Hello everyone!!! Long time no speak (well it's only been about 4 days but that is a lifetime on this thread!)
Almost fell off my chair when I saw how many pages there are on here now!!!!
Been away with work (only in London) but had no internet so felt a bit like my right arm had been chopped off!
So there's been loads happening and lots of good new and worries and stuff on here....
It is SOOOOOOOOO hard not to worry and at the slightest little twinge or gurgle you kindof panic a bit until you realise that the twinge is normal and the gurgle is just your tummy making a poop or something (my OH refers to me as a poo machine coz i poo so many times a day!)....actually i used to poo randomly between 3 and 5 times a day and in the last few weeks i have been waking up early, running to the loo for a (wait for it...TMI alert) sloppy poo and then not had one for the rest of the day!
I know there are some real worries out there tho and I don't mean to trivialise in what i said above but i think for the most part we need to concentrate on NOT worrying and the focus on the positives. IF something happens that causes us concern, we go straight to the Dr and hope that everything will be ok....
I'm sorry I can barely keep my eyes open and don't think i really managed to say what i wanted to say just then......someone said they felt like they had been hit by a truck and for the first tiem i realised that's exactly how i feel.
When do we get to glam up in sexy maternity wear, look glowing and feel amazing??? Right now i feel TRULY minging....i have had a proper break out with huge spots everywhere, can't keep my eyesd open

or string a sentence together, have a horrid dull headache and can't be arsed to do anything, literally. Everything looks weird and i feel totally spaced out. All I want is a double espresso!

I am allowing myself 2 cups of tea a day!
Has everyone else given up caffeine??
PLease someone who has been thru this before tell me that I will start to feel alive and glowing soon....................