Sander, I'm glad things are well!! Whew!!! Sorry you had to stay the night.
Hmmm that doctor/nurse seems vague and unhelpful. What did she mean by 'difficult'? Pain tolerance is different for everyone. Definitely see what your notes say when your OB gets them and you go in next.....maybe you have a small birth canal (I do and that's why Alistair needed to be helped out by the vacuum) but at the same time I don't see how they can know what your body will do in labor yet?!?! I would not worry at all.
Last pregnancy I had swabs for infection checks a few times but they didn't use a speculum.....when I had my sweep at 38 weeks that HURT like OMG THIS IS THE WORST PAIN EVER. And I asked if it was like a contraction and the doctor laughed. Actually it was terrible pain, though.
I have a wee question about potential RLP---
Tonight at the grocery store I got a sudden, sharp stabbing pain in my right side. Felt like a 'stitch' and right in the muscles/uterus on the right, in the middle. Not under the rib (like pre-e liver pain would be), it didn't feel deep, and not down low (plus I don't have an appendix). I hobbled through checking out as it kept stabbing and it went away the second I sat in my car.
Does this sounds like round ligament pain? Would you feel it in the middle or isn't that in the groin? Baby moving fine, no contractions, and it's completely gone away since I came home and had dinner but I'm still mildly worried.
Maybe Braxton Hicks? I've never had Braxton Hicks that hurt before though.