June Dragonflies 2016 Babies and Beyond!

Gorgeous pic Joey you look very happy :)

Great sleep by Georgia! She and Arthur are doing similar just he does his around 7pm - 3am then back over.

Arthur being 3 months now seems to need stimulation and I'm not sure what else to do with him! He lies on his playmat and sits in his bouncer chair but what else can I do with him? Tbh I don't want him in those things all the time as I don't want him go get a flat head (bit obsessed with this as DS1 had a bit of one). Lots of singing and cuddles but I want to make sure he's being stimulated it's hard with the others to make sure he's not ignored!

Does anyone else's baby still have their startle reflex? In the past couple of days I've noticed he can be lying on his mat then suddenly startle (but without any kind of noise or anything to cause it) throw his arms out and gasp a few times as if he can't breathe, then will absolutely scream and sob. It's awful :(
Sweet pic Joey :) good news that Ethan's behaviour is improving :) Good job on the bf'ing!

Good news too Pixie that the 1 minute countdown is helping.

Enjoy camping Vaniilla!

Róise doesn't startle, Boo, but she will often suddenly cry in her sleep for a second or two; her whole face crumples :( also we have some small rattles which we use to play with her; you can hold the baby on your lap to help avoid the flat head. Arthur might also be interested now in some wee basic books?

Róise's sleep is still all over the place. She doesn't go down at a regular time for any regular length of time! This morning she scruffled from 2.40am after her feed until 5am when I had to get up to feed her again. I only got about 4 hours sleep but we went out for the day today which was lovely & I had a snooze on the way home as DH was driving. So that helped :) I thought she'd sleep tonight but we just put her down & she's awake & crying 5 seconds later... Oh well!
Gorgeous pic Joey you look very happy :)

Great sleep by Georgia! She and Arthur are doing similar just he does his around 7pm - 3am then back over.

Arthur being 3 months now seems to need stimulation and I'm not sure what else to do with him! He lies on his playmat and sits in his bouncer chair but what else can I do with him? Tbh I don't want him in those things all the time as I don't want him go get a flat head (bit obsessed with this as DS1 had a bit of one). Lots of singing and cuddles but I want to make sure he's being stimulated it's hard with the others to make sure he's not ignored!

Does anyone else's baby still have their startle reflex? In the past couple of days I've noticed he can be lying on his mat then suddenly startle (but without any kind of noise or anything to cause it) throw his arms out and gasp a few times as if he can't breathe, then will absolutely scream and sob. It's awful :(

Georgia still has her startle reflex. It makes me laugh so much when she leaps like she's fallen off the edge of the world and nothing even happened!

I understand so well about the needing more stimulation once they're awake stage. I remember it clearly with each of my children. I seem to remember it gets much easier once they are grasping?
We still have a little startle reflex too over here. It is pretty hilarious to me as long as he doesn't scream. He sometimes will make and look around all scared like he doesn't know where he is but once he sees me he usually calms easily. We do go out a lot in the am.
I'm not sure Georgie has ever startled. Xander did it for a long time - he listed his arms up like a zombie lol. He never cried though.

I think grasping helps loads - when they can suck a toy lol. We've got those Lamaze cuff and sock toys and Georgia likes her mat - especially the mirror.

She's been a little harder to put down this week - site had to get her back out of bed a couple of times at night and hold her through a few naps. Still not bad but crying at bed time has been a big change for us! She's gone right to sleep tonight though so thankfully not a full 180
Sydney doesn't like being on her tummy at all nor did DS though either he never crawled just went straight to walking .. Which was when he was 7/8 month ..

Sydney is looking to be short like me but she's chubby like her brother was .. She weighs nearly 14lb now :lol: out of most 0-3 now too :cry: they still fit but some bits are getting tight I'm finding issues with sleep suits and the feet bits being overly wide :wacko:

She's losing her hair aswell :( it started on the back on one side (the side I mainly hold her) but has started on the other side now hoping it grows back quick :lol: miss patchy atm :lol: never had this with DS all new to me. Finally drinking 6oz and sleeping from 8 til 5 then back again til 8ish :) also eating baby rice and banana and strawberry porridge which she loves (I asked health visitor and she said it was ok I started DS a month before stated because he was hungry literally all the time!)

Here's my munchkin

Strong startle reflex here too. When does it go away?

Want to proper,y catch up later <3

Cute pics!
Aww i love all the pictures, I think 3 months old is my favourite 'age' of their first year, theyre still so little and tiny and light to hold but you get all the lovely smiles and awareness from them, plus theyre inbetween the tiring newborn stage and the being mobole getting into everything stage.
I'm loving this stage, lots of play and smiles! My son was so grumpy and frustrated until he was mobile, but Juni seems so content tp lie and play.


Are your babies in Moses baskets or their cots now? Arthur is still by my bed in a Moses basket but I think he's too big for it. He's just woken at 3.40 which is ridiculously early for him and I know he's not hungry as we gave him a dream feed tonight which he took. He just wouldn't re settle in his basket so I've brought him into my bed and he's flat out. It's now 4.40 and I'm wide awake wondering what on earth to do with him. I think he needs to be out of our room and in a cot! This waking is just a habit...
Juniper is still in the Moses basket, I'm not ready for her to be in her own room yet and the cot doesn't fit in our bedroom. I'm not sure when we'll move her, DS was 12 weeks.
Aw Angel, Georgia is nowhere near being able to grasp things yet. Juni looks so content.

Boo - there is a huge leap around 4 months old (give or take) which sends sleep haywire for ages. It's all to do with developing their circadian rhythm which differentiates day and night and going from periods of light and deep sleep differently. Chances are it's that and not the moses basket. G sleeps in her crib beside our bed. Her moses is in the living room but we've been thinking about getting rid of it because she mostly uses her toddle pod.
I think he's too big for it though as his heads at the top and feet at the bottom! Angel Arthur is 15 weeks today so older than Micah when you moved him! I've never had a baby in my room this long, but Ds2 is in the nursery still, we're waiting on bunk beds being delivered next week so we can move everyone around. I think Arthur needs more space around him so his cot it will be as of next week xx

Going to get him weighed today if I can face taking all 3!
Wow Boo I forget how much older Arthur and the Georgias are! Are Jack and Freddie excited about sharing a room?
Sydney's in her own room and in her cot it's a smaller cot though then the bigger normal ones .. Not much smaller but I guess takes less room up ..

Moved her because I seem to wake her doing the slightest of things she's a lot more content in her room sleeps better

Starting to sit up for a few seconds now with little help which is crazy!
I'm not sure Georgie has ever startled. Xander did it for a long time - he listed his arms up like a zombie lol. He never cried though.

I think grasping helps loads - when they can suck a toy lol. We've got those Lamaze cuff and sock toys and Georgia likes her mat - especially the mirror.

She's been a little harder to put down this week - site had to get her back out of bed a couple of times at night and hold her through a few naps. Still not bad but crying at bed time has been a big change for us! She's gone right to sleep tonight though so thankfully not a full 180

Last night ds needed us to run back in about ten times to give back the paci. once he was down it was nothing but yikes!!!! he just kept dropping it. we're still swaddling too which helps but damn that paci!

Are your babies in Moses baskets or their cots now? Arthur is still by my bed in a Moses basket but I think he's too big for it. He's just woken at 3.40 which is ridiculously early for him and I know he's not hungry as we gave him a dream feed tonight which he took. He just wouldn't re settle in his basket so I've brought him into my bed and he's flat out. It's now 4.40 and I'm wide awake wondering what on earth to do with him. I think he needs to be out of our room and in a cot! This waking is just a habit...

ds has been in his own room in his crib since about 5 weeks i think. maybe before that? he snores and was keeping me up lol!

I'm loving this stage, lots of play and smiles! My son was so grumpy and frustrated until he was mobile, but Juni seems so content tp lie and play.



ds can't grasp either yet. i'm hoping soon though. he's trying. he's started staring at those fists and trying to will them to do his bidding but they just don't listen.

Aw Angel, Georgia is nowhere near being able to grasp things yet. Juni looks so content.

Boo - there is a huge leap around 4 months old (give or take) which sends sleep haywire for ages. It's all to do with developing their circadian rhythm which differentiates day and night and going from periods of light and deep sleep differently. Chances are it's that and not the moses basket. G sleeps in her crib beside our bed. Her moses is in the living room but we've been thinking about getting rid of it because she mostly uses her toddle pod.

oh god i'm so not looking forward to that. ours with dd lasted two months :dohh: i'm terrified of that! if it lasts the same amount i should really be miserable throughout the holidays (halloween, thanksgiving, christmas) ugh.
Wow becy is Sydney really weaning?! I thought it was 17 weeks minimum age they said to do that? Seems like so far away for us! I might start some homemade purées at 5 months but my favourite is BLW at 6 months I love it

Dory neither of my others had the 4 month sleep regression but Arthur is already worse than them lol so I may not even notice :haha:

Becy and mommy that is exactly why we're moving him I think we all disturb each other!

Arthur is rejecting his dummy now he gags on it and everything! Successfully got his thumb this morning. Fingers crossed!!

Angel - J and F are super excited! J is a 7 o clock on the dot waker and F sleeps usually until around 9 so I'm sure we'll have some tired boys at first and I'm sure both will wake early but that's fine as school starts soon
Mommyx, H started with her fist and then found her thumb. She still tries the fist now too.

Boo, I also need play/toy ideas. H seems happy just 'talking' and smiling at me but I'm worried it's not stimulating her enough
She's in a crib (mini crib, not her full size crib) in our room. I like her in our room but mini cribs are much bigger than a basket.

Angel, what toy is that?

Becy, patchy hair here too! She lost some, grew it back, lost some more...
H slept so well..730p to 6a! I'm thankful because I've had trouble sleeping this week and was finally able to sleep well last night.

I'm terrified of sleep regression :(
She's only having half the amount of the sunny start porridge it's from 4 months DS started at 3 months and was fine I just seem to have hungry babies and I knew she was ready when she first tried it because she opened her mouth for the spoon before it even was in her mouth and she's eating it not spitting it out all signs are stating she's ready and okay but I'm only doing it once a day and small amounts anyway that's why health visitor said its okay. You could always try moving aswell do no harm to go back if it doesn't work for you .. It was just everything I did even slightly and being quiet I felt she was disturbed and woke a lot more since being in her room she sleeps a lot more content and less waking I found

I'm wondering if her hair will come back a different colour some I know had black hair and it fell out and became like a ash brown! Crazy .. I think she will have mousy brown though but I had same as her as a baby so did ds but his stayed mousy brown mine went dark brown by the time I was 3ish :shrug:

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