June Dragonflies 2016 Babies and Beyond!

Thanks ladies. Dory sorry you're suffering too. I have only spoken with my hv I don't want to go on medication so haven't gone to gp. I think acknowledging it has helped me a lot and talking about it along with extra support from my family. The main impact for me is that I just can't cope with difficult situations like I usually would be able to. My hv thinks it was triggered by C's hospital stay.
Starlight- my brother sucked his thumb til he was two. My mother said 'you have to stop sucking your thumb or you'll ruin your teeth' and he never sucked it again. but he was an odd child. i think it depends on the kid. i WISH james would find his thumb but it's not looking good. i can't take the constant returning the paci lol

i'm sorry to all those suffering :(

nothing much to report here. we almost got a giggle out last night but he decided he'd keep it to himself lol.
Im still waiting on a laugh too, he makes a sort of amused sound when were trying to make him laugh but not a proper giggle yet.
Becy - beautful pic, happy 3 months to S! :)

I hope the ladies having problems are able to get help, it really is something that needs to be talked about more as it affects so many women :hugs:
H smiles and laughs a lot! She's been doing it even more recently. Not much else going on. Thankfully still sleeping well during the night for bedtime.
My 11 year omg sucked her thumb until she was 6! Mainly at night or for comfort. I never bothered her about it... Figured she would stop on her own which she did and it didn't affect her teeth or her speech like so many people told me it would. I go back to work next Wednesday.... Im dreading it. Currently 2 things are comforting me 1. She will be going to the nursery my mom has worked at my whole life so I know most of the teachers really well and my mom will also be there and 2. I have a whole freezer of milk so as long as I can pump 2 daily at work we shouldn't have a problem continuing to breastfeed.
She had her 2 month appointment last week (hated her shots) she's up to over 11 lbs! Yet some newborn size onsies still fit her! My older children and I were talking about the holidays and realized she's going to be at such a fun age and now we are all excited for that!
Hi everyone. Me and OH had a whoopsie on Sunday, I have no contreception and no car, no Where near me to even get the morning after pill and no what to get it. I can't ask mum etc.... So here I am now utterly shitting myself, why am I such an idiot. :(
Oh dear karli! Do you have any idea where you are in your cycle? Are you usually very fertile?

I literally wouldn't give it a second thought if if was me but we're about an inch away from infertile so a whoopsie baby would practically be a miracle :haha:

I guess there's nothing to do now but wait it out? Fingers crossed for you lovely.

Georgie had her 12 week injections today :-( poor little tyke. She did very well and has been fine all day. She's woke crying twice but both times settled as soon as I've picked her up.

9.30 - 6am last night :dance: I think she's slept through (till at least 5am) for the best part of a week. Little cherub :cloud9:
Karli, we also had a 'whoopsie' last week and I gave DH a proper telling off. Fortunately G is still ebf and no period yet so it's pretty unlikely.

G was meant to have her 16 week injections today but I totally forgot so have to wait for another appointment. I knew they were today so it's annoying but I think it's connected to my pnd because I had a shocking memory after they thought hubby was terminal (I couldn't even remember what time of year it was or anything).

Did everyone know it's 4 injections now at 16 weeks? I hadn't even realised but it's obv because of the meningitis B. It just feels so many :-(
I guess I'm near ovulating. It would be my luck :cry: I can't remember when I had a period, I've only had one since Poppy, but she only took the once to conceive. I honestly do not know what I would do if I was pregnant now. I feel like such a idiot! I did go for contraception but the doctor wouldn't give them to me. Keep everything crossed everyone, I need some serious luck :(
Karli I can't believe the doc wouldn't give you contraception! Anyway, odd as it feels to me to be saying this, I hope you don't catch.

Tinky, I was wondering where you were. glad to hear that you're beginning to feel a bit better. I wouldn't be surprised if Casey's hospital stay triggered it, that happened to another friend of mine too when her son caught gbs & had to stay in hospital.

Cute pic, mum!

Cute pics too Becy. But what's the craic with the months? Róise won't be 3 months until Saturday, 3rd, I thought & Sydney is younger than her. Are you just supposed to count weeks? Also, glad to see you've obviously been able to work things out with your OH :)

Dory, I hope you can find time to see your GP.

Mommy/Tinkerbelle, Róise isn't actually laughing either but he does make a sound as though she is!

Boo, that's great about Arthur's weight gain!

Pixie, I haven't done shared parental leave & I wouldn't even if DH weren't studying! I earned this time off! (Of course that doesn't mean I think you shouldn't, what's right for one isn't necessarily right for another.) Glad Georgia's great sleeping is continuing!

Tinketbelle, I'm going back to work in March, full time. I have no choice about that with DH not working. I'd really have liked part time, but that's life & I'm grateful to have a good job.

Dory, Róise sucks her hand. I'm not sure whether she's looking for her thumb or not too. She's not a fan of the dummy but will take it occasionally if she's very overtired & can't settle.

Starlight, sounds to me like Hannah is doing great :)

Dory I got some info saying 4 injections at 16 weeks :cry: 3 was bad enough at 8! (Well, 10). I haven't got the appointment for the next set yet & I'm expecting it to be next week, so I must ring tomorrow.

Good luck next week Jalilma, sorry to hear you've got to go back to work so soon :(
Getting H to sleep was hard last night. She didn't go to sleep until 945 (usually it's 830 at the lastest, around 730 most days). I'm hoping tonight will be better. I'm trying to actually out her in her crib while awake and see if she falls asleep instead of rocking or nursing her to sleep. She's been in her crib for about 10 minutes and still fussing. She's not crying though. She fusses, stops, fusses, stops. Is it horrible to let her fuss to see if she will sleep without rocking? I would obviously not let her cry in her crib. I was thinking about getting some things together for tomorrow then checking to see if she's asleep.

Edit it add... She went to sleep with no tears by herself. We still cuddled before hand, but I was able to put her in her crib and get some stuff done, and not sleepy time for me too! Lol
12 week jabs for Georgie yesterday (bit late - she'll be 16 weeks tomorrow!) Thankfully only one jab and the drops. She hasn't needed calpol this time - she woke crying from naps but settled easily and woke at 2.30am but went back down easily enough.

Lol squig you certainly have earned it! I had a full year off with Xander, but just as I was going back to work Carl was made redundant so he stayed home with Xander for a few months and he really loved it. He was sad that he wouldn't get that with George, and since I love my job and he hates his it's pretty stinge of me not to share. It raises questions around feeding that I'm not sure what we'll do about but we'll have to see how it pans out.

Starlight that's great that Hannah is starting to settle herself to sleep :)

I count months from the date too. Georgie is 16 weeks tomorrow but she's not 4 months for another 2 weeks
I count months from the date as well, if you do it 4 weekly your child ends up being '13 months' on their 1st birthday lol

Oh dear Karli fingers crossed you didnt catch but you will probably be fine :hugs: Why wouldnt the doc sort out contraception?? I remember a while ago booking an appt to get the implant in, turned up thinking they would do then but instead they just did a consultation thing and made ANOTHER appt for the actual procedure. So annoying!
I've always just counted it every Sunday she's another week? :shrug: not likely be much out anyway no one else has said anything about it to me .. She's 12 weeks and 3 days I'm confused now .. I'm guessing makes her 87 days which is 2 months 3 weeks and 5 days :lol: never accorded to me :lol:

Never mind

We have lots of laughing everyday now :) she even does am excited squeal too which is funny! We got her a jumparoo today after a few friends have recommended them never had one with DS, will be nice for her as she loves being upright and moving about found she's getting fed up a lot even though she's a baby I feel she's limited to what she can do until she can sit up

Karli I had the same thing Friday .. But I went Sunday to town with family and just went to boots while they got ds's school shoes to get morning after pill was determined aswell didn't want to risk it crapped myself thinking being pregnant again so soon :dohh: hope you don't get caught :hugs:
I swear I'm having a period without the actual period!

I've got very light spotting again. I want to eat everything that's not nailed down, I'm hotter than the sun and I haven't been able to sleep for three nights :dohh:

Vanilla has your spotting stopped completely now? I didn't have any of this weirdness after Xander!
Oh dear karli! Do you have any idea where you are in your cycle? Are you usually very fertile?

I literally wouldn't give it a second thought if if was me but we're about an inch away from infertile so a whoopsie baby would practically be a miracle :haha:

I guess there's nothing to do now but wait it out? Fingers crossed for you lovely.

Georgie had her 12 week injections today :-( poor little tyke. She did very well and has been fine all day. She's woke crying twice but both times settled as soon as I've picked her up.

9.30 - 6am last night :dance: I think she's slept through (till at least 5am) for the best part of a week. Little cherub :cloud9:
Poor Georgia, I'm glad she was okay after her injections.

Karli, we also had a 'whoopsie' last week and I gave DH a proper telling off. Fortunately G is still ebf and no period yet so it's pretty unlikely.

G was meant to have her 16 week injections today but I totally forgot so have to wait for another appointment. I knew they were today so it's annoying but I think it's connected to my pnd because I had a shocking memory after they thought hubby was terminal (I couldn't even remember what time of year it was or anything).

Did everyone know it's 4 injections now at 16 weeks? I hadn't even realised but it's obv because of the meningitis B. It just feels so many :-(
I didn't know that, I agree it sounds like too many!

I guess I'm near ovulating. It would be my luck :cry: I can't remember when I had a period, I've only had one since Poppy, but she only took the once to conceive. I honestly do not know what I would do if I was pregnant now. I feel like such a idiot! I did go for contraception but the doctor wouldn't give them to me. Keep everything crossed everyone, I need some serious luck :(
That's crazy that they wouldn't give them to you, did you try the chemist's/boots?

Getting H to sleep was hard last night. She didn't go to sleep until 945 (usually it's 830 at the lastest, around 730 most days). I'm hoping tonight will be better. I'm trying to actually out her in her crib while awake and see if she falls asleep instead of rocking or nursing her to sleep. She's been in her crib for about 10 minutes and still fussing. She's not crying though. She fusses, stops, fusses, stops. Is it horrible to let her fuss to see if she will sleep without rocking? I would obviously not let her cry in her crib. I was thinking about getting some things together for tomorrow then checking to see if she's asleep.

Edit it add... She went to sleep with no tears by herself. We still cuddled before hand, but I was able to put her in her crib and get some stuff done, and not sleepy time for me too! Lol
Fussing is fine, I've read fussing is a developmental thing that a lot of babies need to get to sleep, if we didn't let DD fuss we'd never be able to put her down!

I swear I'm having a period without the actual period!

I've got very light spotting again. I want to eat everything that's not nailed down, I'm hotter than the sun and I haven't been able to sleep for three nights :dohh:

Vanilla has your spotting stopped completely now? I didn't have any of this weirdness after Xander!

It's reduced a lot but not completely gone, last night I had pink spotting that's vanished again today. You may be having a sort of period, the body keeps trying to have one as your cycles regulate.
Hi ladies!

Sorry have been reading but not posting, been really busy lately. Will catch up when i can

Hope everything is going okay for you all?
Spotting is a little heavier so perhaps it is af :shrug:

Happy 4 months to Georgia Lauren!

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