June - Eggplants Revised group:)

I had horrible leg cramps at night in my 3rd trimester with my first. I would say it is pregnancy related, although someone else maybe could give more insight. I got it in one leg once so far this pregnancy and then heard about magnesium and began taking it every day and haven't had it again. It is supposed to be really good for muscle cramps and my doctor told me it was totally fine to be taking.

Anyway...I hope this helps as it is the only advice I can really give right now. I know how miserable those things are! You could try massaging that part of the leg more or before bed and I know I saw some exercises you could do before bed when googling that are supposed to help!

Thank you! It does help, I'd forgotten what it was like to have horrible pregnancy symptoms since I had morning sickness when I was in first tri since I've hit third tri pregnancy has started to hit me again, feeling so uncomfortable.
I had horrible leg cramps at night in my 3rd trimester with my first. I would say it is pregnancy related, although someone else maybe could give more insight. I got it in one leg once so far this pregnancy and then heard about magnesium and began taking it every day and haven't had it again. It is supposed to be really good for muscle cramps and my doctor told me it was totally fine to be taking.

Anyway...I hope this helps as it is the only advice I can really give right now. I know how miserable those things are! You could try massaging that part of the leg more or before bed and I know I saw some exercises you could do before bed when googling that are supposed to help!

Thank you! It does help, I'd forgotten what it was like to have horrible pregnancy symptoms since I had morning sickness when I was in first tri since I've hit third tri pregnancy has started to hit me again, feeling so uncomfortable.

Awww I hope it eases for you :hugs: We don't have that long to go!! I would warn you that if you do decide to take magnesium to beware that for some people it can cause diarrhea so maybe would want to try taking it every other day at first and see. I was already seriously constipated before taking it so it didn't cause that with me...just made me regular. Sorry if that is gross to talk about...just thought I should warn you.

3rd trimester can be rough...hang in there! We will meet our little princesses soon! :flower:
I'm generally feeling constantly tired ALL the time! Having naps every here and there and with my first I only experineced this for the first 4 or 5 months. It really is crappy feeling like this but on a brighter note, only 9 weeks 2 go until my section date! Chin up!
Just wondering if I could join? Due July 1st but my babies come early by 4 to 7 days :)
Just wondering if I could join? Due July 1st but my babies come early by 4 to 7 days :)

Of course you can join! I don't think it's a strict June policy...I'm due 26th June but it's my first baby so you may end up having yours before me! x:haha:
Just wondering if I could join? Due July 1st but my babies come early by 4 to 7 days :)

Course you can join us!! :happydance:

Am wondering why the thread was moved....I enjoyed having the thread in 3rd trimester for all of us to chat in...:shrug:
Hey everyone!
I'm feeling absolutely fine apart from being tired all of the time!
Of course I have restless leg syndrome for most of the day every day but I'm used to that after 5 months of it! haha

Omg I get restless leg so bad too! I got it before pregnancy too but it's def worse now! I seem to get it if I sit down for more than half an hour. Luckily it still goes away if I go to bed!

I feel your pain!
Hey Ladies,
I'm not really sure why our thread was moved again...grr...I started in 3rd tri so we could all keep tabs on eachother a little more. Oh well! lol!!
As for the 2nd thread etc, this is the original June thread, and a secondary one was created called Jumping June bugs by another member. Either thread is wonderful to stay connected with eachother, and to see pictures of our wee ones when their born:)
Seems like it's getting so close...yet so far! lol!!!

How are you ladies feeling today? I've had LOADS of heartburn...and tummy aches. boo! Oh well. It's all part of it. I hear that heartburn means your baby will have more hair! lol! We will see! At this rate...my baby will come out with a mop head of hair!!! bahahahaha!
Hey Ladies,
I'm not really sure why our thread was moved again...grr...I started in 3rd tri so we could all keep tabs on eachother a little more. Oh well! lol!!
As for the 2nd thread etc, this is the original June thread, and a secondary one was created called Jumping June bugs by another member. Either thread is wonderful to stay connected with eachother, and to see pictures of our wee ones when their born:)
Seems like it's getting so close...yet so far! lol!!!

How are you ladies feeling today? I've had LOADS of heartburn...and tummy aches. boo! Oh well. It's all part of it. I hear that heartburn means your baby will have more hair! lol! We will see! At this rate...my baby will come out with a mop head of hair!!! bahahahaha!

Ah well. I will just have to remember to come to this part of the forum to stay updated lol Or find that other one...it wasn't moved too, was it?

I have been feeling pretty good today. Managed to get a work out in, get a shower, got Koen down for a nap, cleaned up a bit and now get a few minutes to chill lol Am a bit tired even though I got 11 hours of sleep last night! :dohh: I guess I was pretty exhausted...am grateful Koen was too so we both got to sleep!! lol Which is weird because even when he sleeps well, I usually don't anymore. But anyway...did you have bad heartburn with your first? Did he have a lot of hair? Just curious. I had HORRIBLE heartburn with Koen and he came out with a bunch of hair. I've started getting just a little at night now but not bad enough that taking Tums doesn't help yet.

Don't want to overload you with pics haha But here is Koen, first two when he was one day old and the third 6 days old :) He had hair all over his back and shoulders too lol Luckly, that fell out but as you might be able to see from my avatar, he still has thick hair haha Not sure I see the connection between heartburn and hair but I think it is interesting lol :D


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Hey everyone!
I'm feeling absolutely fine apart from being tired all of the time!
Of course I have restless leg syndrome for most of the day every day but I'm used to that after 5 months of it! haha

Omg I get restless leg so bad too! I got it before pregnancy too but it's def worse now! I seem to get it if I sit down for more than half an hour. Luckily it still goes away if I go to bed!

I feel your pain!

I've noticed that!
If you go to sleep it goes away, even if it's just a quick nap. Wierd huh?
Happynewmom1-your little Koen is sooooo cute!!!!!! I love all his hair as a newborn!!! Lol!!!! Adorable!!!!!!
Hey girls, can i join you?!

I'm due on 19th of June and starting to get sooooo excited! We just finished the nursery last week and I just want my lil princess to be here now he he!

Have you gone for a particular theme? It's so exciting! I am due 26th June so not long after you :happydance:

I think we're going to hold off on a nursery for now because I don't know how long we'll be living in our house...but I can't wait for a couple of years down the line when we might be able to live somewhere longer term and decorate her room etc. :flower: Not that I have any idea about making that sort of thing look good hahaha! x

It's winnie the pooh and it's just beautiful!! I like to just sit in there and chill at the mo.
Here's a link if you fancy a neb https://picasaweb.google.com/106528934674942427619/BabySRoomMarch12?authkey=Gv1sRgCO7sh9OYpa7SeA
I've been feeling pretty good today in general, got horrendous pain in my back/hip and shooting down my right leg but MW just said it's sciatica so I'm just going to have to lump it I reckon!! She said I could be referred to phsyio if I wanted but the way she said it kind of implied it'd be a waste of time lol!

I'm also in a good mood because I'm back to work tomorrow and on the count down to finishing. I've taken my holidays before maternity leave so I've only got just over 3 weeks of work left...16 lil shifts at the hell hole and I'm done lol!!

Whats everyone doing for the heartburn? I've never had it before in my life but getting it now and it's nasty!!! I've tried gaviscon but it's rank lol!!!
SaMa86, I love the nursery! I definitely don't have the 'making things look nice' gene :nope: I've just been planning to move the bed in the spare room up and adding a cot!! I think I'll have to look at a few people's nurseries and try and get some tips to make mine look a bit more baby friendly...

Heartburn is terrible! I get it anyway but it has been a lot worse in pregnancy so if this is the only time you have had it then it must be a real baptism of fire! :hugs: I don't think there's a lot can be done but I have been taking rennies because I don't like gavison either. It does help me if I sit really straight whilst eating/after having a meal and try not to eat anything a couple of hours before bed. A lot of people suggest a glass of milk before bed? But I think that would make me feel really sick. Apart from that I think we just have to ride it out unfortunately! :hugs:
Hi ladies! How was everyone's weekend? I don't know about you ladies, but my nausea and morning sickness seems to have started up again almost as soon as I hit third trimester :(
Hi ladies! How was everyone's weekend? I don't know about you ladies, but my nausea and morning sickness seems to have started up again almost as soon as I hit third trimester :(

Oh I can TOTALLY relate!! My nausea has started up a little too!! Not sure why! My last pregnancy wasn't like this at all!!
Also heartburn is HORRIBLE right now!! I woke up last night at 1am...ready to throw up from it. blah!
I hope your nausea etc gets better!!! hugs!
I've been feeling pretty good today in general, got horrendous pain in my back/hip and shooting down my right leg but MW just said it's sciatica so I'm just going to have to lump it I reckon!! She said I could be referred to phsyio if I wanted but the way she said it kind of implied it'd be a waste of time lol!

I'm also in a good mood because I'm back to work tomorrow and on the count down to finishing. I've taken my holidays before maternity leave so I've only got just over 3 weeks of work left...16 lil shifts at the hell hole and I'm done lol!!

Whats everyone doing for the heartburn? I've never had it before in my life but getting it now and it's nasty!!! I've tried gaviscon but it's rank lol!!!

With regards to your sciatica...I had this in my first pregnancy...and if you are able to afford it...I would go to physio or a chiropractor WHILE you are still pregnant! I really struggled with it...horrible pain...and after I had my son I could barely walk due to the pain. Treatments can be very expensive but I would highly recommend it if you can afford it.
With this pregnancy I have been going to chiro every week, to get adjustments to prevent some of these aches and pains and it has helped alot.
Even if you can go for just a select few treatments now, and closer to when the baby is supposed to be born...it will help you while you are in labour! Big hugs to you m'dear! I totally know how painful sciatica is. It's not easy to deal with at all!!
Hi ladies! How was everyone's weekend? I don't know about you ladies, but my nausea and morning sickness seems to have started up again almost as soon as I hit third trimester :(

Oh I can TOTALLY relate!! My nausea has started up a little too!! Not sure why! My last pregnancy wasn't like this at all!!
Also heartburn is HORRIBLE right now!! I woke up last night at 1am...ready to throw up from it. blah!
I hope your nausea etc gets better!!! hugs!

I'm sorry it's hit you again too! I thought I was safe after how great 2nd tri was :dohh:
Hi ladies! How was everyone's weekend? I don't know about you ladies, but my nausea and morning sickness seems to have started up again almost as soon as I hit third trimester :(

Oh I can TOTALLY relate!! My nausea has started up a little too!! Not sure why! My last pregnancy wasn't like this at all!!
Also heartburn is HORRIBLE right now!! I woke up last night at 1am...ready to throw up from it. blah!
I hope your nausea etc gets better!!! hugs!

I'm sorry it's hit you again too! I thought I was safe after how great 2nd tri was :dohh:

Yeah not fun. Oh well...hopefully I can have this baby in Early June like my doctor is hoping for!! EEK!!!!
Hi Jen!!

I'm feeling okay...i think. Have tightening every a lot in the past few days but I think I'm a pig so, I won't count it as BH just yet, lol. Craving lots of ice cream/milk shakes lately. MMMM...good!!! I've been so self-concious about my weight this time but I need to relax. That's my main goal. Although, I've only gained 15lbs so far it still freaks me out because I gained 60lbs with my daughter.
I was told that I'm dehydrated and a pretty severe anemic but trying to monitor and get those things under control. Other than that, I'm doing fine. I used to walk 50 mins a day...25 mins to and from work but I cut that in half. Getting much harder to do nowadays. Or maybe I'm just getting lazy :blush: I plan to swim a lot when summer gets here. They say it's one of the best exercises. We'll see....

I so hope you get your babygirl!!! Were you surprised with your first pregnancy or did you find out what you were having before delivery?

You and I are soooooo similar!!! I gained 56lbs with my son...and it took me 17 months to lose it! Now at this point in my pregnancy, I've gained 16lbs, and I'm sooo worried to gain anymore!! I'm also severly anemic! So trying to get that under control as well! I think its great that you are planning to swim for exercise in the summer!!! Its gentle on the joints, and sooo good for cardio!! I was hoping to workout through my pregnancy but its only now that I've been given the "green light" to start (I had a placenta previa) but thankfully its moved up now!! Woohoo! So are you excited for a little boy??? We kept it a surprise when we had our son. Little boys are wonderful!!! Very active (well at least my son is)...but really fun...although I don't have a girl to compare the experience to. Lol! Do you have names picked out?

Oh wow!!! We are very similar!!! Glad you don't have placenta previa now you can get to working out!! Whoohoo!! I need to ask my doc about that. I am very excited to have a little boy!! I do have name picked out....Justin. How about you?

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