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June jewels 2018!!!!

Hi everyone! Sorry I’ve been quiet, just waiting around for my c section hoping the opposite of you all, I need baby to hang on in there until my section date, I don’t want to go into labour and be rushed to hospital for an emcs!

Hope your babies start making an appearance soon though!
So I thought I’d write out my birth story here, maybe it’ll give some hope to those still waiting because I had zero signs of labour and then baby was here! Here’s hoping all those with sweeps coming up are successful!!

So Wednesday morning around 7:45 I woke up having to pee (as per usual) and as I was walking to the bathroom I kept peeing myself as I walked - I’m like holding myself saying stoooop I’ll be in the bathroom soon!! Haha, then I sit on the toilet and all the ‘pee’ comes out, so I smell my underwear and it doesn’t smell like pee - then I proceed to actually empty a full bladder in the toilet. When I wiped I got a huge bloody show, lots of mucus (mm, lovely), and I realize it was my water that broke!

So I call DH and tell him, so we get all excited and I think ok, contractions are going to start soon (panic!), but nothing happens so we played a board game until 9am when I could call my midwife. She tells me to go in and get checked, so we head to the hospital around 10am and they did an NST and swabbed for amniotic fluid. It kept coming back as ‘inconclusive’ so the midwife did a cervical check and said it was too high to reach, but as she pulled her hand out another huge gush of fluid came out and when they tested that it was def my water. So they said go home and come back at 8pm if you haven’t gone into labour.

We got a Tim Hortons sandwich on the way home, and we went for a big walk around the dyke near our house; then I told DH to go buy an exercise ball for me to bounce on and I did that for a while. Then I took a nap for an hour. All this time there was nothing going on.

Finally we went back to the hospital at 8pm and they did another NST, checked my cervix again and it was so high up and 1cm. I think my cervix score (can’t remember the actual name)was only a 2. So they inserted the prostaglandin gel and monitored me for an hour, then sent me home.

I was super crampy from the gel which was very uncomfortable, and I tried getting some sleep but the cramping was so bad. Around 1am the cramping started giving me a break in between - and I realized contractions were starting. So I just laid in bed and squeezed DH’s hand every time I felt one, and from the get go they were 40 seconds long every 90 seconds. They started getting more painful so I hopped in the shower and DH called the hospital who said we could come in if we wanted, but it was probably still too early. Anyway DH was kind of panicking so we left around 2:30 for the hospital.

Another NST test showed regular contractions, and the doctor came down and said yeah looks like early labour so there’s probably no cervical change, I’ll check just in case but you’ll probably have to go home and come back at 8am. He checks it, almost gives up because he can’t reach - then finally he feels it and is like oh! You’re at 4cm! You’re in active labour so you can stay here, we’ll admit you. Meanwhile I’m like shoot I thought I’d be at least 6cm :haha:

Now it’s about 4:30am, and they transfer me to the labour and delivery room. This whole time I’m totally fine, walking, breathing through contractions etc. Then I get into the room, try and pee (can’t) and get into the bed. Then it was like BAM super intense contractions right on top of each other. I start getting louder until I’m screaming and probably waking up the whole floor - and DH says this lasted about 10 contractions in a row approx 30 seconds each (so 5 minutes total) and then I needed to push.

The nurse was like no no we just checked you and you’re only 4cm and I’m like no I’m pushing now - and my body just starts doing it even though I wasn’t trying to! The midwife arrives at that exact moment and is like ok let me check you - and she says ok push!!

I pushed for 51 minutes, which was way longer than I thought it would take?? And it was exhausting. Using the birthing stool was ultimately what got the baby out. They had me feel his head once it had come out which was cool but also kind of gross? Haha

So the head was one push and the body was a 2nd push, but working him down was the hardest part. Then of course I had a big tear, and 3 different doctors came to look at it to decide what to do (after 5 separate shots in the vagina to numb me it was super painful), and they said you need surgery. This terrifies me so I’m like ummm no thanks. So they (I thought) very kindly offered to have the anesthetist come to the room and do it via a spinal block and I wouldn’t even have to go to the OR. This was def best case scenario, they gave a light spinal, I got to stay in the room with DH and the baby, and I checked Instagram while they put in the stitches! It took around an hour to fix me, and then I got more baby snuggles and everyone left me alone haha

So that was the story. Thankfully the hard part of labour was about an hour, and the other 4 hours were very manageable. The tearing actually didn’t hurt when it happened - just the recovery has been a bit tough. The worst part was that 5 minutes of what I presume was transition. I thought I was dying haha

But now it’s all over and Elias is doing really well.

So that’s the birth story, congrats if you read the whole thing :haha:

Can’t wait to read all of yours as they happen!
I love birth stories, thanks for sharing Sander.
I am nervous about the contractions but last time I was induced so I'd go up in massive jumps rather than it being a natural progression. Elias is gorgeous, you sound like you did a wonderful job getting him out. When you need to push... You need to push!

I hope your baby does stay put for you FX

My body is doing the same curious! So frustrating
PG and Curious, I hope you both go into labor really soon.

A sweep is really low intervention so hopefully they go for it. :thumbup:

Fx, I hope your baby stays put! :hugs:

Sander, thanks for sharing. I love reading birth stories.

I suppose I kinda shared mine but with a C Section, even though it IS a birth story, it's quite quick a lot of the time so not much to tell about the actual surgery.

Oh yes, I wanted to give you some tear advice. I know you are doing peri washes which are good! Here is everything I did and I have recovered with no long term effects at all:
I took a bath every single day. They say sitz baths are okay but I found regular baths to be good. I swear they helped me heal. I soaked and soaked. I did the peri washes but also witch hazel and I always dabbed dry not wiped. I held a warm cloth to my vagina and perinium when I had a bowel movement. Took LOTS of stool softeners. I didn't lift anything heavy for awhile, just the baby, and I rested a lot, to avoid putting pressure there. I'll see if I can find my birth story from Alistair! :hugs: And luckily you have 'just' a third degree not a fourth. I was also stitched under epidural (which I know is a bit different from spinal) in the delivery room and that made it less traumatic.

Hope everyone else is well.....saw lactation today. She said most people have a day 10 postpartum deadline to establish breastfeeding. I am on day 8. She really made me feel bad, like I won't be able to do it. She said I'm not pumping enough since I only pump during the day. I also nurse each feeding...she basically said my milk is not coming in. Very depressing. I hope I can prove her wrong. I know Fed is Best and I'm not a crazy lay about nursing but I do really want to do it just like I did with Alistair.
PG good for you getting through a full induction - I honestly don’t know if I could have handled that!

Thanks so much for the advice Allie - and im glad to know about the baths because I find the sitz baths too painful since I have so much pressure when I sit upright like that. I tried a regular bath yesterday which was amazing, but I wasn’t really sure if it was alright or not. And my midwife stole some witch hazel pads from the hospital for me and I swear they’re working better than the ice packs, it’s been awesome. I also pooped! Lol it feels like such an accomplishment. It wasn’t as bad as I thought but I have been taking lots of stool softeners. It took 5 whole days and I don’t even remember how long it had been since the birth because I was so constipated this whole pregnancy. Anyways I’m so glad to have it over with, and my bleeding is going brown and getting lighter so I’m hoping everything is just healing and improving.
I also wanted to say I’m not surprised the lactation consultant told you that because they seemed like that @ the hospital for me too - they told me I had to pump every 3 hours or my milk wouldn’t come in, and when we got home the stores were all closed so I was panicking I’d mess everything up by not pumping but when I talked to the midwife she was like as long as baby is gaining weight you don’t need a pump. And I even said people have been breastfeeding for thousands of years without breast pumps - and even now most people don’t have access to them! So I would try not to stress too much, I don’t know why the medical professionals feel the need to freak moms out the way they do!!
I had people tell me the same thing „oh make sure you pump so your milk comes in”. I did have a little manual pump but I ended up making so much milk I don’t think I should have used it. Your baby is much more effective than the pump and they need very little in the beginning. I don’t remember who said it, but I agree just breastfeed as much as you can and it will get easier with time. You can’t overfeed when nursing.
And thank you for sharing your birth story Sander.
I hope to add mine soon as well

Afm, had a bit of mucus plug come out. It was funny, I was on the toilet to pee and I remembered that a long time ago I had read about visualizing that your cervix opens like a flower and how that can help you dilate. So desperate me is sitting on the toilet making that visualization and voila here is part of my plug :)
Sander. Lavender in the bath also helps aid healing. My episiotomy broke down with ds1 and took weeks to heal. I found it really helped.
Sander, Elias is gorgeous & thanks for sharing your birth story 😀

I never wrote mine, such as it is, so here you go - I had to be at the hospital for 8am so I assumed I would be going first for my C-section. I think then the consultant decided I would be second, but I guess the first person wasn't ready because I was taken first after all. I was quite anxious about being delayed or more particularly, cancelled, because there has apparently been a lot of pressure on cots available (as my baby was coming at 37 weeks, they had to have a neonatal cot available just in case she needed it, which thankfully, she didn't). So I must've been taken to theatre around 8.45 at a guess, I didn't check, but Susannah was born in a very smooth & uncomplicated surgery at 9.27am. I had a spinal block which seems to work very well for me. We moved to recovery & up to the postnatal ward about 12 noon. The hard part started then as I found breastfeeding very tough & I was also in a LOT of pain, particularly the next day. Agony would be about right. This section was definitely harder on me than the first. But, baby is here safely & I'm feeling much better now, so all good.

Allie, you probably know, but osts are good for boosting your milk supply, as is fenugreek. However I can really relate to your situation from Róise's birth. I pumped for a couple of hours each day to get a measly ounce or two. My milk did come in I think but as Róise couldn't) wouldn't latch, I struggled. I stopped trying to express around 6 weeks, it wasn't worth it. I don't think the 10 day window is true from the advice I've been given here, you can establish bf after that but it takes a lot of intensive effort so you need to weigh up what's best for your family. I won't be trying. I'll offer the breast & express as long as I'm getting a decent amount, but once it starts to take over, I'll be stopping - I have another child to consider. I do understand your disappointment though, & it's ok to feel disappointed. But you aren't a failure.

Come on, June babies!
Well I was right and baby has flipped again. Today he was breech oblique. Back to hospital Tom for scan and to see a doctor for a plan of action. I'm gonna push for an ecv with immediate induction or section so hopefully I might get a date for next week.
Mom, that's made me giggle trying to visualise but it seemed to do something for you so keep going.

I'm with you Sander and squidge, I would very much like to breastfeed like I did with Alice however if for some reason I can't then I'll go bottle feeding and try and express. Alice had a terrible latch, I had mastitis twice and I think I had Renauds in my nipples (though I didn't realise until after I'd finished).

You're definitely not a failure at all if your milk isn't coming in Allie - you're a wonderful mom, breast or bottle.

Afm - today I give up with trying to induce anything so I'm going food shopping then I'm taking my book along and going to my favourite tea room for a scone with clotted cream and a cup of Earl Grey. Very English indeed :haha:
No doubt baby will sense you taking a break & decide it's a good time to arrive, PG 😉 Enjoy!

Good luck tomorrow Topaz.
Well I was right and baby has flipped again. Today he was breech oblique. Back to hospital Tom for scan and to see a doctor for a plan of action. I'm gonna push for an ecv with immediate induction or section so hopefully I might get a date for next week.

Oh no, sorry to hear he's flipped around! What a stress for you :hugs:
No doubt baby will sense you taking a break & decide it's a good time to arrive, PG 😉 Enjoy!

Good luck tomorrow Topaz.

:haha: that's very true! And if not then I at least get cake
Allie, you are not a failure regardless. I totally totally understand. I had planned to BF DD and my milk never came in, despite doing everything. Likely I won’t be able to BF this one either since it’s likely due to my anatomy. It was really really tough but a fed baby is what matters in the end and DD is a total formula success story.
So, had my NST today and all looks good. Fluid levels good too. I had a couple contractions on the monitor that I couldn’t feel. Baby kept kicking the monitors, lol. I’m 1cm dilated and she swept my membranes so we will see. They wanted to schedule an induction for next Monday (42w based on LMP) but I know I O’d 3 days late so I declined. So I’ll have another NST on Monday if I’m still pregnant and then go in for cervical ripening Wed night if nothing by then. Please come now baby!
Fingers crossed the sweep kick starts something curious.

My scan has been changed to Friday but will definitely see a doctor after.
Hope the sweep works for you curious!

Enjoy your cake pg! I think the more you relax and try not to get labour started will probably get labour started!!

I’m right there with you topaz, hope you get a plan together you’re happy with, I declined the ecv but that’s because with my bicornuate uterus it probably wouldn’t work and might be more risky.

Sorry you’re having a hard time breastfeeding Allie, I don’t think there’s any specific time limit on it working though, that seems strange. Just do what you feel is right for you and baby, and don’t feel bad if it doesn’t work out.
Aw topaz sorry to hear baby has flipped!! What a stubborn little guy. If he still has room to flip around like that maybe he’ll still go head down for you :)

Curious I’m so impressed that you’re turning down an early induction! I know it must be super tempting at this point. But I’m sure baby will come on out before it comes to that!
38 weeks! Never thought I would see this week in this pregnancy. Very happy! But also will be happy if this kid comes within the next week lol

Ive felt probably the best Ive felt this entire pregnancy the last 2 days, Im seriously hoping this is my “energy burst before labor” happening. Was able to get some shoppingg and gardening done! But now Im wiped haha.

So I read back the last few pages and I love everyones birth stories and in my head I had comments for everyone but now that Im trying to comment I cant remember anything. Tired preggo mama brain kicking in full force. I apologize. :dohh:

Hope we see some more little Junies soon!!


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