June Dragonflies 2016 Babies and Beyond!

Quick question about sex :lol:

We had sex for first time since I was 8 week pregnant .. We used condoms but it split .. Just our luck tbh .. But I had period on the 7th so I'm at the end now due my next 31st but I've read they might not be consistent .. Only being 3 month after obviously I'm worried I can't get anywhere today local pharmacies aren't open either at all .. But I'm going town tomorrow where I think I should get the morning after pill? I just don't want to risk it :(
Angel - when is Juniper's appointment for her heart murmur?

Pixie - Georgia is on the same doses but doesn't have folic acid. The abidec is normally only 0.3ml from 6 months to one year (for ebf). I only know because it's the ones I gave to my elder 2 too.

Is anyone back at work already? It occurred to me that not everyone is lucky enough to have the maternity entitlement we get in the UK.
H has 4 or 5 bottles per day, usually 4 to 6 oz each, 3 to 5 hours apart. Yesterday it was 7a 10a 130p 430p 7p.
He's had 7oz bottles so far today so I feel a little better about that, it means he's at least getting 28oz a day :)
I've never ff but my sister was only telling me yesterday that her youngest of my had 4 bottles a day from being a few weeks old. Feed on demand should stand regardless of if the baby is feeding loads or not so much surely?
Henry is so hungry at the moment! He seems to bf every 1-2 hours through the day. We have now introduced a bottle of formula in the evening which has made things much easier for me :)

I would definitely get the pill just to be on the safe sode Beccy :)
Tinkerbelle so glad you said that. I swear some days j eats every hour.

A picture of Arthur, I still haven't posted one and he's now 10 weeks.
I love that he's started smiling and laughing now :)
H only had 4 bottles today and 20 oz total. Her bottles were 730a, 1115a, 230p, and 545p. I feel like I'm not feeding her enough although she's not crying for food. Hoping she sleeps well tonight and will make up ounces tomorrow. She ranges from 20 to 25 oz per day recently. I try to breastfeed throughout the day when possible. Today she only did it for 1.5 hours total and all in the morning before her first bottle because we were out today.
If she's feeding off the boob for 1.5 hours as well I'm sure she's getting plenty of food Starlight. C is ebf and rarely feeds for more than 2 hours a day. Does she have plenty of wet nappies?

Sorry I've been mia - I developed mild pnd and found I couldn't cope with much for a while. But feeling better now.
Aww Tinky sorry to hear you've been struggling did you go and get help from the Drs? Glad you're feeling a bit better xx

Becy I hope you got the morning after pill ok. That's so frustrating that it split first time :dohh:

Starlight I'm sure Hannah is getting plenty with 20oz and also BF. She's sleeping through the night so she can't be hungry xx

Arthur has 4 bottles in the day, I make 7oz and about once a day he'll have it all then the rest of the time he averages 6oz. He also has a dream feed but that can only be 2/3oz, and he's still having a night feed of about 4oz. Last night he didn't wake until 5am and then he slept until 7.45. He only wanted a smaller bottle this morning! Those bottles should join together soon xx

Pixie is right, demand feeding is just that and if they don't want much there's not a lot we can do about it! I used to fret with my oldest that he didn't want much but it was pointless and he was fine. So I try not to now. One thing we have just done is move Arthur up to size 2 teat (tommee tippee) as he was taking a long time over a bottle and sucking himself to sleep. He's much quicker and better now x
He also weighed 14lb 7oz on Friday and has made it to the 50th centile from the 9th and that's for his actual age not adjusted! So proud. Adjusted for prematurity would put him on the 91st
i'm still waiting for the laughing. we got a hint of one and then he was like nevermind.

very active child, but not ready to give up any laughs!

and i can't wait for him to stop with needing the paci handed to him constantly. when he can use his hands or sometimes cause sheeeesh. it's making him wake up extra times than normal. without needing it he wakes once. with it? sometimes he wakes an extra 3 times! :dohh:
Sorry to hear that Tinky (but also kind of relieved I'm not the only one). Did you see your GP? I spoke to my hv briefly about it and she recommended I go an see mine but I still haven't been. It's so difficult to go with three under 4 and I don't see what he will do for me.

Boo - that's a brilliant gain for Arthur. Looks like he's doing/done all of his catching up really quickly.

Mommy - Georgia has done a few half hearted attempts at giggles but that's it. I think it will be a while for her yet.

G has got better with her thumb and will stick it in her mouth when she's in her bouncer or car seat now too which is more than Aaron did. She uses her dummy a lot less on a night now but still needs it to nap during the day.

G has been sleeping in her co sleeper thing that I shoved into her crib but she was a bit long for it so I took it out yesterday and she slept no worse than normal. I'm pleased because I think she'll get a long time in her crib before we have to move to her cot because I don't think she'll be sitting/rolling or out growing it any time soon.
Tink hope you are able to find ways to cope <3 glad you're feeling better now.
She's been wetting diapers and pooping.

Mamas of thumb suckers who are now older... Is it a hard habit to break? Someone told me to give her a pacifier instead of letting her use who thumb because pacifier is an easier habit to break. She won't take one though plus thumb sucking is how she sleeps thru the night right now so well I believe.
Aaron sucked his thumb without encouragement and refused all dummies. When his top teeth came in around 8 months he just stopped by himself without any bother.
Starlight I've heard that too but I don't know how true it is :shrug: Georgia is going to be a thumb sucker I'm sure but I'm not worrying over it - it a comfort and I wouldn't like to take that away.

Sorry you're struggling tinky :hugs: have you looked in to getting some support?

Boo that's an incredible weight! He's caught up in no time! How have you found he's doing in terms of development? Do you think he's learning in like with his actual or corrected age? Georgia I think is mostly learning at corrected age. It took 12+ weeks to get a decent smile and now at 15+ weeks she still doesn't seem to have any control of her hands.

Georgia's sleep has been fab :cloud9: there's been one or two nights in the last week where she's woke at 2am ish but most nights she's sleeping 9.30/10pm till between 5&6 am. A few times she's gone back down till 9am too!

Last night she did 9.30 - 5.30 and then back down till 8.30. Carl got up with xander to so I got to sleep for that whole time! Delicious

Has anyone ever done shared parental leave? I'm very lucky that I get 100% pay for 6 months from my employer, but we're thinking of giving the 3 months SMP to my husband. It'd mean returning to work in November instead of next March so I'm not sure how I'll manage with breastfeeding but I wouldn't want to deny Carl the opportunity to be at home with the children.
Hugs tinky glad youre feeling better :hugs:

When are you all planning to return to work and are you going full or parttime?

Im lucky as I have my last year of my OU degree to do so wont be going to work whilst Im finishing that, but I need to think about next years September and if I want to do a postgrad course but I cant imagine putting Henry in fulltime nursery at just over a year old? Ive only ever worked parttime since my eldest was born, and have fully been a sahm since he was 2.
Ahh I'm jealous of all these thumb suckers! Arthur is hovering inbetween thumb sucking and still needing his dummy. He spits his dummy out almost immediately these days but can only manage his fist or finger and thumb at the moment. He is trying so hard though!

Pixie I feel like he's developing pretty much at actual age. He smiled by 6 weeks and has laughed a few times. He's a big 'babbler' and coos and goos an awful lot. He also constantly wants to 'stand' as in put weight through his legs every time you hold him which is earlier than my others. He has started to 'bat' the toys on his play mat this week.

The thing I feel was different was that he was basically asleep for about 3 or 4 weeks and that worried me but it's gone now and he just naps like you would expect a 3 month old to do. His night sleep is slowly improving so I think he's a few weeks behind his brothers in that sense

3 months today!

She's still going through a stage of crying when people hold her and talk to her not everyone but majority of people including her dad and all family lol she only smiles at me and ds :lol:
Constantly giggling now! Love it and starting to push herself from leaning on me to sitting up! Can't wait for her to sit up she's desperately wanting to as she's wanting to grab everything in sight! She also loves being put on her feet she's so strong all doctors and health visitors comment on how strong she is :lol:

I got the pill thank god didn't help though boots sold out! And made me walk to another store but I was determined to go didn't want to risk it

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