June jewels 2018!!!!

No worries Rach! No extra ob visits scheduled since the last one in Feb, and I don’t think any nsts.... they’re starting with the growth scans at 32 weeks which still seems kind of far away!
I've had growth scans with all three of mine so far due to measuring too small or big bump wise

My first they said he would be huge and he was 7lb 11oz at 41 weeks
My second they said had IUGR and would be tiny and she was 6lb 13oz at 40+2
My third they said to expect a 10lb baby and were worried I had GD which I didn't and he was 8lb9oz

It's good they are pro active and check these things but I dont hold too much stock in it

It's mothers day in the UK tomorrow so Happy Mothers Day to UK momma's and from us UK mommas :)

I have my 28 week appointment tomorrow and will have some bloods taken
thanks ladies im trying to not think too much about it until scan it's just annoying its not for 2 weeks. reassuring to know though its not been super accurate for you guys and pg yes just off belly measurements
pg im so glad about your sister thats fantastic news.

lol im a bit the oposite on the sex front pregnancy making me quite wanting it alot and easier to enjoy (blaming the increased blood flow down there lol) also helps my restless leg syndrome that arrives in pregnancy!
Thanks Unexpected. Ive had a lovely mother's day with my dd, sister and mom. My dd made me the nicest cards, I felt really emotional.

I didn't feel it too bad this morning but this afternoon my crotch area is so painful. I think it is spd. Sitting down feels OK but as soon as I try to stand the pain is so bad and I can barely walk without limping. Right now I'm struggling to get comfy on the sofa. I'm hoping it's going to settle down for tomorrow as I need to be in the office to train a new starter.
Wooo! Now I need to actually start preparing for this little guy! Haha


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29025431_10160395668770727_3344007424372637696_o.jpgI hope everyone in the UK had a great Mother's Day!!

ladders what do you do for restless legs? Mine went away but came back!!

PG, ouch, hope it's not SPD. The main pain I get is my bump hurts when bending over so I'm trying not to......since my placenta is right in front I am probably bending my placenta?!?!

Rach, wooo on 100 days to go!!!

Speaking of all of these growth scans, I had my 28 week one today. Baby weights 2 lbs 12 oz!! She's on track but her pecentiles are weird to me....like she has short arms and legs (11th percentile) and an 'egg head' as the doctor said (80th percentile one direction, 20th percentile other direction). :shrug: The MFM doctor told me it was all still normal.....go back at 32 weeks for another one.

Here are a few pics for those of you not on the FB group:
Sorry, I'm obvs no good at this and too scared to edit and lose them LOL! SO basically you get one ultrasound shot, and my 28 week bump shot and 3 of my son over the weekend lol. He lost his first tooth, and we went to a dinosaur exhibit! (I thought I was uploading the other scan photos, oops). That's my hubby with DS in the last pic.

Anyways the 3D of Baby Clara's face means so much to me as this was the first time her face was showing! Also, she is breech right now. Just love that pic. :cloud9: Love my DS losing his first tooth as well. :cloud9:
Cute pics allie!

Has anyone started a birth plan? Or are you going to make one? I had one for my dd (with full realization that labor and delivery is totally unpredictable) and I liked feeling semi in charge. My nurses and OB did a great job of following my wishes as best they could. A couple random things I remember from it were delayed cord clamping, immediate skin-to-skin and nursing, no eye med(i think its vit A?) I have to redo my research and write one again.

Also what is everyones breast pump of choice? I used the medela advanced pump in style last time and loved it, it was an upgrade option through my insurance. Wondering if I should go with the same or if theres another great option to look into. I recently read the spectra s2 mimics babys nursing better and is more gentle than medela. Any suggestions/experience?
Having some spotting - midwife told me to go in to the hospital sooooo that’s my afternoon now :(
Oh hope its nothing sander. Any cramping? Keep us updated if you can
Sander, :hugs:, hope it's nothing! Anxiously awaiting update. xoxo

Rach, my previous breastpump was a huge ugly hospital grade one they loaned me and never asked for back haha. It was a monster and super strong. So I have no experience buying one.....we're going to see if the motor on this one still works and buy new tubes and all that.....I used a Madela manual last time for on the go pumping and it worked well. I bought another one of those recently. They have always been my go-to brand for nursing supplies as well.

Birth plan....I had a very thorough one and it was MOSTLY adhered to but I was in labor so long it depended on the nurses (shift change). The doctor himself ignored me wanting to tear naturally and cut me, episiotomy, but said it was urgent. I'm a little made about that still (since I tore BIG TIME) but all of my post-labor stuff was listened to -delayed clamping, immediate skin to skin, hubby skin to skin, no wiping of vernix, etc. Pain relief stuff basically went out the window as I begged for an epidural.......I said ignore my birth plan (which told them to try to talk me out of an epidural) and get me an epidural.
Thanks guys, been here for a few hours - they did an NST for baby and blood work/urine samples for me. They’re concerned about preterm labour or placental abruption and so are keeping us overnight for monitoring. So far it seems alright, the spotting has stopped and although they saw small contractions during the NST, they stopped when I drank a bunch of water. We’re expecting a quiet night, then we have an ultrasound in the morning and hope to go home afterwards!!
Sander, I hope things have turned out ok today. Please let us know how you & baby are when you can.
Hi everyone :) thanks for checking in! We didn’t really tell many people I went in so it was nice to have you guys to update! So we just got the all clear and get to go home. It was a super long night and overall was stressful, but we got another peek at the baby and everything came back alright. So they aren’t sure where the bleeding was coming from but basically said to just call if it happens again.

Anyways I actually had a question for you ladies - when I was in they did an exam with a speculum, which was veeeery painful - it came out all covered in blood. So that was last night, and today she came in and was like so you need to look into pain medication for your labour because your exam was very difficult. I thought I did such a good job! Like it hurt like crazy, but I didn’t even make any noise, I just kept my legs open and let her shove it in there - and now she’s all shaken my confidence in being able to go through labour!! I don’t know I’ve always had problems with being too ‘tight’ - if DH and I don’t take enough time beforehand even sex can be painful - but I guess I figured my body would naturally do what it needed to do when it comes to pushing something out than pushing something in haha. Anyways does anyone have experience with speculum exams? Am I going to be toast when it comes to delivering this baby??

Thanks again for all of your concern! You guys are the best :)
Glad to hear all looked good and you were able to go home. I dont have any experience with painful exams, sorry dont have any good advice for you. Do you have an upcoming OB appt that you can discuss it and see what options you have?
Sander, that sounds completely ridiculous to me. Like that and childbirth are not the same things at all. I'm not sure if things are different where you'll be delivering but can't you just ask for an epidural if you get to a point where you feel like you need it in labor? Why do you have to decide now? I don't know if doulas are common in your area either but I love mine and hired her again and they can be super helpful if you're hoping for a med-free birth.
Sander, I'm glad things are well!! Whew!!! Sorry you had to stay the night.

Hmmm that doctor/nurse seems vague and unhelpful. What did she mean by 'difficult'? Pain tolerance is different for everyone. Definitely see what your notes say when your OB gets them and you go in next.....maybe you have a small birth canal (I do and that's why Alistair needed to be helped out by the vacuum) but at the same time I don't see how they can know what your body will do in labor yet?!?! I would not worry at all.

Last pregnancy I had swabs for infection checks a few times but they didn't use a speculum.....when I had my sweep at 38 weeks that HURT like OMG THIS IS THE WORST PAIN EVER. And I asked if it was like a contraction and the doctor laughed. Actually it was terrible pain, though.

I have a wee question about potential RLP---

Tonight at the grocery store I got a sudden, sharp stabbing pain in my right side. Felt like a 'stitch' and right in the muscles/uterus on the right, in the middle. Not under the rib (like pre-e liver pain would be), it didn't feel deep, and not down low (plus I don't have an appendix). I hobbled through checking out as it kept stabbing and it went away the second I sat in my car.

Does this sounds like round ligament pain? Would you feel it in the middle or isn't that in the groin? Baby moving fine, no contractions, and it's completely gone away since I came home and had dinner but I'm still mildly worried.

Maybe Braxton Hicks? I've never had Braxton Hicks that hurt before though.

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