So sorry about your sister PG, how far along is she? I'm surprised the doctor was so callous! And I've heard of a few midwives who do that - mine started trying @ 9 weeks but couldn't find it until my next appointment at nearly 14 weeks. I bought a little home one for $20 off Craigslist and I find it reassuring.
So I have a little story for you guys - I've been worrying like a crazy person about incompetent cervix, mostly because it sounds so horrible and I'm shocked they don't test for it earlier than 20 weeks, and last night I had really sharp shooting pains in my vagina, so I was kind of freaking out. They were enough to make me wince they were quite painful, so I get it in my head that maybe I'm dilating and I don't even know. I debated for a long time if I should go to the ER or if this was normal (it was nearly midnight) and after reading that a ton of people get similar pain - and discovering lightening crotch (lol) - I decided to just do a really quick check to make sure. I know it's a big no no to check your cervix during pregnancy, but I figured if it was open I should go to the hospital, plus, a penis has more germs than a freshly clean finger - so I was super gentle and careful and my cervix was fine - high, firm and closed. I also didn't try and put my finger into the opening, which is where I'm guessing that fear of infection comes in.
Anyways now I'm worried I did a bad thing by checking it. It helped me to stay calm and sleep, plus the pains are totally gone this morning, but seriously the anxiety that comes with being pregnant is very overwhelming at times.
I can't go back now, and I probably will never do it again - but do you think I did any damage checking up there?