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June jewels 2018!!!!

Thanks everyone, just waiting - contractions still haven’t started yet, baby has 5 more hours to start before they induce me so been walking/bouncing on the ball etc. Hopefully soon!!

I hope it works for you :hugs:
I was induced too because of my waters breaking but I couldn't get my contractions less than 5 mins apart. Although it would be nice to have it start naturally at least you know that very soon your baby will be here no matter what xx

This is what happened to me too with DD! My water broke and I’d been having contractions but they stopped and never started again. Fx things get going very soon Sander!
PG isn't it illegal to sack someone when they've just had a baby?? Anyway I hope you have a much better experience this time.

Unfortunately not, my sister was made redundant whilst on maternity leave. It's about how they say it, they can't get rid of you because you've had a baby but if you're job is no longer needed then they can make you redundant.
I work giving legal advice in the NHS now but previously it was for the county council. I came back from a year off and told that there was one job between myself and my colleague. I knew I stood no chance as she'd been there for the past year and I'd only been back trying to get used to work again for 5 days.
37 weeks here! :hi: Not a whole lot going on....just braxton hicks’n up a storm. :dohh: Par for the course. I honestly never thought I would make it past 35 weeks this pregnancy so now every day over that seems like an eternity. Im sooooo thankful I have and he’s still in there doing well, but I wasnt mentally prepared to still be pregnant at this point. Lol :coffee:

Sander I hope things get going for you and the induction goes smoothly!


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Sanders my waters broke with my first and I went back at the 24 hr mark and they hooked me up to the drip to get things moving. I won't lie. It was intense but I got through it and actually my labour with my second that was unassisted was worse as I had front and back contractions with him.

I feel like I'm gonna be left behind. Everyone is having theirs or has a date. I still have 2 and a half week til due date. So signs, Not even many bh's.
Rach, you look lovely! I love your hair.
I've had so many braxton hicks this pregnancy that my stomach muscles should definitely be ready :haha:
Its good that your lo has had longer in there to grow.

Topaz, don't worry. I think I'll be around for longer yet. I'm still convinced that I'll be at least a week overdue and I won't see my Midwife for another week yet.
I don't think I want to have a sweep, I think I'm just going to wait it out and see if he comes along naturally before 42 weeks. Though the waiting is hard, it's the not knowing when which is driving me insane.

Last night I had slight period cramps and felt like I was going to have diarrhoea but after a rush to the loo nothing happened. I would say this is a good sign but my body did this about a week and a half ago as well!
Starting to get really nervous now lol. Was officially told I am staying until delivery, and they are wanting to deliver at 37+1 on June 11th. Less than two weeks to go. Eek!
PG 😠 about the job. Cinnamon loaf sounds delicious!

Oh Sander I hope all has progressed & you're holding your baby now!
Think iv got it right so far front page wise 😊
39 +2 and getting sooooooooo impatient now! Come on boy your sister was here by now!

Ladders, Susannah was born on 25/5/18 (due 15/6 so a bit further down the front page). I'm not on the FB group! Please can you update for me.
Well I finally started getting contractions @ 1am (3 hours ago) and am 4cm dilated now. Thankful to be able to be admitted w our own labour room, looking forward to holding my little guy soon :)
Well I finally started getting contractions @ 1am (3 hours ago) and am 4cm dilated now. Thankful to be able to be admitted w our own labour room, looking forward to holding my little guy soon :)

Great job Sander, hope your labor is quick and easy!
Afm, today is my due date. I’m now the most pregnant I’ve ever been. Please vacate baby.
Ahh fantastic Sander, good luck xx

Hopefully not too long now curious!

I've been out with my best friend for lunch today as she panicked when I said I was due on monday. We had a little walk too to hopefully get things moving a little!
Yay sander cant wait to see your update with the babes!

Topaz I feel you. Still 20 days until my due date and just wanting my boy now that theres been so many born in this group!

Also cant remember who said all the BH better be giving them abs of steel....but for reals I better come out of the hospital toned as all get out after dealing with so many for so many months. LOL Literally had 12 in 1 hr last night. They are ridiculous! I swear Im not going to know when Im in actual labor because I get so many. Ugh. Though the past 3 days Ive gotten random cramping with the contractions and a few extra trips to the potty. Really hoping that means things are getting ready.

Curious should be so soon now!

Epp i hope you can get rest and keep that baby cooking another couple weeks until your induction.
Elias Oliver Anderson arrived this morning at 6:17am, 7lbs 6oz - delivery was something haha, but I managed doing it totally natural - I think I scared the entire labour ward with screaming haha. Got a 3rd degree tear! So I had to get a spinal just to fix that, but baby is healthy and I’m soooooo glad to be finished.

Will post picture soon. Hope everyone else is doing well!!
Congratulations Sander! And what a lovely name, I love Elias.
Nothing wrong with a bit of screaming, it's supposed to be therapeutic to do :haha:
My friend got asked if she could be a little quieter as she was scaring a lady and had a 4lb baby and 2.5 hour labour. Lol.
You got through it though and that's what matters
Congrats Sanders. Looking forward to pics.

Curious well done for making it to your due date. I think you are the first. Hopefully it won't be too much longer now.

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