Welcome Mrs Evers!!!
Katie, oh man I'm sorry about the glucose test. May I ask why they are doing it so early? I had GD with my son but I don't think they are doing it until 28 weeks again. I am on Metformin to hopefully lesson the risk of GD this time.
becs, you are so early. We saw a hb with my son at 6w5d.
Does anyone have pregnancy journals I can stalk? I had one with my DS and I went back and looked at it, so funny and surreal! Now I just have my parenting one.
AFM my sickness is a bit less than yesterday; yesterday was the worst yet, I couldn't believe it but it was so reassuring. Maybe the half Unisom and high B6 is helping already. Like you ladies I am eating a lot of carbs. And fruit. Can't really handle meat or sweets right now.
OH NO I had an awkward encounter today!!!! I went to church playgroup and so many of the ladies are pregnant. I wanted to ask about OBs so I gave the game away to a handful of ladies that I was expecting. I have never told people this early, I'm so scared I jinxed myself! I mean I've not even seen that there is anything in my uterus yet!!! I had the thought, 'Oh great, now I'll miscarry in two days.' I know that's morbid, I just feel terrible I told people I don't know why.