Aww lovely scans! I've finally got mine on Monday so I'll be about 13+5 then. I've kinda had some maybe bad news from my sister. She went for a scan expecting to be about 7 weeks and they didn't find a heart beat, they said it looks more like 5+5 and was a slightly irregular shape. We're hoping that because she has completely weird periods that she's just ovulated a lot later than she thinks. She's basically got to wait now to see what happens as although she's not miscarriaging, she's also not having any pregnancy feelings either.
At the moment I'm on a train, I've been to London for work and up since 5:50. It's nearly 8:30pm in the UK and I've still got another hour before I get home. I think the tiredness is making me queasy and I'm trying really hard not to throw up! I just want to get home and rest up.
I have a pretty obvious bump now, I guess that I'm going to be huge again just as I was with my DD.