June jewels 2018!!!!

Allie how great about your little babes long legs!! Funny how nice it is and reassuring to have all the scans, but also nervewracking at the same time when you get a bad tech and they do measurements wrong! Lol
I’m sure baby will stay put, but The what if is still on my mind. I swear my belly dropped today. When I just looked in the mirror there seems to be way more space between top of belly and boobies, but I know that doesn’t have to mean anything. Can’t wait for my scan though to see what baby measures and if it dropped into my pelvis more.
I feel like he’s dropped too mom15. Lots more space up too. But Ive had 2 scans in the past week and forgot to ask if hes engaged in my pelvis both times. Ugh!

They did the gbs swab while i was in the hospital saturday and just got the results. Negative this time! Yay! Though they said I have yet another yeast infection. So weird as Im not having any symptoms and I even check down there every day and I dont see any little white spots at all. Ugh.
Yay for negative test! I am so hoping mine will be too. I just don’t want another thing to think about. I just feel so different that I think baby has moved down. What is new is lower back achy, not constant, but gets tired fast. Sitting got uncomfortable and this feeling that my pelvis is expanding. And I think I may have pulled something on the right side of my belly as it hurts when I move a certain way. Definitely a lot more sore than just a few days ago. About 4 more weeks max! I think my preferred date is anytime in the first week of June. So that would be about 3 weeks. I just need to get a little more stuff done. Oh and I got the Halo Bassinest today, but I won’t be able to check it out until next weekend as I am at my in laws while DH travels. So once I have that set up and bought some diaper and pulled out the new born clothes I’ll be feeling more ready.
Congrats on your negative test Rach!

Speaking of dropping, I DEF feel like something has changed as of yesterday. He was already low late last week but now I feel like he might have fully engaged. Basically I’m feeling constant pressure in my lower abdomen/pelvis, and CONSTANTLY have to pee - like I stand up to flush and instantly have to pee again. Also having stronger and more frequent BH’s, particularly today. I’m hoping this is all doing something because I don’t know how I could do another almost 3 weeks of this
Yay for a negative test Rach! Boo about another yeast infection.

Mom, you sound pretty prepared to me. Is the Halo Bassinet the $1k one?!?!?! I keep seeing one on my FB sponsored ads for a $1,000 bassinet and I'm like 'I wish!' Mine was like $50.....but it's the same brand and model we used with Alistair and it worked fine, although it does have a 15 lb weight limit.

Ooh I love hearing about all the engaged babies. I don't think this one has dropped at all but I have never had a good feel for her positioning. I DO get pelvic pain since she dropped head down and I am getting back pain while sleeping which is new.
How's everyone doing today?!?!?!?!

I had my appointment today. Baby is still head down, passed her tests. The only 'bad' thing is I've gained 5 lbs since Friday!!! All swelling according to doctor. He told me no more hiking (as were scrambling in the mountains on Sunday) and to rest more and drink more. My BP was fine thank goodness and assuming urine was good as they didn't say.

The big question is now is still C-Section vs vaginal. Doc is letting me choose BUt this baby is on track to be bigger than Alistair and I tore badly with him. He really does suggest a C-Section but it's still considered elective and is up to me, he just wanted to make it REEALLLY clear I could tear again or have other affects from another vaginal delivery since that whole area was badly damaged. :wacko:

Maybe baby will come in next week and still be smaller than Alistair and I can go vaginal.....
That's so hard Allie! I don't know what I would do in your shoes. I will say, my friends who have had scheduled C's have been really happy with them/their recovery.

Afm, everything hurts all the time but just chugging along. Almost 38w! I don't think I'm having any contractions or anything, no early labor signs, so my gut says it'll be another couple weeks. Which honestly, is fine! I am very ready to be done but my MIL arrives the 27th and I'd love for her to be here to watch DD, rather than sending DD to a friend's house.
That’s a tough one Allie. I had an episiotomy with my first due to him being caught in his cord but themidwife mentioned something about a low pelvic arch and I convinced myself that meant I would have problems with my second. I worried my self silly for nothing. My second was born no problems and I needed only 2 stitches. I guess you need to decide if you can handle another bad tear if it were to happen.

Afm. I ve bought a groupon deal for some swimming sessions so I can go swimming everyday to try and sort my little dudes position out. Also been doing inversion, bouncing on my ball and moxibustion. So far I think he is still flipping from transvers to oblique.

Saw my health visitor this morning and she seems nice. Dropped off some info and will come again around day 10.
Aw Allie sounds tough to decide!! I know the scans can be off and your LO might not be bigger than your son after all, but I guess it’s really up to you. I’ve been doing a ton of reading on how to relax, prevent tearing, ease pain etc. I really want to try to go naturally so I’ve been feeling like I really need to prepare myself with books haha, but if you decide to go vaginally what about an epidural? I mean personally I’m not against any way of giving birth, I’m just terrified of surgery! Although I do know a lot of people that gave birth with a C-section and had no complaints. Anyways we’re always here to bounce ideas off of!

Curious I think you and me are 2 days apart due date wise - I also haven’t been feeling much in the way of prelabour but I’m pretty sure I lost my plug yesterday? I don’t have anything to compare it to but a chunk of mucus came out that was a lot thicker than the discharge I’ve normally been getting. Anyways today things have quieted down a lot with BH’s and pressure etc so I’m not expecting any labour anytime soon!

Hope baby turns for you topaz - that’s great you can go swimming lots, turn baby turn!!
Sander, yup! 5/31 here. Hopefully losing your plug is a good sign! I'm feeling a lot less pressure than I think I was with DD at this point but I've heard that's normal for second babies. I guess they often don't engage until labor.
Topaz, I hope the swimming helps like it helped me. If nothing else it feels sooooooo good on your bump and your back!

I'm with you all, no prelabor symptoms. I lost my plug with Alistair but it didn't bring on labor....this time though, not feeling like anything is happening. We DTD last night and I plan on doing that as much as possible for my cervix (lucky DH :haha:) and drinking my RL tea and just waiting and seeing....

Thanks ladies, I have a week before my doctor wants a firm yes or no on the C-Section. :/ I was so against a C-Sectoin when Baby was breech but of course I knew a lot depended on the size of Baby anyways...ah, I'll keep you posted haha. I would hate to labor for 24 hours like I did with Alistair and then this baby get stuck and I need a C-Section anyways. I kinda wish I didn't have the choice, I suck at choices.
It's a tough choice to make allie as there's pros and cons to both. I had a growth scan and said the baby was already on the 90th centile! They estimated 7.2lb already but then after some reading apparently bigger babies can be easier to deliver vaginally as they have more stock to help them get out.
I can imagine that's its scary after a 4th degree tear though. Lots of people also have C sections and recover very well.

For me, I'm like Sander, I'm scared of surgery. I've never had anything remotely surgical in my life, I worry about how I'll be with anaesthetic although whatever the doctor recommends I'll go with.

That's a good sign Sander, it's worth keeping track of that.
I lose quite a lot of thick clear mucus every now and again. I don't remember losing my plug with my DD so I wonder if I just lose mine slowly?

I don't think my baby has dropped yet, though I do waddle when I walk! I have a pregnant friend at work and said I'm looking forward to being able to sit down like a lady again and not like a man with my legs apart :haha:
Allie - I got the Halo Essentia which is the cheapest one of the 360 degree swivel bassinet. It is $218 incl. tax. So not super cheap but by no means $1K :). It’s my splurge item this time as I have kept everything from DS and beside that only have to buy diapers. I still need to check into an electric pump as this time it is supposedly 100% covered by my insurance.

Sander - I think it was you saying you want to try for natural labor. I did it with DS. The two things That helped me mentally was to realize that every contraction is one less to go through and one closer to having my baby. And that unlike an injury the pain has a benefit which is to bring my baby out into my arms. DH helped me by reminding me to take deep breaths which instantly reduced the pain. Also look into visualizations to sort of meditate. Mine was/is a waterfall that falls into this beautiful turquoise pond with lots of flowers and tropical plants around. In the end I think it’s impossible to know what is going to help you most, but you are doing the right thing reading and prepping as best as you can. For example, I really wanted to use a birthing ball. I sat on it and it was the most uncomfortable feeling ever for me. I labored on all fours on my yoga mat. They made the comment that no one ever brought their yoga mat to the hospital. Lol. I plan on bringing it again as that was the only position I felt comfortable in.
Oh and I lost small bits of my mucus plug on 37w3/4d and DS was born on 37w5d :)
Thanks Mom15 that’s awesome information!!
Thanks ladies!!

I lost some clear mucus this morning, like a bunch of EWCM....I wonder if i'm doing the slow losing of the plug thing?

Mom, that is all great advice. Sounds like a lot of techniques I learned at my labor skills refresher and during lamaze with Alistair.

Sander, Mom had really good advice. I was SO SET on a natural labor with Alistair, to the point that my birth plan had them denying me medication if I asked for it and eventually I actually DID want it and had to convince them. :dohh: BUT I was induced and back to to back which put the odds NOT in my favor. But if your hospital has a tub you can labor in, def. try that. It was the best pain relief for me. I got an epidural at 9 cm and after 20 hours so I can attest to what worked for the first 20 hours of natural.....and the bath was the best!! Even a shower would help. Heat is good, or heat down there and cool clothes on your head. Agree with having a visualization. I like birthing balls but it it does kinda hurt after a bit. I also used to the squatting bar, lots of leaning over the rocking chair and rocking my hips, lots of vocalization, and I had DH telling me supportive things (even if I had to remind him. I remember I was like 'Tell me this is temporary! Just keep reminding me this is temporary!!!!' ) and TBH he just looked terrified the whole time. :haha: Well, until I got the epidural and we both took a nap. When I woke up to push it was a lot calmer....but I'm not saying the epidural was worth it, it maybe made Alistair get stuck, there's no way to know for sure....I was just too exhausted after 20 hours of natural back to back labor with pitocin. :dohh:
I was induced and although it wasn't fun I made it through though I didn't get to use any of the birthing advice like being in water, walking about or different positions because of my waters breaking over 24 hours earlier so I had risk of infection but it's still definitely do able.
Just go with the flow, do whatever feel comfortable for you
Also Sander, this is a website I found after I gave birth to DS and I have never read something that describe so well how it felt during labor. Especially the part where it talks about parts of your brain responsible for speech etc shutting down.

That's an interesting article on birthing, lots of brain stuff I didn't know about!
Your babies nursing sounds pretty normal to me though. My dd would often be on me for ages! I think sometimes it was a comfort thing as well but it was hard. I found the first month or so very difficult and painful but I hope to do it again, if only for the ease of having food on tap.

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