June jewels 2018!!!!

Hey ladies, wow time is really marching on!!

My birth plan is pretty straightforward, the usual natural birth things not wanting a monitor, delayed cord clamping, skin to skin, etc I have a horrendous fear of an epidural needle so that and stubbornness means I’ll hopefully not have one, and I will not give consent to an episiotomy (they tried last time as ds was a bit stuck with his hand up by his face) my dh was great and stopped them just as she was holding the scissors, and then ds was born with NO tearing, just a few internal stitches where his fingers caught me.. so just goes to show, not always needed! There’s gas and air at the hospital I’m going to which is still fairly unusual for the US but I’d like to stay away from it as although it helped it also made me really sick, and no one tells you that you’ll have a bad cough for weeks after!!! I think I’ll try a Tens machine this time, some massage oils etc and pray for a short labour!! I’m a bit gutted there isn’t a birth pool, I’m not sure how I’ll do on dry land!

I can’t find the Facebook group, any tips? And is mom15 ok??
All good at my appointment & baby girl has gone from just over 10th centile to just under 50th in 2 weeks. I wouldn't have thought that was good (too much gain) but my consultant didn't seem concerned I guess it will be easier to compare after my next appt in 3 weeks when there's a bit more data. All that junk I eat must be affecting her after all...
ah squig thats great news about baby catching up! looks like had a good growth spurt to help you not worry 😊
tens machine helped me massively i think that was the reason i was able to manage at home so long, defo a big advocate of them and will certainly be using it again until i hoefully get in a pool.

will they tell you results of growth scan at the time? i have mine saturday and hoping they will tell me rather than having to wait for midwife appt
Is anyone else getting light-headed? I am getting spells during the day. I went to the supermarket to check my BP a few days ago and it was low/normal, 100/66.

I'm also struggling to sleep, I just toss and turn. Woke up on my back this morning with AF type pains in my uterus, I was so mad at myself!! I mean I know I can't help it if I roll to my back but I'm like grrrr my body should know bettter!!


I love hearing all the labor plans. I have a planned C-Section (mostly guaranteed...because I have the choice I think I'm in denial even though all evidence says I should just do it :/) bu my OB is known for being 'natural' as you can be with C-Sections so hopefully I'll still get all the post-labor things I want. I'm scared to ask him if he'll swab my vagina and swab the baby to pass those bacteria on....that's the one thing I'm nervous to ask/embarassed.

Squig, that's great baby is catching up!! Awesome!

Ladders I get my growth scan results right away, the tech leaves the room having said very little and then Dr. comes in and gives me the results. My experience at my 24 and 28 week growth scans.

fx, no, not heard from Mom15....I can check if she's on the FB group....I can't recall. To join the FB group just friend Holly Herrin or Alana Nelson aka Alana Tempest-Mitchell (me). My FB profile pic is black and white with a peace dove lol. Then one of us can add you, it's a secret group so you have to be 'friends' with someone in it.
Allie, I've definitely had a couple light headed spells. Nothing crazy but there. I'm sure it's all the increased blood flow.
I think I would just have gas & air if I we're able to have a normal labour. & A waterbirth. The thought of getting a needle stuck in my back makes me want to vomit, though obviously with a section, I don't have a great deal of choice about that 😉 hoping they'll book my section at my appt on 10th April, 3 weeks today. I like to know these things are sorted plus I want to be first on the list!

Honestly didn't even feel my epidurals go in haha. Funny how all our preferences are so different. The idea of a water birth grosses me out, like floating around with it all XD no offence to anyone who has had one, just not for me

Awh hope you get a date soon!!
Allie try increasing your water intake. Or maybe try compression stockings?
Also my sleep has been awful this whole pregnancy. First it was just plain old insomnia. Now its getting up every 2 hours to pee, tossing and turning because of my hips(even with a body pillow between them) and my normal insomnia on top of it. All I want to do is guzzle coffee or drink green tea and I cant. :(

Haha unexpected Im with you on the water birth. Ive heard many women say its a great experience, just not for me. Ill take my epidural and hospital bed.
I think if I could live my life as an actual mermaid I would, I love being in water.
Tonight I went back to my aqua aerobics class after a couple of weeks off and really enjoyed it. I think this time it's helping to keep my swelling down.

That's good your baby is back on track squidge. I don't think it's a worry that there's been a sudden jump in size.

I've not been too dizzy this time Allie, though I have low blood pressure too so just lots of regular eating and sitting down if you feel a bit faint.

My bump has dropped loads today! It's been supper high, just below my boobs but today it's really low. The baby felt like he was turning when I was driving home earlier, it was more like a weird pulling sensation. I'm not too worried about it though. I actually feel a bit better having less pressure on my ribs.
I think if I could live my life as an actual mermaid I would, I love being in water.

Same haha!!! They didn't allow actual birth in the water and they were making me so mad every time they asked me to get out. The hot water was the best pain reliever!!

Yesterday I took two epsom salt baths and I was like hmmmm maybe I'm addicted to baths but I don't care lol. :haha:

I have my regular OB appt today. I think I'll get the Rhogam shot in my bum, good times.

How often doe we see our OBs in third tri, U.S. ladies? My app says every two weeks now?!
Sorry, I have been MIA. Thanks for asking about me fx. We went on our trip to Florida (Siesta Key) and it was awesome and so exhausting at the same time. I want to go back to the beach, but chasing an overwhelmed almost 3 year old was exhausting. He had his cousins to play with and i had family and DH to help, but in the end if he wants momma, which he does a lot, I still have to do the lifting etc.

My next scan is on the 30th to check growth. And then I’ll have appointments every 2 weeks. I don’t remember who asked but that’s standard at my docs office for third tri.

Has anyone else looked at their private parts lately? It was really dark down there. Guessing it’s the extra blood. There also seems to be pressure already as my pelvic floor seems to be bulging a bit. I don’t remember any of this last time, but I am guessing this being my second things happen earlier. I have to stop when I need to sneeze or cough not to accidentally pee, so obviously my pelvic floor has weakened from the first birth.

I don’t know if anyone read my birth plan last time. I didn’t discuss it with my doc beforehand and then my birth was so fast and with no pain relief I wasn’t really capable of saying anything. My only regret is that the pushing part felt really rushed and my options were on my back or on my side. I was hoping to be more vertical. Something I need to bring up this time, but I don’t want to do it too early.

DS is all over me again. I’ll try to be more active on here as I enjoy reading everyone’s updates.
Allie I think starting at 30 weeks I start seeing the OB every 2 weeks. Then at 36 it goes to weekly? Something like that.
In the UK for second babies, if things are OK you see your Midwife only a few times. I saw her at 8, 16, 28 and the next time will be 34 weeks then every 2 weeks.

Mom - I haven't looked at mine but I've noticed it feels quite fat :haha: now my other half calls me chubby chuff! Romantic eh? Haha.

I'm not sure what's going on today but I've had a pain low on my bump on the left. It was really painful earlier and I felt sick. I think the baby has turned head down as ive had a lot of movement that's been different to before and felt a weird turning tugging sensation. With my bump dropping a lot I'm having worries that he might come early but I know it's difficult to tell.
PG I told my doc today I get so many random aches and pains and he said, 'Well, you have a tumor growing inside you, it's called a baby!' :haha:

BUT I just had some random light red spotting when I wiped!!! :( No BM (as I had red blood with that before and it was a hemmoroid) and I couldn't figure it out. I kept the TP and showed DH and was like panicking......I called the on call doctor and he told me it doesn't sound concerning as it was so small (less than the size of penny if you add all the spots together) and I'm not having pain or contractions. He said if it continues, or if I start getting contractions to go in. Uff da. I felt sick to my stomach seeing the blood and now I'm still feeling sick. Baby is kicking away so I'm hoping it was just some random cervix sloughage.....

Why is pregnancy so stressful?!?!?
Oh no Allie, that sounds really scary! I hope you're OK.
I had some red blood the other week but I think I caught myself with my nail when I went to the loo and because every little scratch bleeds like crazy then I tried to be calm but it was scary seeing it there.

People think I'm joking when I say pregnancy isn't fun and I don't really enjoy it at all.

My boss said today in a jokey way that I have really bad baby brain so now I'm panicking that I'm doing crap at my job even though I've been trying really hard to be at work and get everything done! Ugh.
I’m definitely finding this pregnancy SO much harder than my first, I did enjoy that but I’m not enjoying it this time. I should probably try as it’s more than likely the last time I’ll do it.
Allie I agree, just so many aches and pains everywhere, I’m not sleeping, I’m peeing constantly and still getting headaches a lot. Sorry the spotting has scared you, I hope it settles down and all is ok. Pregnancy is worrying and stressful, it doesn’t stop. I’ve had a couple of quiet days for movements and it’s really worrying.

Pg that was a little insensitive of your boss, I’m sure you’re doing a great job even if you do have baby brain!

Talking of baby brain, I did something awful yesterday. Heated some pasta for lunch, I definitely thought I’d turned the gas off, ate lunch then took ds out to play in the snow, came back in and got dried off and then we both went upstairs for a rest/quiet time in my bed. Dh came home from work early as it was still snowing quite a bit and rushed upstairs saying he could smell gas!!! He threw the doors and windows open and checked the hob, there was no flame but the knob was turned so it was still switched on!!!!!! It must have been on for at least two hours!!! I didn’t smell it but thank god he came home early!! So scary, can’t believe I hadn’t switched it off.

Good to hear from you mom15! Glad you’re ok and had a nice, if not, busy holiday!
Didn't someone say they have a constant yeast infection while pregnant? I have one and it's oh so much fun. Pregnancy is so glamorous.
PG how are you feeling today?

Allie ugh seriously this pregnancy has been one stressor after another. I was having random pinkish spots for a few weeks when I was dealing with the recurrent yeast problem. On top of that my hemorrhoids have been lovely adding to the spots of blood when i wipe. Its the worst especially after having a miscarriage just before this.

Fx i feel the same. My first pregnancy was amazing. This one not so much. I think literally the only thing I’ll miss about never getting pregnant is the great boobs and baby kicks. :laugh:

Curious I had about 6 weeks of recurrent yeast infections mixed with bv. Its been about 2 weeks symptom free FINALLY! But it was a nightmare of multiple antibiotics and creams/gels. Since then Ive really tried to cut down on sugar and take a good probiotic and eat yogurt daily. Also my dh and I have been using condoms and sensitive lube to try and cut down on anything entering and irritating/messing with my ph.
Allie that’s what happened to me and my midwife only sent me in to the hospital because I was also having on and off cramping. Turned out to be nothing! But yes it was so stressful and now I’m checking for blood every time I go to the bathroom - it’s like a first trimester flashback
Ugh, that's awful Rach. I'm glad you've finally got it kicked. I'm hoping the cream clears this one up quick and easy. Fingers crossed!

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