beagle, I agree its a good gameplan for you to do another 1-2 IUIs. You can always see how you feel after the next one.
floridasian, I'm curious about your gameplan too... I've been meaning to ask you that in fact. I'm so sorry for the BFN. I totally hear ya on hoping you'd be prego by 36. Although I didn't even start TTC until I was 36, I still thought I'd be prego sometime before or right after 37. If my IVF is successful, I will just BARELY be making it still at the 37 age! I turn 38 on July 20th.
Michelle, GL testing! As for cramping, honestly, I have them on and off lightly throughout the TWW, so I never know what it's from. I had it with Clomid too though. If it's unusual for you, hopefully we can look at that as a good sign!! FXd!
moni, hoping your cysts just keep getting smaller and smaller.
It's looking pretty good so far! Keep us posted!
Jen, you are so sweet!
Yes, i would've gone in for the beta today, but just decided to wait it out, because if I really was prego, it should start showing up on an HPT any day now. So I'll see what happens, but I dont think it's likely, and the nurses really didn't either. I'm SO sorry you've been feeling so irritable and emotional, and trust me, I totally understand! Although it seems like mine is only right around O time! All in all though, femara has been treating me better than the clomid did. My face broke out every single cycle on clomid, and the emotions were way worse for me, and my boobs would hurt way worse during the TWW. I have had ONE pimple in two months since I switched to Femara, and my periods even seem better. My boobs hurt right now, but they didnt' start hurting until a couple days ago, and it's not as bad as my clomid cycles were. I would do it all over again though if I needed to since it did get me prego. LOL I guess we'll do just about anything, huh?
Allison, I'm thinking about you Hun... How are you doing?
Hi to savvy, FBG, amy, Suzy, HPJ, and everyone else!