June jewels 2018!!!!

That's so funny about the trimesters and the breech babies with the peas. :haha: I'll try it though. The thing is I think she went transverse when I was swimming last week. I felt a really huge thunk of movement. So what if I go swimming and she goes fully breech? ;P The swimming felt good on my bump though....ahhh, I was floating on my back and my tummy.....good times.....

Thank ladies, our night away was sooooooooooooooo good. Sad to be over with and back home already!!!
Glad you had a good night away!
I think I might try going swimming soon, sounds like bliss. My back hurts so much! Growth scan tomorrow, hope everything goes ok.
Hope your growth scan goes well fx!

Had toooons of BH today - I haven’t been noticing them at all until now, but they were going on consistently every few minutes for probably 2-3 hours. My midwife said they help push baby further into the pelvis so hopefully they were helping things along :p
Thank you!!!

Good luck tomorrow FX!! :)

Sander, I think with my first pregnancy I started getting them around 34 weeks as well. I've had them for months already now. Usually just in the evenings or if i'm out and about a lot. Yes, hopefully baby is getting into a good position for you!!!
Thanks! All went well with the growth scan, little one is actually measuring bigger for dates at 32+3. Single artery in the cord is doing fine, no signs of stress and placenta ok too. The pickle is hanging out breech too, so I’ve joined the club!! Ha ha!! Need to get that bag of peas out!!
The breech club is getting bigger!! Just caught up with everyone’s updates... I am so bad at replying!! I’m sorry xx
Glad it went well! Welcome to the breech club!! Well I'm transverse but not head down so you know.....

Hi Angie!! How are you?
Had a check up and the first of oh so many nst’s. Little guy was flipping all around they had to keep chasing him with the monitor. Lol but clearly he’s healthy. Nst was great and fundal measuring at 32 weeks. She said my uterus is pressed right up against my stomach so its no wonder ive been nauseous and miserable every time I eat. Oy. Next monthly growth scan sched for may 4th.

Only 5-8 more weeks then I get to meet my babes!

Also cant believe theres a filled up December due date group and almost a january 2019 group! So crazy!
I'm so glad the scans are going well for everyone. Hopefully there's still plenty of time for the babies to flip head down.

Sander - I get so many bh. Usually they aren't painful but on Friday I got stuck in traffic on the motorway and it took me nearly 2 1/2 hours to get home from work in very hot weather (for the UK) I had water with me but couldn't drink too much incase I needed to wee! I ended up with quite painful bh which wasn't fun.

I'm going to see my Midwife on Thursday so I'll get measured and hopefully find out if the baby is head down, he definitely feels it.
I weighed myself yesterday and I've put on 3 stone. I was a little down about it but a lot of it is bump as I have only gone up half a size in maternity wear. I remember I was big all over with my daughter. I guess it's too late to worry now... And I'm too hungry to care most of the time :haha:
Hi Angie! Hope things are going well with you.

Rach glad your little guy was active and healthy! Sorry about him being up against your stomach, I have a head up under my ribs so I’m pretty uncomfortable too, ha ha!! I know what you mean, I saw the January group emerging and thought that’s crazy!!!

Pg I’ve been having a few Braxton Hicks I think, I always found it hard to tell and sometimes just the baby changing position would make my bump go really hard. Don’t worry about the weight gain, just keep feeding that baby!! My starting weight was 112 lbs and yesterday I was weighed before my scan and i was 131 lbs.

Afm I had a lovely morning swimming while ds was in pre school. All went wrong when I picked him up though, he was happy for all of 5 minutes before the moaning began, then the sulking and then he almost had a meltdown as I wouldn’t buy him a loaf of his favorite bread (we had a whole new loaf at home) and just wouldn’t listen to me. In the car on the way home he started getting angry with me about a ‘thing’ with his seat but he wouldn’t explain what it was and I genuinely didn’t understand. He screamed at me and burst into tears. I burst into tears too as he is really making me feel bad about a lot of things lately. I feel like I can’t do anything right with him. I got home and didn’t stop crying for half an hour. I gave him lunch and sent him up to bed. He did come over and snuggle next to me and put his arm around me, so he knew how upset I was, but I feel like I’ve been so patient, understanding and respectful of his feelings and how the baby might be making him feel, that today I’d just had enough as none of it is helping. It’s the same day in day out, he just sulks and moans at me even though I bend over backwards for him, it’s never enough.

Sorry for the rant, perhaps I’m just feeling really emotional today.
Oh man I feel massive today! I don't know what position the baby is in but he's making me very uncomfortable.


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Oh FX mummy :hugs: I feel for you. Kids tantrums are so hard, especially when you feel like you're doing your absolute best and it's still not enough to make them feel happy.
The amount of times I've had to send my lo to her room then had a good cry.
You're doing nothing wrong, I'm afraid it's the age but as they get older and able to be more expressive it does get a bit easier.
Though I do still have my days where I wonder if there's anything I can do right without my daughter having a strop.

Try and enjoy the nice cuddles, or look at them when they're asleep as it makes it much easier to know you're doing right when they look cute and angelic... And aren't answering back :haha:
Thanks Pg :hugs:
Yeh he definitely looks angelic when he’s asleep!! Ha ha!!

You’re looking great Pg!! Beautiful bump!
FX, Oh, how I feel you!! Last night was such a struggled with DS. He came through three times in the night and one time said 'You don't love me right now' (which is a change from 'you don't love me anymore' I guess) and he also burst into tears because the dog wasn't licking him enough. I've had a few good cries over this recently -- as people told me, it's good to get it out!!!! I really think those of us who have 4 or more years between babies have some different struggles than babies closer together. Both are hard in their own different ways!! We may not have it as hard physically but we have a lot of emotions to deal with!

PG, you look GREAT! It does sound like your daughter is doing pretty well though with the upcoming baby? No emotional outbursts? Gosh being stuck on the motorway always gives me BH esp if I have to pee!! UGH i feel you!!!

Rach, I went and looked and saw the other pregnancy groups after your comment. I see we have like 1/3 the posts of the May group and almost less than July and August?!?! We need to post more haha!!


AFM I had my biweekly OB appt today!

Babyis still transverse! She has two weeks left to move head down before we schedule the C-Section.....and that makes my decision for me. I'm not a candidate for having her moved because of where my anterior placenta is.

She only got 6/8 on her BPP --- not enough practice breathing. :( But muscle tone, movement and fluid were good, and the NST was nice and reactive so they are not worried. They only worry about practice breathing if she fails it repeatedly. She gets hiccups daily and I swear I have felt practice breathing from the outside so I'm not worried.

My blood pressure is still low so I am to stop my blood pressure medication and see what it is next week. What a strange problem to have since this time last pregnancy it was getting high and at 35 weeks I was put on bed rest!

Doc doesn't think I'm eating enough and told me to have a protein shake right before bed. I am still only up 6 lbs from my starting weight and while he doesn't think I need to 'gain' weight as long as baby is measuring well, he does think my poor appetite may be affecting my TERRIBLE insomnia! (I started pregnancy at 200 lbs so I'm only meant to gain 10lbs in total anyways....people are surprised I weigh 200 but I have a weird body shape, like size F or G breasts, wide shoulders, just kind of 'sturdy' LMAO as my friend's grandpa called me. A 'sturdy woman') :haha:

I was literally still awake at 330 am and that's even with a sleeping pill, and chamomile tea, AND my anti-anxiety medication!! I'm a total insomniac.

But I don't eat dinner most nights and just snack a bit so I'm going to try to be more full before bed. I feel nausea at night and get full really easily. Still off meat.
I see there is a lot of breach and transverse babies in here, well I’ve got another one, she kicks and always has done in my lower left side, and on my hip bone.. nothing above my belly button, in fact above my belly button feels like there’s no baby in there at all?? Very strange this is why I’m thinking transverse, do you ladies have any input?
I always get kicks to both hips, bladder, and sides. Only pressure up into my stomach/ribs (like he’s trying to stand up) though a few scans he was head down with both feet and hands by his face. So maybe thats it? But same when I stand it seems kinda empty up top. Just when Im sitting i feel allll the pressures up top.

Agreed Allie its too quiet in here! We need some more chatty Kathys!
Whatme, I get A LOT of kicks to my sides. And some limbs down in my cervix. :shrug: I get a head in my ribs as well but I'm a month ahead of you....

Rach, I know, I'm gonna chat more myself and hope more people chime in haha!!! I mean I'm at nearly 11,000 posts so I'm clearly a Chatty Kathy myself....

I just came back from the labor ward!!!!

I literally posted on here, watched Friends, took a nap, picked up Alistair, came home and then I had spotting! It was bright pink and I kept wiping and there was one wipe of red. It was like the size of my pinkie nail.

Of course I PANICKED as I have done like nothing....my OBs office had closed....so off I went to labor and delivery. And lo and behold my OB was the on-call and had just delivered a baby so he came right in to see me. Since I had literally had an u/s and NST a few hours ago they just gave me a repeat NST (fine) and examined my cervix. High and closed. OUCH that hurt.

NO idea what caused the spotting but all was fine so I was discharged. The nurse said I may spot more because she literally was like up to her wrist to find my cervix.

I don't know, this like the 3rd time I've had random spotting. I remember I used to spot with Alistair after ultrasounds so maybe that was it again.
My bump also feels empty up top apart from at times I get a head poking up on my right. I think my guy switches from breech to transvers and back again all the time. Hopefully that means there is plenty of room for him to flip all the way
I can definitely empathize with you ladies who have breech/transverse babies! Hopefully they will all turn soon, there’s still time!

My LO has thankfully gone head down, and yesterday he was kicking my belly button - he kept turning it from an innie into an outie! Very weird haha

Sorry about the hospital visit Allie. I think you remember I went in for spotting too at 28ish weeks. Just our bodies messing with us I guess! Glad everything was ok
Thanks Sander!

At least we have one head down baby for sure haha!

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