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June jewels 2018!!!!

I'm feeling proper miserable. Just been for my Midwife appointment and because the baby is still not engaged there's nothing she can do. I have to go back in on Monday to see if they can do a sweep and if not then I'll be given a date to be induced which I really was hoping wouldn't happen.
Baby is all fine though, he's just chilling.

The insomnia at the moment is really hard, I seem to be tired all day then wide awake at night till about 2am.

That's great you've got to 38 weeks Rach, hopefully that's given your little baby the extra growing time.
Oh no pg that sucks. It may be that baby engages and you will go into labour straight away because of the sudden pressure on the cervix.

I’m with you on the insomnia, it’s so frustrating. I just lay there with everything going through my head while hubby snores away.
I’m sorry PG. Hopefully it’s like Topiaz said.

Rach - you look gorgeous as always. Glad you got a burst of energy. I’ve had these now or never moments. Every day that I am still pregnant I think, what else can I get done before baby gets here. Today I may use the nail gun to nail up some trim. Maybe that’ll send a message to the baby.
Ah how discouraging PG! But it’s true it could be that baby will engage and you’ll instantly go into labour!

Glad you ladies are keeping busy, the end is hard to wait for! And of course extra kudos to those going overdue.

For those of you with boys, what is your opinion on circumcision? DH and I decided not to circumcise, mostly because we just personally don’t feel it’s necessary - but honestly I don’t have a huge opinion about it either way. My dad came over today and asked if we were circumcising and when I said no he went on and on about how we’d regret it and he’d get teased and it would look bad when he got older. I mean maybe this is tmi but DH isn’t circumcised and I never cared how it looked, and I wouldn’t think it would make a big impact in Elias’ life either. I know there are some potential benefits (decreased risk of UTI etc), but when I researched it it basically seems like doctors agree that it’s really personal preference. I don’t want him to feel uncomfortable but I also don’t really want to put him through a circumcision just because other people want it to look a certain way. Does that make sense?
Circumcision isn't a big thing in the UK. Most aren't. Dh isn't and neither are my 2 boys and Ollie won't be getting done either. To me it's the way nature intended. Why mess with it.
I'm the same as Topaz, it's very rare in the UK to find a guy who is. For me, there's no way I'd consider it unless it was medically necessary.
Penis' and vaginas aren't the prettiest of things in the world but they function perfectly well :haha:

I wish you ladies lived close to me, I've done so much baking! I'm running out of people to give it to now. Today I've been making Italian biscotti - cinnamon and nutmeg and chocolate amaretti (though these are big crunchy ones and not the soft ones that I love)
Actually, I might make amaretti morbidi tomorrow.
Oh pg i wish i lived close to you too they sound amazing

So only just getting a chance to update here but i had my little man monday night at 10.17pm! Labour kinds started the sunday am but really slowly, by sunday night it got quite bad so we shipped dd off to my parents and tried to rest, kept dropping off asleep around bouts of contractions. Woke it and it had all calmed right down so i walked the dog, cleaned the house and even mowed the lawns till contractions starting building up again. Went to the hospital at 8.30pm and he arrived at 10.17pm so much better timed this time! I got a pool birth like i wanted and although massively painful and scary it went exactly like i hoped.
Oh that's fantastic Ladders, congratulations!
That's great that you only had the two hours in the hospital before he arrived and you had a water birth :hugs:

I hope you're doing OK? Xx
Aw congrats ladders!! So cool to be on this journey with you (and curious!) since TTC :)

And thanks guys, glad to know I’m not weird for not wanting it done!
Congratulations ladders!

PG I wish I lived closer to you too, I love home baking 😉

Everyone was saying a while back how they miss being pregnant. I'm in the minority but I absolutely don't miss it. I do like having a growing bump & I love the end result, but I otherwise hate being pregnant! Not sure if we'll go for a third or not (I'm of a mind to, next year), but even if this was my last pregnancy, I still won't miss it!!
Congratulations ladders.

So I’m booked in for a c section on Monday as little man is transvers but the cord is near his neck so they won’t risk trying to turn him.

If he turns himself they will scan the morning of section and induce if he is in right position so either way I have 3 days left.

He is weighing in around 7lb at the mo.
Have my weekly appointment in a few hours. I’m guessing we’ll set the date for induction on Tuesday if baby doesn’t how by then, so I will be right behind you Topiaz.
Baby boy will be here Monday! Just spoke to the doctor who will be delivering and she gave me a for sure time! Really getting nervous now. So excited to meet baby boy though.
Looks like we'll have 3 new babies by early next week! How exciting.
I'm seeing the Midwife on Monday for hopefully a sweep and to book in my induction.
The thing I'm worried about is if he's still not engaged then the induction would be a very long and slow process? It wasn't good with my daughter and by the time I was induced I already had 3 days of contractions and my waters had broken. It still took 12 hours though even on the drip.

I'm hoping he comes himself so I've scrubbed and cleaned today and swam another 40 lengths.
Good luck topaz, epp & mom! Exciting that there will be 3 new babies soon!

PG, hope your baby engages - I don't know the answer to your question but it seems likely that induction would be easier if baby is engaged?
The latest I will have a baby will be Thursday, thank goodness. I had a bunch of painful contractions from 1-2am but still no labor.

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