June Dragonflies 2016 Babies and Beyond!

Woo Starlight that is early.

geralyn has been quiet, hope all is ok.
Sneak peak at kailanis' one month photo shoot!


  • CYMERA_20160725_201143.jpg
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Great photo!

H is definitely not sleeping through the night tonight! She slept from 6p to 10p then until 2a and it seems like she doesn't want to go back to sleep! Guess every night will be different! I was in bed the entire time she was sleeping but couldn't sleep so I only got about 3 hours total myself. I use to be great at falling asleep easily but not anymore.
Beautiful photo! I haven't had any photos done yet, we've not been great for money since Poppy arrived between Paternity Pay, Holiday pay and now the car is due for an MOT, it will probably be a couple of weeks till we are back on our feet properly, then i might have a look for some offers on photos.

How is Syndey today Beccy? Poppy hasn't been upset at all this week but shes drinking alot more milk and sleeping soooooooo much, i think they might both be having a growth spurt.

Pop has defo dropped a bottle over night, it depends what time of night she goes down but she slept form 8.30 - 2 and then up at 6. I cant beleive how dropping one bottle has made such a difference in how i feel mentally the next day, i've been so on the ball with my washing, housework, getting out and about with the kids and i don't feel exhausted.
She is outgrowing her moses basket though, so im going to have to put her in her cot, so all this sleeping may go to pot!!
That pic is adorable! !

Leo slept great last night. He had a feed off both sides at 10.30pm and didn't wake until 7am! !! Now his big brother was a different story, was in his bed twice but I literally just got in with him and we both went to sleep, so not a bad night. Leo is away back to sleep after his 7am feed.

just up to take hubby to work and then me and the boys are going great to a sure start family drop in where we went yesterday and had great fun.
Georgia's sleep is shit. She's up about every 90 minutes. Then she's great all day and Xander is shit. He won't do anything he asked. He's rude and keeps having screaming tantrums. Every time he gets told off he screams that he hates us and every time he misbehaves we made him do it. I've packed up to go home twice and we've still got three days to go. Longest week of my life and I don't think I've ever felt so depressed.
Ring sling tutorial links as promised:



I tried to post a photo to show how G is sat in the sling, not pinned by it but the file is too big. If you want to see then you can message me on Facebook if you want and I'll send it via that? Just let me know :)

Ehj - are you breast or bottle feeding and who spotted the tie?

Im bottle feeding now, i was bf but he just wasnt latching properly no matter what i did and then i got mastitis so we switched, the midwife that did the home visit said he had it and that was at 4wks! The hospital just kept saying he had a "short tongue" and short jaw... my appt is on Friday so hopefully will have an answer then
Ring sling tutorial links as promised:



I tried to post a photo to show how G is sat in the sling, not pinned by it but the file is too big. If you want to see then you can message me on Facebook if you want and I'll send it via that? Just let me know :)

Ehj - are you breast or bottle feeding and who spotted the tie?

Im bottle feeding now, i was bf but he just wasnt latching properly no matter what i did and then i got mastitis so we switched, the midwife that did the home visit said he had it and that was at 4wks! The hospital just kept saying he had a "short tongue" and short jaw... my appt is on Friday so hopefully will have an answer then

No such thing as a short tongue :-( I'm so sorry you feel poorly supported; it really is a bit of a postcode lottery and awareness off services is crap. Locally, they will not snip a tt for bottle fed babies unless there is poor weight gain. I hope they take it seriously.

Pixie - you are all in an unfamiliar place and G is still pretty new. Xander will be feeling overwhelmed with the recent changes and no he's on holiday and likely struggling to understand why he needs to share his holiday time, doing things he might not necessarily want to do. It is so tough but I'm sure you're doing your very best. We are also having behavioural struggles - A keeps biting S so hard that she bleeds and S keeps randomly bolting and running off when we're out. I'm tearing my hair out. When S screams I acknowledge that it feels unfair or whatever and cuddle her while she's sad. There is no right thing to do in those situations, I believe.
Love the photo!

I cant wait till Thursday to see mine :)
Well i shall find out on Friday if they are going to do anything about it, we found a bottle he feeds off better now, but i dont want him to suffer later on for it
i hd a whole response typed up and the ad came up and i lost everything. it went full screen and wouldn't get off. never had that happen before. :growlmad:

anyway nothing much going on over here. ds sleeps most nights really well, ranging from one wake to two. last night he fed at 9, and slept til 520. he refuses to have a schedule, and dd was all about schedules.
Just popping in quickly. I had forgotten how little you get done with a newborn. All N has done today is moan and feed. She won't sleep for longer than about 20 minutes.
I need to pop to the shops but I'll get my mum to come and hold her whilst I have the quickest shower. The joys! :-(

I am jealous of all you lovely ladies with sleepy night time babies. N isn't too bad but I'm still up at least 3 times between 12.30 and 7.

Sorry there are no personal replies. I'm just about managing having all children home, keeping the house clean and tidy whilst giving them all the attention they need. And taking them out to have fun! Xx
Big hugs to all the ladies struggling with having multiple children! I'm right there with you. My hubby has been at work and so I've had three to myself since last Wednesday and my god it's taken a lot of hard work planning and patience! And even then there's been more screen time than is good for them i'n sure, and the odd shout when I shouldn't have shouted! Thank god Arthur has been an absolute treasure he's changed so much and is wide awake gurgling and smiling at his brothers and sleeps lovely in the day. Night time just one feed usually 4am which I can cope with. I need to start planning better and taking packed lunches etc for this school holiday as I'm spending too much money for mat leave which is my main worry at the moment xx
Love the photo!

I cant wait till Thursday to see mine :)
Well i shall find out on Friday if they are going to do anything about it, we found a bottle he feeds off better now, but i dont want him to suffer later on for it

Both my oldest two had TT, and after i switched to MAM bottles they were much much better. Not sure if thats what you have switched to but might be worth keeping it in mind :)

I have been out today for a massive hike round the fields with the kids, we walked for nearly 2 miles, and i had the baby in a carrier the whole time. We walked through 5 fields and saw some goats and massive pigs, we looked down rabbit holes and mole hills, we collected Pokemon and a couple of pet caterpillars, and now were home, had lunch and i've just done two baskets of ironing so all in all a good day here. I love having the kids at home, but i dont drive and we live in the middle of no where, with no buses, so finding enough for them to do all holidays will be tough.

Been trying for days to get a picture of madam smiling, this was todays attempt :rofl: <3 <3

Aw Karli sounds like a lovely day! And how gorgeous is your little poppy <3
Its been hard juggling all three of them, but days like today when i can just get out and do stuff with all of them is brill. I think its because the baby is getting older now though, Newborn days are such a fog arn't they...

Please everyone else share pics of your babies. I'd love to see how much they've grown and changed xx
What a cutie!

I showered today at 3am just to get one in after H fed and was falling back asleep. She's right outside the bathroom and I keep the door open. I think the sound of the shower helps her fall asleep.
I could never go back to sleep at 3am, but well done for fitting one in :D Poppy likes the washing machine, i often park her pushchair there while i clean :D
Gorgeous pic karli ! I can't wait to get a smile from my Wee one!

Boo-nice to know I'm not the only one using the TV as a distraction tactic. I only just managed to leave the house on my own with all three kids today! For the first time and we only drove to my mums haha. Not feeling brave enough to go anywhere else. Although Alice has calmed down on the cluster feeding so I have a bit of my life back aha. I'm struggling with the summer holidays and I don't think my lack of sleep if helping. I mean I really can't be bothered to do much more than watch TV tbh. But I know I should make more of an effort ! Ughhh.
Ahh pixie I can totally relate. Henry is up every 1-2 hours and im knackered and the four year old has been a nightmare the past week with constant screaming tantrums and being quite spiteful and keeps hitting me. I think hes bored because its the summer hols plus Im just so busy with Henry hes getting less attention :(

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