Ooh you are lucky it was abdominal!!! Are you super thin haha? I think I have too much of my last pregnancy fat on my tummy for it to even work haha. Well, maybe that's not true because I don't have a chubby pelvis. But they just went straight up there haha. Hubby, doctor, nurse and med student in the room.
Congrats Allie! How did that happen haha, one week ahead?
Its just nice that these next few visits feel like freebees
Btw my doc is so nice he is having me come in in three weeks again for a reassurance scan
one until 20 weeks!? Theres no way Ill wait that long. Ill have to pay for an earlier one I guess. Last time around I got one at 7 weeks so I dont know why I dont get one this time. Still sick and tired. Counting down until this first trimester is over!
Scan went really well thank goodness!! The little splodge measuring 8w 1d and nice strong heartbeat. I'm so so relieved feel like I could sleep for a week now!