I assumed so from your username! Is this your first Emma? X
hahaha oh yeah!! yes my 1st (4th pregnancy, 3 angels)
Married for almost 3 years, hubby is 46, he has 3 children, so I'm a step Mum.
They are all 18+ now though. x
I assumed so from your username! Is this your first Emma? X
My fiancé has a two year old from a previous relationship, it's her 2nd bday this weekend, she lives in Devon, so we are headed down the M4 as I type! Ive two angels, one was a fair few years ago. X
Weve swooped struth! I had a very acute stabbing pain in my uterus before bed last night, now really worried it was something bad happening!!!hello to our new ladies! X
I really hope I don't get bad ms this time! I never started with nausea with Holly, full blown morning sickness hit me like a train at about 6 weeks and continued all day every day til 14 weeks! I'm hoping the nausea means it'll stay at just that!
It's great to have a group like this to chat to and support each other. I am in the September Stars 2010 group and we have stayed together from 1st Tri until now and I really count them all as my friendsSo lets stick together and spread the PMA!!
I'm going out for my friends birthday tonight and will obviously not be drinking, which will be weird! I have already told my friend about my BFP as she is also TTC! Anyone doing anything good this weekend?