June jewels 2018!!!!

My DD just started preschool too and loves it![/QUOTE]

what hours is she going? im feeling a bit guilty she is going to be there so much not sure if i should reduce her hours
My DD just started preschool too and loves it!

what hours is she going? im feeling a bit guilty she is going to be there so much not sure if i should reduce her hours[/QUOTE]

She's only there one morning a week currently. Over the summer it will be 2 mornings a week. I'm not sure if yours is public or private. My only option is private so cost factors into how much I'm able to send her. If she's happy and you're happy, I wouldn't worry :)
Awww don't feel bad about preschool!! It's honestly great for them! :) :thumbup:

Those of you with kids who understand a new baby is coming, I know I said Alistair was easy but emotional, and today that was really shown, the emotional side. He cried and said he was scared of Baby coming because I wouldn't be able to play with him and because he didn't think I'd love him as much. Then he asked if I loved him and Baby Clara the same or if I loved her more. I said 'I love you the same and my heart has room to love you both the same but you will always be my first and my little boy' and I don't think I convinced him. Any ideas?!?! :(
Allie I’m struggling with similar things with my 4 year old, but he’s not quite as good at expressing things as Alistair yet. I think you said all the right things. Have you got him any books about being a big brother? I’ve bought ds one but I think I’ll look in the library and find a few more. If he understands that yes you might not be able to play all the time with him as babies need x,y and z but it won’t be like that for too long, and explain how he can be helping you and and when baby is feeding you can have cuddles/stories together etc All we can do is reassure, show lots of affection and understanding and keep them talking about it. Ds gets sad with me that I can’t crawl around on the floor and wrestle him anymore etc I think it’s taking a LONG time for him especially as I was so sick in the beginning and in bed a lot, he’s had enough of Mummy being out of action.

I’m going to get a present from the baby when they’re born for him and just try and be really aware that it’s going to be a big change, and figure out with dh how to give him enough time and attention.
Oh Allie fx’s idea of a present is a good one - I know a lot of people do it at birth but maybe you can go out and buy a few little gifts to give him like once a week from the baby up until she’s born? Maybe that would help him feel better!
Officially diagnosed with GD :( Meeting with dietitian next Tuesday to get educated and get a glucose meter! Sucks, but other people have to deal with this for the rest of their life. I am hopefully done with it after the pregnancy.
Oh no, sorry mom15 :hugs: a lot of times gd can be well controlled with diet so hopefully that is the case for you.
That’s what I am hoping.

On the positive side, it appears that my insurance covers an electric breast pump 100% :)
Mom15, boo, but it really can be easily controlled with diet. Since I had it before you can always talk to me.....it's not so bad testing your blood sugars and the diet is not too hard to stick to. You'll get some extra monitoring now which to me is always a good thing. My guess is they will induce you around 39 weeks if you don't have baby naturally by then.....it will all be okay!!

Thanks for the advice ladies. I will definitely do a present from Baby Clara. It's so hard. I feel really bad for Alistair. :( I wish I could help him understand how much I love him and we all love him. Today he said 'Clara doesn't love me!' 'Nobody will love me anymore!' He's really struggling with it......
Thanks Allie! I will let you know if I have any questions. More than anything I would struggle with an induction. Of course I want the best for the baby, but I would have a really hard time accepting someone else is deciding for my baby when to be born. I don’t like any intervention. I guess I won’t worry about it until the time comes. And DS was born at 37w5d so hopefully this one will be early too to avoind the pressure of induction.
Yeah induction is no fun, I can tell you that. :( They would have induced me at 39 because of GD but due to my blood pressure I got induced at 38 and 2 and had him at 38 and 3. Alistair 'only' weighed 7lbs 6 oz which they said was impressive for a GD baby (and showed I did well at diet control)....so I think as long your LO doesn't get too big you have a good chance at going into labor naturally before they would induce.....fingers crossed......:)
oh thats rubbish mom i really feel for you! all i eat is carbs so id be struggling big time if i had it.

curious she now gets 30 hours childcare free a week during term time so shes started everyday 9 till 1 and after the summer holidays im going to keep her off on thurs so can still do term time day trips. i wanted to get hervsettled before baby comes so she doesn't fewl pushed out and she needs to go as she has only before been looked after by family so would be too much of a shock to start school without pre school. i just feel guilty and i miss having her around although i have felt like i have more energy to play with her when she comes home and dont have to juggle jobs with playing with her as iv got them done while shes there so thats been a bonus.

allie iv had the same with dd, thought she was doing really well till she kept asking me where the lady for boy baby was, i kept asling her what did she mean until she said where's boy babies mummy, i said im his mummy and she had a complete meltdown crying saying no im her mummy not babies mummy etc, it was very cute but did make me worry how shes going to cope as she is very possessive of me. iv bought her a special doll its quite lifelike as her present from baby so she can feel.like she has something to look after too
Oh no Allie, I'm sorry to hear your little boy is taking it hard. For Alice, I took her to the build a bear workshop and she made a teddy for herself and her baby brother. She's quite into helping choose things and I do try and get a little something for her when getting something for her brother - like I bought her a book after buying the nursery things. Obviously it's not comparable in terms of cost but she was happy.

I'm sorry to hear you have GD mom. Hopefully with the support then you'll be able to control it with diet.

I had a lovely holiday in France, it's a shame to be back in work. We did loads of walking every day and I expected to be in pain with my hips but it was actually the other way round, most of the pain went away. I think it's sitting all day at work that's the issue.
Its scary to think that any of us may go into labour soon! I'm feeling huge and keep getting shooting pains low down but I honestly think I'll be over due again.
I need to get my hospital bag ready soon, I feel a lot less prepared this time than I did before, maybe a little too relaxed! Has anyone else started their yet?
PG we haven’t gotten many things ready either - we’re planning on installing the car seat and finishing packing the hospital bag around 35/36 weeks. We’re taking a prenatal class next Saturday - but we still need to get a bassinet which is high on my priority list as his crib doesn’t fit in our bedroom and so he doesn’t have anywhere to sleep yet haha

Been definitely feeling off the past couple of days. I’ve really noticed my stomach seems to have shrunk as if I eat too much I feel like I run completely out of room and need to throw up. Also having more pelvic pressure and Braxton Hicks that actually feel like what I would imagine a contraction to feel like as opposed to the cramping that I’ve been getting all throughout. 7.5 weeks to go!
I'm ready.. Dear baby.. Please come 38ish weeks. Just right...not too early...not too late :rofl:

(I'm not technically ready :haha:)
Think I’m too organised, my bag is pretty much packed baring last minute items.

I think we have all our baby items too. I even got a car seat yesterday from the toys r us sale for the next stage. I feel like I have ages to go too 30+3 today and fully expecting to go over due like the last too.

Not sure what I’m gonna do for the next 10+ weeks.
Sorry to hear about the GD mom.

Poor Alistair, Allie. Hopefully once baby is here, he'll feel differently. I'm sure it's strange for him having been the only one for so long, but hopefully he will adjust really well. I think my DD will be quite jealous of me holding another baby, but she'll get over it - she'll be just 2. I've got her a present from the baby too.

I'm having a section at 37 weeks so I haven't even thought about my hospital bag - I've just been so focussed on that date but I guess I should prepare nonetheless as anything could happen. My bump has been hard & tight & sore a lot in the past week. Not like contractions but I don't know why as I don't recall this with my daughter. Everything was fine at my appointment on Tuesday though.
Hey ladies, I’ll get to replying to everyone but right now I need all your help to stop me freaking out!!!!

I went on a hospital tour yesterday, and it hasn’t made me feel better about not being in a birth Centre :cry: I don’t know what’s wrong with me, they were friendly, have 5 stars for safe births etc, they do a lot to advocate with breastfeeding and are a baby friendly hospital, there are midwives there etc BUT my non trusting negative cynical side is screaming at me that I’ll end up with all these interventions I don’t want, be strapped to the bed unable to move or be straight off for a c section at the first decel they see on the monitor. My brain just won’t let me see all the positive things, and I’m freaking out so bad I feel like telling my dh I just want to get on a plane and go home :cry:

How can I get over this? I can feel my fight or flight mode kicking in, and I think I was being really defensive while trying to talk my concerns through with my husband. I feel like it’s me against the big bad hospital machine, and if I can’t trust the process here then this is not going to go well.

I don’t want to be ‘that’ patient who the nurses and midwives are complaining about at the nurses station because I’m saying no to everything and being ‘difficult’ (I have issues with caring too much what people think of me) but I don’t want to be pushed around either. I even felt bad asking on the tour if it’s ok to say no to the eye gel :sad:

Please help me calm down!!!
FX, I've never given birth in the UK but living in both countries with so many family members born in the UK, I know what you mean about the difference. :hugs: You DO have a lot of power and control over your own birth. Just make sure it's all in your birth plan and it's clear to the nurses when you arrive. Does your hospital offer gas and air? Mine does but I know most in the US still don't......but yours might! But you can take advantage of your private room at least and use their tools like a birthing ball, a bath, etc.....I had a tub in my room with my last labor and I was ALWAYS in it. Change is scary and the uknown is scary....but really, don't worry about saying no or offending the nurses. This is YOUR birthing experience. Also check our your hospital's C-Section rates....you can see if they are low or average or higher than the national average. Mine is a lot lower which is heartening if I DO decide to try for a vaginal. If yours is higher you can be prepared for it. I had the option for a C Section with my DS a bunch of times as my labor was a struggle and I kept saying no no no and even though my labor was traumatic, my doctor was respectful of my wishes and let me push for 4 hours!!! All the while offering to go in and do a C-Section. They would have made me eventually, obviously, but I luckily didn't get there......


Add me to the unprepared list!!! I'm starting to feel a tad panicky. I want to buy a special 'going home' outfit but she has a TON of clothes already that I feel she could wear a new outfit every day for a month (in newborn, and then 0-3 and then 3-6 months...she has so many clothes). And I've only bought like 3 items lol....none of them newborn size. Haven't thought of a bag, but our carseat is arriving in the post today, at least. We have a bassinet....in the flatpack box haha. SO UNPREPARED!!!
Fx, have you thought about hiring a doula? I gave birth hoping to have a med-free birth in a hospital last time, with a fairly intervention-happy OB, and my doula made me feel so much more confident. She knew what I wanted and I knew that if I wasn't in a place to speak up for myself, she would do it.

I agree, go in with a birth plan, and try to remember who cares what they think of you. By their next shift they won't even remember, they have so many patients. It's your right to refuse any intervention and you can ask them to not even offer. If it's an emergency, you will know, no one will be asking permission then.

Also, I have a bunch of friends who have given birth med-free in hospitals all over the US, including in ones with very high C section rates, so it is very, very possible.

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