Best of luck to you ladies. My loss of symptoms a few weeks ago was real and my baby stopped developing then. Have a healthy pregnancy and I wish you all the best!
Had my booking in appointment with the midwife today (at last) and it all feels a bit more real now.Although she took 5 vials of blood from me and then took my blood pressure which was, needless to say, slightly low. Never had low blood pressure before so not too concerned.
Finally have a date for our scan - Thursday 1st- hooray. Even though it's the worst day for both hubby and I workwise and the worst time. He is going to have to sweet talk his big boss. Excited though, as once we've had the scan we can officially announce to friends and family that don't already know.
Off to see Bill Bailey tonight at the M.E.N. arena. Bit of comedy is always great but not the late night that comes with it. I can barely keep my eyes open past 9pm, so tomorrow at work should be fun!
Anyone else suffering from severe baby brain? I seem to be getting by fine at work but I have become a liability at home! I got up and closed the curtains this morning after hubby had opened them. My brain was clearly half functioning as I knew something needed to happen with the curtains but closing them obviously not quite right! So many other dense moments.
Evening girls, hope you are all feeling ok.
I haven't had the greatest day, my best friend had her 12 week scan and they found that the baby had died at 11+4Feel absolutely devastated for her, and guilty that I will have to go through my pregnancy with her thinking that it should be her aswell. She only had a scan 2 weeks ago and everything was fine.
I am now obviously very anxious about my scan and really just want to see my baby and know that everything is ok. Haven't stopped crying all day!!
Sorry for the depressing post just needed to let it out and hubby doesn't understand why I am feeling so down x
Best of luck to you ladies. My loss of symptoms a few weeks ago was real and my baby stopped developing then. Have a healthy pregnancy and I wish you all the best!
Hello everyone from Schipol airport!!
Just hanging out waiting for connecting flight now!
Started to read all 6 pages I missed yesterday but getting called soon I think!
Laura....your situation is making me do mad! I can't believe that people think they can actually treat u like this. If u don't have HR do u have a consultant or go to citizens advise for independent advise? They can't treat you like this! Ggggrrrrrrrrr sooooo maadddd at them!!!!!!
Right...I'm off....don't have too much fun without me...miss y'all already!
Can't imagine how much there will be to read when I get back!!!