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June jewels 2018!!!!

A week and a day til baby boy is here. 💜
Seen the doctor earlier and they are going to be doing another ultrasound tomorrow because my fluid levels looked low.

Hopefully we make it through the week so baby will at least be early full term.
Aww she's so beautiful allie and I love the picture with her big brother! Your section is what I'm a little scared of as I've never had anaesthetic in my life so I don't know how my body will react to it. I know it makes my mom very sick.

Ouch, that sounds very painful Sander. I used nipple shields for a little bit as my nipples are very flat so latching was difficult. It didn't cause her any issues in the long run for breastfeeding.

How exciting mom! Fingers crossed that's a good sign for things to come shortly.

I'm not feeling very with it this evening and last night I actually had a good night sleep. Tomorrow is EDD!
How is everyone doing? I know we had a couple moms on Facebook that are having intermittent contractions. Anyone else think they might be on their way? Curious how was the acupressure?

We’re doing alright over here, baby is completely nocturnal. He sleeps like a dream all day long but from about midnight to 6am he’s wide awake and very difficult to please. DH has been doing most of the night work and I’ll just feed, but it’s tough because neither of us are sleeping very well. The baby is! Haha

But breastfeeding has been a ton easier with a nipple shield - PG I think you suggested it - we had a lactation consultant help and now he’s eating really well on his own, so he’s pretty much off the formula.

I’ve taken about a million pictures of him but I’ll share a couple of my favorites so far :)

Hope everyone is doing well and looking forward to more babies soon!

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Awe sander he is just too cute.

I’m feeling wiped out by my cold and today I have a horrible headache from my sinuses. Feeling very sorry for my self. Also looking forward to my midwife appointment on wed for some reassurance that he is still head down. I think he might have been transvers yesterday and today he is either back head down or Breech again. This wriggly baby is stressing me out big time.
Sander, he is beyond adorable. Well done being mostly back to to breast milk!! Clara still won't really latch for more than 30 seconds. She likes that first easy let down and then won't wait for the good milk. I get tell my supply is getting WORSE and I am pumping. Seeing the lactation consultant tomorrow.

Oh Sander, we have a noctural baby here too....I feel you. What size clothes is he in? Clara's newborn clothes are swimming on here.

Clara's also still quite orange. Anyone else have a jaundice baby? I know it's more common in Colorado plus with babies who get vaccuumed out. Going in for another heel prick today.

I also see my OB today. How often do those of you who have had your LOs have to go in? I was only meant to have 1 appt at 6 weeks. Luckily I seemed sufficiently insane to them on Friday (I was crying to them on the phone for more pain medication lmao) so they want to see me today. I'm glad because I'm worried about my post partum BP. It was 140/90 yesterday at the grocery store.

Topaz, it sounds miserable. I remember being 38 weeks 2 whole weeks ago and it is a very long week. So close yet so far. I hope you feel better soon. And I hope baby is still head down. It seems late for them to flip back up after being head down, though. I wouldn't worry too much.

epp, I hope your baby gets to full term. How are things?

PG, I mean I would do it again. :haha: It was kind of traumatic but it's been a week and it's already starting to fade memory wise except for the literal pain in my tummy when I move around. What I try to remember is if I asked for it or felt tremendous pain they would have put me under. Also, it was pain for maybe 30 minutes compared to 24 hours of labor haha. I know it's not the same or comparable but I don't wanna scare anyone, but I will be honest it's kinda sucky to recover from as well.
Sander... Absolutely ADORABLE!!!! :cloud9:

Allie ~ Carson had some jaundice. He did a follow up heel prick and came back okay. It's hard when you're wanting to be successful nursing yet being told to give formula. The best advice I can give to help succeed with nursing is to nurse 24/7,every waking moment.. The longer formula is given~ the more they realize they have an easier option and are more likely to quit Bf. :/ have like a Bf marathon basically were you spend a couple of days ONLY focusing on that. :hugs:
So cute Sander! Sounds like he has his days and nights reversed. Super normal. Keep lights on and things loud during the day when he’s up.

I’m still hanging in here. The acupressure was nice but nothing really going on. So I’m just waiting it out. I think I’m just resigned at this point. Baby will come when she’s ready I guess.
Thanks for the suggestion curious - we’re trying to keep things loud during the day so hope that helps!! Are you 40+4 today? Good job sticking it out! I wasn’t sure when baby would come so DH and I made a list in case I went overdue with 1 nice thing to look forward to every day. Like 40+1 is a nice bath with a bath bomb, 40+2 is an ice cream on the patio etc etc. Maybe it could help in staying positive about being overdue - I’m sure your LO will be here any moment!

Allie - he’s fitting the newborn sizes pretty well actually, how big was Clara again? Eli was 7lb 6oz, and the midwife said he’s back up to his birthweight now after dropping to 6.13 at the hospital. The middle picture though was supposed to be his going home outfit - it was 0-3 months which I thought would be fine but it ended up being gigantic!! And no he didn’t end up with any jaundice although they were keeping an eye on it because his levels were a little high at first. And because we have a midwife she came today and is coming again Wednesday - then I assume we’ll have another appointment between now and 6 weeks. I was surprised with OB’s you don’t get any appointments for 6 whole weeks?? Glad they could fit you in earlier :)

Sorry he’s stressing you out Topaz. Do you have a doppler? My midwife showed me how to find baby’s position just using the doppler - their heartbeat if they’re head down is loudest about midway between your belly button and pelvis. I hope he didn’t flip on you, but I think once they’re head down they’re likely to stay that way!
Curious - How far will your doctor/midwife let you go over? Sorry the acupressure has not (yet) worked.

If it wasn’t for the threat of being induced a week from tomorrow, I would care when baby comes. Easy to say at not even 39 weeks, not sure how I would feel if I was past 40 like some of you. Hang in there ladies, our babies will eventually have to come out.
Assuming no other medical concerns, my midwives will let me go to 42w. Sooo, yeah. 40+4, almost 5 now. It’s pretty awful. But luckily my mother in law has been here for a week and has done most the cooking and cleaning and taking care of DD so I have been able to relax. I can’t complain about that.
Sander - he's just so cute! I'm loving seeing everyone else's babies. It is frustrating when they like to be awake at night but hopefully it won't take him too long to realise that people aren't as fun in the night as they are in the day.

Allie - I hope the bf works for you. It's so hard when you're trying but as long as she gets fed then that's the most important thing. There's enough to stress about with babies.

Topaz - I hope you're starting to feel better, hopefully everything will be OK when you see the Midwife. I get weird kicks and movements all over my belly.

I'm still here with you curious! My due date was yesterday and I feel like nothing is happening. I still keep feeling like i have a little bit of labour symptoms like the odd cramps, I wasn't sure if if I've been losing my mucus plug and then they just go and I'm left waiting again.
I need to have the baby soon as I'm cheering myself up with ice cream and cake so I'm going to be gigantic :haha:
I think I'll do some baking then maybe go for a swim later on.
C’mon baby PG! Why are these babies so stubborn?! I have definitely been comforting myself with food too, lol.
Hang in there curious and pg. Being over due sucks. Sending labour vibes your way.
Well, swimming didn't help though it was nice to get out of the house and do something. I feel less close to labour now that I did about 2 weeks ago.

For those still waiting, what are you thinking about a sweep? I'm not sure but I'm also really nervous about having a big baby so the sooner he comes the better.
When I had a scan a few weeks ago they said he was measuring on the 90th percentile. It's made me a little paranoid since, even though I know so many people that it's been inaccurate for.
I had sweeps booked for both boys but never made it to the appointment. I will book one again with this one, anything to try and speed things along.
PG - I think I will have a sweep on Friday. I never thought I would make it that far, but now it feels like baby will just be in there til it gets kicked out.
If my MW offers a sweep I will probably do it tomorrow. I don't know if they will, they're very low intervention.
Thanks ladies, I was a week over with my first but 4 days of that I was already in slow labour so I was never offered one.
I'm seeing the Midwife on Thursday so I'll see what she says. I think they offer them around 41 weeks here
I keep having random BH and some actually painful contractions but they go nowhere. It's so frustrating!
I think I will def. go for the sweep. I don’t like the thought of any intervention, but the next step is Pitocin in a week. Please baby come on your own, so I don’t feel guilt for interfering. :(

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