June - Eggplants Revised group:)

When are all of you having your baby showers (if you're having one) and what 'theme' (if applicable :) )?

I don't know if I will have a baby shower. I know plenty of people in the UK have them (I've even been to one) but I think they're more popular in America and I'm not entirely sure of the etiquette- the one I went to was planned by someone else, not the mother, and I think that may be the norm. I think I'd feel a bit uncomfortable planning it myself if people felt obliged to bring gifts. I was wondering about trying to organise a big girlie afternoon or something for my friends to come over and relax, but make it clear it's a 'pre baby get together'- it's a good excuse to meet up with your friends after all!

I'd be interested to hear what other people in the UK are doing because I'm just really not sure about baby shower etiquette over here.

hi girls!
i think i'm just about in third tri :haha: i haven't had any braxton hicks either! (well, not that i know of... i've had 'jabby' pains but i've been told that if it hurts, it's not braxton hicks?)
can't believe how close we're getting!
How are we all today? I am so exhausted, slept really well last night but I still feel like I haven't slept for weeks!

My 5 yr old stepson was with me for a few hours this morning before his Nan took him to football and he was particularly full of energy! I felt like such an old lady, tired and shuffling around the house while he was whizzing about full of the joys of spring!.

I must say I have so much admiration for all of you that have lively young children around all the time while pregnant! This will be my first and my stepson isn't with us full time, but I'll experience it when I have my 2nd! My friend is bringing her 3 yr old and 5 yr old to me for lunch today and she is 36 weeks! Makes me feel guilty complaining about anything
When are all of you having your baby showers (if you're having one) and what 'theme' (if applicable :) )?

Wow I didn't know there were two threads for us!

I'm having two baby showers, one is April 28 and the other is June 2nd. I don't think there will be a theme for either one, except maybe lots of blue because I'm having a boy :)

Awww, fun! :) I'm having a couple as well (small) -One in Washington State where I'm from with family and one in Texas where I live now.

Blue is always good :) Thinking there will be a fair amount at mine as well! I need to go in and revise my registry! I was overwhelmed at Babies-R-Us so at the end I just started scanning stuff to scan it so I'd have SOMETHING on there lol
When are all of you having your baby showers (if you're having one) and what 'theme' (if applicable :) )?

I don't know if I will have a baby shower. I know plenty of people in the UK have them (I've even been to one) but I think they're more popular in America and I'm not entirely sure of the etiquette- the one I went to was planned by someone else, not the mother, and I think that may be the norm. I think I'd feel a bit uncomfortable planning it myself if people felt obliged to bring gifts. I was wondering about trying to organise a big girlie afternoon or something for my friends to come over and relax, but make it clear it's a 'pre baby get together'- it's a good excuse to meet up with your friends after all!

I'd be interested to hear what other people in the UK are doing because I'm just really not sure about baby shower etiquette over here.


Yeah, I really don't know the etiquette either (first baby).. My best friend is throwing one for me here in Texas where I live now and then my Step Mom is throwing one for me in Washington State with family where I'm from. My best friend just asked what outfit I was bringing him home in so I'm assuming she'll incorporate that print somewhere into the shower but she's the one planning it :)

The girls day sounds super fun! I'm going to treat my BFF and Stepmom to something similar (spa day) for them throwing me the shower.
Hey girls, can i join you?!

I'm due on 19th of June and starting to get sooooo excited! We just finished the nursery last week and I just want my lil princess to be here now he he!
Hey girls, can i join you?!

I'm due on 19th of June and starting to get sooooo excited! We just finished the nursery last week and I just want my lil princess to be here now he he!

Have you gone for a particular theme? It's so exciting! I am due 26th June so not long after you :happydance:

I think we're going to hold off on a nursery for now because I don't know how long we'll be living in our house...but I can't wait for a couple of years down the line when we might be able to live somewhere longer term and decorate her room etc. :flower: Not that I have any idea about making that sort of thing look good hahaha! x
I'm due June 28th. Can't wait! We just had our 3d/4d ultrasound yesterday of our son. I haven't had any BH yet, i don't think! Very excited for the downhill slope now.


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I'm just about a June bug, due on 29th June so expecting baby to arrive in july really!!!

Am still feeling like 2nd tri - pretty good and plenty of energy ... Having said that, this last week I've been asleep on the sofa for an hour before hubby sends me to bed each night so maybe the third tri tiredness is creeping in!

Hubby has been busy painting the nursery and the furniture is ordered - have been looking at prams on the Internet but no idea what to get, and part of me is worried to get too much too early still as well!

Braxton hicks started this week for me. My placenta is anterior so I love it when I feel a good wriggle from LO but it's still fairly sporadic unfortunately!

What else .... oh yes almost finalised our name choices, we're team yellow!!
Hiya! :hi: I just realized this is the second thread everyone keeps mentioning :lol:

How is everyone doing?
Helloooo! June 27th here! Braxton Hicks are daily and stronger by the day too.. And LO's acrobatics still amaze me every time! I can feel rolls and what feels to be the head/legs/arms now, too.

Some days i'm a massively hormonal, irrational mess (like this morning - so i cosied up and watched a film with the dog!) and others im fine. Tired most of the time still but a little more energy than 1st and 2nd tri's.

Nursery is under way, just (as in cotbed, paint and curtains picked) and we've decided on a pram. No idea on names still! And i can't BELIEVE i haven't yet bought baby clothes! I've wanted to all along but i want the first thing to be special and nothing's fit the bill, yet!

We're team yellow :)

It's great to see you all here :flower:
Helloooo! June 27th here! Braxton Hicks are daily and stronger by the day too.. And LO's acrobatics still amaze me every time! I can feel rolls and what feels to be the head/legs/arms now, too.

Some days i'm a massively hormonal, irrational mess (like this morning - so i cosied up and watched a film with the dog!) and others im fine. Tired most of the time still but a little more energy than 1st and 2nd tri's.

Nursery is under way, just (as in cotbed, paint and curtains picked) and we've decided on a pram. No idea on names still! And i can't BELIEVE i haven't yet bought baby clothes! I've wanted to all along but i want the first thing to be special and nothing's fit the bill, yet!

We're team yellow :)

It's great to see you all here :flower:

Hey! :hi: we are due date buddies!!

We (well, my dh and my dad) are painting the nursery today!!! And we picked out a stroller... but that's about it.... I am at a total loss what to get! :shrug: My shower will be in May, so I need to start on the registry too :dohh:
Hello! Just saw this thread and thought I would jump in if that is ok! I hope all of you ladies are doing well! I have been experiencing BH like crazy too and they are much stronger than with my first. At first it did concern me as my stomach would get so tight and would almost feel a little crampy for just a minute. I guess it really must have something to do with this being my second.

I am having a baby shower...well, my MIL is throwing me one but it is just going to be very small with family. The nursery is done except for needing a dresser, but we are still looking for that, and my sister is sending me all the clothes her twin girls grew out of (they are 11 months), so we really have much of what we need already! We are so excited about our little girl getting here!

Speaking of which, I had to do a class observation for one of my college classes. I had to go sit in a preschool class for 5 hours to observe, take notes etc....and surprisingly nobody commented on my bump size or touched it (yay!) but everybody (teachers/parents) asked what I was having and seemed to think it was a great idea to try to scare me about having a girl. I have always heard boys are easier and my son is amazing...so much fun but does have his good and bad days. He has so much energy like any child his age :) They were all telling me how hard their girls were and how it would have been easier had they had all boys and almost acted sympathetic toward me for having a girl. :shrug: We are SO excited to have a little girl and do expect her to be different from our boy but little girls aren't all little terrors, are they? I don't understand why they would act like it is a bad thing...:nope:
Hey everyone!
I'm feeling absolutely fine apart from being tired all of the time!
Of course I have restless leg syndrome for most of the day every day but I'm used to that after 5 months of it! haha
Hello! Just saw this thread and thought I would jump in if that is ok! I hope all of you ladies are doing well! I have been experiencing BH like crazy too and they are much stronger than with my first. At first it did concern me as my stomach would get so tight and would almost feel a little crampy for just a minute. I guess it really must have something to do with this being my second.

I am having a baby shower...well, my MIL is throwing me one but it is just going to be very small with family. The nursery is done except for needing a dresser, but we are still looking for that, and my sister is sending me all the clothes her twin girls grew out of (they are 11 months), so we really have much of what we need already! We are so excited about our little girl getting here!

Speaking of which, I had to do a class observation for one of my college classes. I had to go sit in a preschool class for 5 hours to observe, take notes etc....and surprisingly nobody commented on my bump size or touched it (yay!) but everybody (teachers/parents) asked what I was having and seemed to think it was a great idea to try to scare me about having a girl. I have always heard boys are easier and my son is amazing...so much fun but does have his good and bad days. He has so much energy like any child his age :) They were all telling me how hard their girls were and how it would have been easier had they had all boys and almost acted sympathetic toward me for having a girl. :shrug: We are SO excited to have a little girl and do expect her to be different from our boy but little girls aren't all little terrors, are they? I don't understand why they would act like it is a bad thing...:nope:

I think people just like to sound knowledgeable about that sort of thing without really knowing anything at all :flower: I'm having a girl too, so I certainly hope it's not true about them all being little terrors!
I've not had any braxton hicks, none that I'm aware of anyway. Otherwise I've got intermittent heartburn, nausea (nothing new unfortunately - ever present since 1st tri :dohh: ), really hungry all the time! Baby is over to the right and I frequently get a head or bum wedged up in my ribs, which is pretty uncomfy and means I have to sit up very straight and sort of lean to the left :haha:

All I ever hear is how lovely it is to have a girl first, because they're so much easier than boys :rofl: Clearly everyone is talking rubbish :haha:
Hello! Just saw this thread and thought I would jump in if that is ok! I hope all of you ladies are doing well! I have been experiencing BH like crazy too and they are much stronger than with my first. At first it did concern me as my stomach would get so tight and would almost feel a little crampy for just a minute. I guess it really must have something to do with this being my second.

I am having a baby shower...well, my MIL is throwing me one but it is just going to be very small with family. The nursery is done except for needing a dresser, but we are still looking for that, and my sister is sending me all the clothes her twin girls grew out of (they are 11 months), so we really have much of what we need already! We are so excited about our little girl getting here!

Speaking of which, I had to do a class observation for one of my college classes. I had to go sit in a preschool class for 5 hours to observe, take notes etc....and surprisingly nobody commented on my bump size or touched it (yay!) but everybody (teachers/parents) asked what I was having and seemed to think it was a great idea to try to scare me about having a girl. I have always heard boys are easier and my son is amazing...so much fun but does have his good and bad days. He has so much energy like any child his age :) They were all telling me how hard their girls were and how it would have been easier had they had all boys and almost acted sympathetic toward me for having a girl. :shrug: We are SO excited to have a little girl and do expect her to be different from our boy but little girls aren't all little terrors, are they? I don't understand why they would act like it is a bad thing...:nope:

I think people just like to sound knowledgeable about that sort of thing without really knowing anything at all :flower: I'm having a girl too, so I certainly hope it's not true about them all being little terrors!

Thank you!! You are probably right. I would rather they keep their knowledge to themselves then haha Our little girls are going to be so amazing :cloud9: Congrats to you, btw!! I forgot to look for a ticker...when are you due? :) Do you have a name for your princess yet?
I've not had any braxton hicks, none that I'm aware of anyway. Otherwise I've got intermittent heartburn, nausea (nothing new unfortunately - ever present since 1st tri :dohh: ), really hungry all the time! Baby is over to the right and I frequently get a head or bum wedged up in my ribs, which is pretty uncomfy and means I have to sit up very straight and sort of lean to the left :haha:

All I ever hear is how lovely it is to have a girl first, because they're so much easier than boys :rofl: Clearly everyone is talking rubbish :haha:

Eeek...I'm sorry about your heartburn and nausea still sticking around!!! I have to admit I was happy to replace the nausea and sickness with BH lol I have just started getting heartburn....especially at night so that really stinks! I'm hungry all the time too...lol Not helping me keep my weight gain at a minimum haha

That is so funny what you have heard about having girls! Maybe that are easier when they are first? lol Or people just like to hear themselves talk lol I should quit listening as every baby is different anyway lol I only know what it is like to have a boy around, though so was already a little nervous. Although of course...very excited! Do you know what you are having or are you waiting? :)
I'm started getting leg cramps yesterday night, and have had them on/off since. It's usually in one of my legs in the lower half. Is this pregnancy related or just random aches? Could anyone help me?
I'm started getting leg cramps yesterday night, and have had them on/off since. It's usually in one of my legs in the lower half. Is this pregnancy related or just random aches? Could anyone help me?

I had horrible leg cramps at night in my 3rd trimester with my first. I would say it is pregnancy related, although someone else maybe could give more insight. I got it in one leg once so far this pregnancy and then heard about magnesium and began taking it every day and haven't had it again. It is supposed to be really good for muscle cramps and my doctor told me it was totally fine to be taking.

Anyway...I hope this helps as it is the only advice I can really give right now. I know how miserable those things are! You could try massaging that part of the leg more or before bed and I know I saw some exercises you could do before bed when googling that are supposed to help!

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