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June jewels 2018!!!!

Brilliant news sander!!!!
Curious your next im sure!!!

Well sat there tonight and was totally convinced labour was starting but turns out was trapped wind 🙈🙈🙈
Brilliant news sander!!!!
Curious your next im sure!!!

Well sat there tonight and was totally convinced labour was starting but turns out was trapped wind ������

Please oh please! I can’t lie, Sander having her baby already when she was due 3 days after me is making me :cry: Lol! (Jk, I’m so happy for you Sander!)
Congrats Sander! Elias and Oliver were both high on my names list.

Curious fx you are next
Afm, 38 weeks tomorrow and baby is welcome to come tomorrow. I am having another scan and cervix check tomorrow. So curious if anything has changed from the 1.5cm two weeks ago. Have had no painful contractions, but Braxton Hicks were coming less than every 10min last night. Hoping it did something to my cervix.
Curious no joke I’d be so mad too - already seeing the other moms due before me getting their babies was making me crazy even though it’s so not reasonable haha
If it helps, I got a huge 3rd degree tear and it’s only now starting to have the numbing wear off and it’s suuuuuper painful. I don’t know if I could go through that again.

In other news our LO also ended up with a negative blood type! This is great news for DH and I because we refused the Rhogam shot several times in this pregnancy (it never threatened this baby, just future babies) - and I just hoped that if we were to have more kids I wouldn’t end up sensitized or he would end up with negative blood and he beat the odds! So as much as I’m nooooot interested in another pregnancy right now, we have the option! Super excited about that :)

Hope your appointment goes well tomorrow Mom! And lots of labour vibes to curious and ladders (and of course everyone else!)

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So cute Sander! And sorry about he tear, that sounds painful. I “only” had a second degree tear with DS. Unfortunately I think I’m likely to tear again. I can already tell how much more sensitive my lady bits are where my scar is.
But holding my munchkin soon is worth it!
Omg, soooo precious Sander!! He’s perfect. Haha, glad you understand ;) Sorry about your bad tear. I had a second degree one with DD and that was bad enough. I hope it feels better soon.
Oh no sander i like the others had a 2nd degree tear and that was sore enough. Think i panicked when the head came out and pushed before ready so must try to remember that next time.
Oh curious i feel your pain im not due till Monday and im soooo ready and want it now!!! Just know im going to go over and it will drive me insane!!!
He is gorgeous Sanders. Sorry about the tear. I had an episiotomy with my first which broke down but it gradually healed and didn't cause any problems with my second.
Aww he's absolutely gorgeous Sander!
And that's fab news that you have the option in the future for another.
Though it always confuses me how you've just had a baby, you're still shell shocked and in pain and some lovely family member askes if you're planning another! :haha:

Hopefully it won't be long curious! :hugs:

I borrowed my sisters bouncy ball yesterday and started having a bounce, but then I got a bad feeling stomach and killer heartburn. I'm hoping these are signs as I feel pretty rough in the evenings. I have either bh or very mild contractions but me and oh had sex so it could be just my body going "yay, I forgot what that felt like"
Swimming later and a bit of food shopping so I'm definitely keeping myself moving.
Congratulations Sander, Elias is just gorgeous!

:haha: at trapped wind ladders!

I hope for the rest of you, especially those due or very close, that the babies decide to come really soon! I'm not technically due for 2 more weeks, but Susannah is a week old today 😮

On the topic of having more babies, I always wanted 3 but said sure we'll see how we get on with two first. But Susannah was barely born before I've been all, oh yes let's start trying for a third next autumn 😂 must be all that oxytocin from the newborn snuggles because it's been a tough enough first week!
Soooo sweet Sander :cloud9:

I'm sorry about the tear! I hope it heals fast for you! :hugs:
No news here. Going to go try to walk this baby out at the mall. Maybe comfort myself with something new.
Nothing to report here curious either iv walked round the park and now mowed the lawn, im broken but still no sign!
I'm the same, I've been swimming and did 2 hours of walking round the shops. I'm tired now! I give up on baby stuff today, I'll just do some bouncing later and a bath.
Yeah, walked all morning and not even 1 contraction. This is the worst.
Sorry your babies are keeping you waiting ladies.

I was 2.5cm today and 70% effaced. Today my Braxton Hicks for the first time I feel more pressure on my pelvic floor than up in my belly.
As mentioned my doc won’t want me to go past 40 weeks. He said possible induction dates would be 6/8 or 6/12. I am torn because I am not a fan of intervention in first place and it would be before 40 weeks. I guess if it means my doc will be there for it rather than someone I have never met I would agree to the 12th. I would be 39w4d. Not going to worry about it until next Friday if I make it that far.
Sounds like we’ve all being doing the same thing today! I’ve been for a 4 mile walk and then bouncing on the hall! No signs! Had a lot of diorreah (sorry for over sharing haha) but I think baby is quite snug!! Hopefully this walking will equate to a baby for one of us soon!!! 💗 can’t believe how close we all are!!
It is so damn hot out! Just need to vent about that lol.

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