This thread moves way too fast for me. Increased discharge is normal. Spotting pink/brown, although not considered "normal" is VERY common. I spotted for over a week and a half after implantation. Bright PINK (not red), had a day or so of spotting off, then had 3 days that I'd pass like a clump of CM that was sticky, and blood tinged (dark blood). Curiousity struck and I soaked it in water to see if it was tissue or what not and when the blood dissolved it turned out to just be a wad of cloudy CM. No worries there. My doctor had told me to ignore the spotting. I even had a day that I passed a super tiny clot (heart wrenching!) but my levels went up anyway. So far for the last 3ish days, no spotting. (Fingers crossed) I'm not nauseated but my appetite has decreased significantly. I feel like I'm getting a cold. I'm tired. And, although not EVERY minute of every day does it happen, Sometimes my boobs hurt sooooooooo bad. I go for my first ultrasound on the 27th. My boss has given me a hard time about everything so I'm planning on NOT returning after the baby is born. We're looking for other options like OH getting a better paying job and us moving to a cheaper area, or me finding new work, etc. This just isn't going to work for me continuing on how it's been since I've told them I'm pregnant.
Because I've only had 2 hcgs done and I worry about the pregnancy (why? because i'm pregnant, technically a mommy, and that's what mommies do, right???!) I've taken random tests... like my old ovulation ones. LOL, I do love seeing the smiley on my clearblue digital, but last night I took one of my old wondfo LH ones... generally before this, even if I were ovulating I could NEVER get a dark test line on the wondfo. EVER! As soon as this thing started soaking up my pee you could see the test line. In the end, my test line was so dark that it made the control line look like nothing. Almost like the test line had taken up so much dye that there wasn't enough to make a strong control. That made me feel good.
abic77 is right... we need to focus on NOT worrying. It's not healthy. But, it's not easy. At all. Ever. LOL I know that some of you guys have been through a lot. Fingers crossed for everyone.
PArdon my french ladies but what a f*ckin t*sser your boss sounds!
Seriously....I don't know what he has said or how he is making your life difficult but as an employee girl you have rights! You have the right to be respected firstly as an employee, secondly as a human being and finally as a pregnant human being.
How dare anyone make you feel like that?
I notice you're in the states hun....I'm not sure what the HR/employment law is like over there but over here you could really take him to the dogs with this behaviour. He needs to be reminded that he is just a person like you or I and that he should not get to treat people the way he is treating you.
I know it may seem difficult but i would strongly advise you to get some advice and make sure this person is dealt with appropriately for whatever behaviour he is displaying.
People like that make me sick and should not be managers.
Sorry....rant over...I just feel really strongly about this!!!