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June jewels 2018!!!!

No, and your DD is almost exactly DS age. 95F + a 3 year old + a playground = pure exhaustion. (Not to mention the chiropractor, Obgyn, friends house, hardware store and grocery store visits today, but at least those are air conditioned) Makes you wonder how that doesn’t bring on labor.
It's bloody warm for the UK at the moment too. Not as hot as where you are but humid enough to make my legs look like fat sausages!
I've spent an hour in a cool bath each night to bring the swelling down.

I've been looking at heartburn remedies as my heartburn is murder. My other half found bicarb of soda in water and I tried it last night... One sip and I nearly threw up though. It was so disgusting!
Luckily we have some Italian stuff in called Citrato and when I read the ingredients it's bicarb with lemon. Now I can sleep for about 2 hours after having some. Unfortunately I've nearly ran out so I've ordered some more which hopefully (by sods law) will mean the baby arrives before the stuff does :haha:
If I don't order it then he'll be two weeks late
It is warm for the UK! It’s been cloudy here but very warm! Feels like a good rain storm is needed to clear all the pressure!! But It’s making sleeping really

Is your heart burn bad just at night or all day long?
I’m originally from Northern Germany and my family told me they have had the warmest May on record. Crazy. This either means a crazy hot summer or hopefully that this heat wave takes at least a break. My parents are coming to visit in mid June and they are going to melt if it’s 35C which is what I am sitting in right now as DS is insisting on playing outside. Don’t have good visibility of him from inside or that’s where I would be.
Sorry I haven't updated, Clara Faye was born May 28th!! Will write tomorrow!! xoxo
So this mornings activity to try to Kickstart labour is nipple simulation aka trying out my breast pump check still working. Didnt do anything but going to keep trying and going on a big walk today also. Really really wanted baby to come tomorrow as its hubby birthday that he shares with his dad so would have been three generations of boys born the same day! Not looking likely now as absolutely nothing happening. Ahhhh why is this sooooooo annoying
I had some contractions pretty consistently last night for an hour. They tapered off but I was hoping to wake up in labor. Hahaha. Nope! Stilllll pregnant.
Feeling miserable this morning. I feel like I could pass out at any second, I'm super dizzy and nauseous, my head and back hurts. 1 week 2 days until baby boy is scheduled to arrive.
I've got a good nurse but she refuses to give pain medicine. It's beyond aggravating. I'm so tired of being in pain. I think I've had one day so far out of the past week that I wasn't in pain somewhere.
That must be extra hard having to wait and be in pain as well Eppgirl :hugs:

I'm feeling really down today. I think it's because yesterday I had a couple of hours of contraction type feelings then they stopped and I've had nothing since. I get scared that labour is starting as it wasn't fun last time, then excited the baby is coming...then back to waiting again! I think it's messing with my emotions and I just feel like I have no zest for anything today.
That must be extra hard having to wait and be in pain as well Eppgirl :hugs:

I'm feeling really down today. I think it's because yesterday I had a couple of hours of contraction type feelings then they stopped and I've had nothing since. I get scared that labour is starting as it wasn't fun last time, then excited the baby is coming...then back to waiting again! I think it's messing with my emotions and I just feel like I have no zest for anything today.

I totally understand PG. I’m feeling exactly the same way today, after contractions last night. It’s so hard to wait.
I know it's hard waiting ladies!

Call me craaaaazy but I am a bit envious :wacko: I LOVE having my baby here and man, the end was hard...but I miss being pregnant and all of that. Especially as it was my last pregnancy. Bittersweet!
Im sorry PG and Curious. I know you are a bit ahead of me, but I feel like my timer to go naturally into labor runs out on the 12th, whichever is why I am getting anxious. This afternoon I’ve had two occasion where some of my mucus plug came out. But my doc check my cervix yesterday so it may just be from that. With DS it meant he came a couple days later, so part of me is hopeful that it’ll happen soon.

Holly - I am dreading what you are talking about. Last time I was soooo sad not to be pregnant anymore. No matter how big and uncomfortable I am right now, a newborn, toddler and very little sleep doesn’t sound any better. And everyone expects you to be so over the moon happy right away. Of course the ultimate goal is to have and enjoy your children and not to be forever pregnant, but there is something so magic about carrying your children.
Anyway, I am hopeful I will not be as affected by the baby blues this time and prepare myself that this pregnancy might be over any day. Also my parents coming soon I hope will help. I was really upset that hey didn’t get to hold our first child until he was 6 months old.
Im sorry PG and Curious. I know you are a bit ahead of me, but I feel like my timer to go naturally into labor runs out on the 12th, whichever is why I am getting anxious. This afternoon I’ve had two occasion where some of my mucus plug came out. But my doc check my cervix yesterday so it may just be from that. With DS it meant he came a couple days later, so part of me is hopeful that it’ll happen soon.

Holly - I am dreading what you are talking about. Last time I was soooo sad not to be pregnant anymore. No matter how big and uncomfortable I am right now, a newborn, toddler and very little sleep doesn’t sound any better. And everyone expects you to be so over the moon happy right away. Of course the ultimate goal is to have and enjoy your children and not to be forever pregnant, but there is something so magic about carrying your children.
Anyway, I am hopeful I will not be as affected by the baby blues this time and prepare myself that this pregnancy might be over any day. Also my parents coming soon I hope will help. I was really upset that hey didn’t get to hold our first child until he was 6 months old.

SO true! :hugs:

I did try to savor the pregnancy as much as I could...even when I was insanely miserable and felt like my belly would explode, lol. I did feel "done" being pregnant but almost Immediately after, I wanted it back.. I know it's a bit crazy!

I'm glad you will have your parents! My in laws have been a huge help. My parents are about two hours away and haven't met Carson yet.
Hi ladies! I think I've managed to read all the way back haha!! Sorry, I'm not usually MIA so long but I WAS in hospital for 3 nights and we've only been home 2 nights so it's a bit manic around here. :)

Topaz, I'm so glad baby flipped and

fx, I'm sorry your babe is still breech but good you have a C Section scheduled. I am now a C Section mum so maybe can be some help in that dept....

Speaking of, Squig, ouch, I'm sorry the staples hurt. I am 5 days post partum and still in a TON of pain. I have stiches that dissolve.

Sander, CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!! :hugs: Sorry about the tear. Are you in much pain? When do you go back to get your tear checked, etc? Again maybe I can be some help with tear advice with my prior 4th degree tear.


All you ladies who oddly miss being pregnant, add me to the club! It's very surreal. Just this time last week I was waddling around the store and park and now I have a real live baby sleeping in the bassinet next to me. It's very bittersweet to think this is probably my last baby. Although now I've had her I'm thinking I want another one. :dohh: I just don't do delivery very well haha. But I seemed to do okay being pregnant.

Sometimes I get phantom movements which is weird.

Okay I'll post my birth story on another post...
Okay, here is my post about Clara Faye!!!

Went in Monday morning on a few hours sleep, oddly calm. Felt baby squirming and got a good NST while they prepped me in a labor room. DH got on his scrubs, they asked a million questions, I met with my OB and the anesthesiologist. Got there at 5, went back to operation suite after 8 am as they were running late.

Spinal went well but it I DON'T GET NUMB. I tried making that very clear to the doc as it takes double dose and double time at dentist for me, as well as how my epidural failed last time. Basically I could feel a lot of it. It hurt. Plus Clara got stuck and they had to vacuum her out of my abdomen!! Wtf.

Good news is she was crying and healthy, though wee at 6 lbs 10 oz. They were WAY of in their weighing! She has been a great baby but a tired feeder and latcher and she has jaundice so we are having to supplement with formula. I'm also pumping but not much is coming out. C Sections can make your milk come in later.....

She did latch and nurse in the OR which was cool. Great skin to skin. <3 She had one night under the lights for jaundice and she still looks orange to me but had her bilirubin checked yesterday and they said it was okay for her age.....

Here are some photos! More on my journal.


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Allie she is just gorgeous.

After so many babies in May can’t believe we don’t have a June baby yet.

38 weeks today for me and I feel lousy. Full on head cold hanks to hubby so little man can stay put a bit longer til I get over it.

Think I may have lost a small amount of plug yesterday and my nipple feel a little more sensative. I’m on count down til wed when I see midwife again. I’m slightly anxious he has moved again so I want her to re assure me he is still head down.
Aw Allie she's just gorgeous! Sorry to hear it was a rough birth though. I'm also having trouble with breastfeeding due to having to supplement with formula/ebm - Susannah finds the bottles much easier than the boob, & while she has a good latch & knows what to do, I can't get her to stay on. So I doubt our breastfeeding journey will last much longer, though I'm continuing to persevere for another few days at least.
A friend swears a foot massage from this acupressure place put her into labor so I&#8217;m going later today. I figure it can&#8217;t hurt!
Congratulations Allie! She&#8217;s so beautiful :) :) I&#8217;m also having a hard time breastfeeding, but turns out Elias wasn&#8217;t getting much from me and he was starving, so he got too impatient to latch on and would just scream and cry. So we started supplementing with formula until my milk comes in fully and he&#8217;s SO much happier now. Totally different baby. And I&#8217;m using a nipple shield which is helping him latch, now that my milk is on it&#8217;s way he&#8217;s able to breastfeed so much easier which is awesome because formula is so expensive??? DH bought a pack of 24 bottles of 60ml pre-made (they said that&#8217;s what we needed because the pre-made packs are sterile as opposed to powder), and it was $60! Anyhow, he should be off of those within a few days haha. Otherwise we&#8217;d be in the poorhouse.
And yes I&#8217;d love any help with recovering from a tear. The pain was ok for a while but it&#8217;s picking up a little even though the wound seems to be healing pretty well. It&#8217;s just hard to stand for any length of time because of the pressure on the stitches - and if I have to cough or sneeze it feels like I&#8217;m going to rip them all open!! They gave me a Sitz bath to use but we just got home last night so I haven&#8217;t done it yet. That and I&#8217;m using frozen pads as ice packs which is amazing relief. But I&#8217;m so scared to poop, and peeing is also quite painful from stinging. I use a little peri bottle to spray the area but it only helps so much.

Sorry for the novel, lol

Curious I had DH try a couple pressure points on my feet we saw on an acupressure website and water broke within 2 days so who knows if it helped! I&#8217;ll be interested to see how it works for you because lots of people swear it puts them into labour!

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