying not to let it freak me out or upset me! I didn't call the midwife because I have been here SO many times and they would just tell me that i'm tired or hormonal or something! I was absolutely fine last year when i came off the pill (from Oct 2010 to April 2011) and then in April i started with this 'fuzzy head' feeling where i just felt so unbelieveably spaced out and also like i was REALLY disconnected. Had bangin headaches and ended up basically being in the Dr about once a week to sort out what was wrong with me...had CT, MRI, blood tests, neurologist consult etc etc and no-one could find anything wrong. I thought i had ME/CFS or some thyroid issue or something but everything was normal. My hormone tests were just about normal too (one showed that I may not ovulate). Eventually they put me on the anti-depressants for the headaches in July and then i came off them in December. It was REALLY hard (as some of you may remember from over Christmas) but since then i have felt fine. Yesterdat was the return of fuzzy spaced out head and creeping in are the headaches too. I literally can't wait to have this baby and get back on the pill because i think all of the head stuff is purely hormonal!

From Feb last year til when i went back on the anti-d's I had 2 periods and they were 57 and 73 days apart (hence the fact I put my fuzzy head down to hormones) and then when I went on the anti-d's in july my periods started back to normal again and i got preggers! When I got pregnant i then started to feel really woosy again and headachy (for about 18 weeks!) and even though i was on the anti-d's for that long, i still felt SHIT!!!

I am thinking that this is hormones again....perhaps a growth spurt or something with bubs which is making me make more hormones or sthg?? Am getting really stressed out with EVERYTHING and gggggggggggrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!!

can't believe it's taken me so long to write this (started it hours ago!).....work is busy busy so must go....hope everyone is ok :-)

BabyD....do you still have that disconnected thing? Do you know what causes it???????? I sometimes think i am going insane!
:cry: well the worst has happened, went for my scan, only walked across the corridor but it triggered another bleed. My placenta is completely covering the cervix and comes up the front as well. Baby is fine and measuring on date (31 weeks today) but because of the second bleed and the placentas positioning I was told this afternoon that I will not be leaving hospital until bubs is here :cry:

Been bleeding on and off since 5pm so guess we wait to see when they will do the c section now. I'm torn between as long as poss to give bubs a fighting chance and sooner rather than later so i know it's out and safe rather than worrying with every bleed that I'm gonna lose him/her

I know I'm in the best place for both our safety but feel :cry: that I won't get to nest, buy the last bits and bobs in the shop, leave work like everyone else does and just the general when's it gonna happen excitement that everyone else gets.

Huge hugs to you all, here's hoping we all make it safe and sound to our due dates :)

Oh no jelly tots hope the mw can help you out a bit more :hugs:

Abi are you feeling any better?

razra im so sorry you have to stay til baby is born, i was only in two nights and i wanted to be home so i totally feel your pain, but the girls are right your in the right place to be, your gonna be checked over a few times a day, and right at the door step if the bleeding becomes worse.

i just hope they make u as comfortable as they can hun, the internet def will help :hugs: lol give you something to do.
if baby is born at 31 weeks they will be a v good weight by now hun and think its only 6 weeks til they are term so in terms of pre mature only by 6 weeks :thumbup: so baby will be quite developed and im sure a strong little one :hugs: hopefully they can hold it off slightly longer tho fingers crossed :hugs:
ladies.. does anyone know what sleep is anymore :haha: i can not sleep a decent nights sleep anymore.. between active baby jumping about, being too hot then too cold ever other second, bump cramps just i dont think i will sleep proper til baby is out then ill have no sleep :haha:
razra, i'm so sorry that you have to stay in hospital, but as the others have said, it is the best place for you and bubs at the moment! Please keep us updated. I had to stay in hospital for the last couple of weeks before I had Grace and although I hated being there, it was actually quite nice to get the rest, because when you are home and supposed to be resting, you never really do!!
Abi, I have no idea why I feel like it, It is usually worse when I am overtired so try to get as much rest as I can! Also, I feel like it is really bad at the moment because baby doesn't have a room, so I really don't feel like I am actually having a baby. I seriously can easily forget I am pregnant if it wasn't for the pain!x
Wow I haven't been on here for so long!!!

Razra I am so sorry to hear your news, I can cmpletely imagine how your feeling but you are in the best place for you and your bubba :hugs:

Abi I hope your okay hun, do you finish work soon?

Redrose I am so with you on the no sleep thing. I am sooooo hot at night now, I even had to open a window up last night and have no covers. Can't stop weeing either lol I really feel like I need an afternoon nap now!!

I am the same on the sleeping I was up for 2 hours last night with acid it was awful, it really was hurting when I laid down, then it takes me ages I get comfy then up for a wee then at least 20 mins to get back off so I am now waiting on Ollie to go to sleep hopefully in the next few mins so I can have a nap I am so tired
Thanks peeps :)feel a bit better about it now, it's one of those things. Plus it means I don't have to do any housework or running around after the other half, so he will get plenty of practise and should be an expert ready for when me and bibs go home so he can look after us lol. :haha:

Huge hugs to those of you having trouble sleeping, that's not what you need. Here's hoping its just a phase and it will pass quickly x
Razra yes think of the positives no housework and a bit of peaceful time to yourself before baby.

I am so excited as I was debating whether I could pay 75 pound for a yummy mummy changing bag but my mam has said she will buy me one so I am thinking the dragonfly and thistle one that comes out at the end of the month.
:cloud9: def get one I got a dragon fly and thistle one back in feb for my birthday and I love it. Yes they are expensive but hey not as expensive as all the baby's stuff lol

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