June jewels 2018!!!!

PG - you are probably right. He loved nursing. We did til he was 21 months and quit as I wasn’t getting pregnant. I temped and my temp dropped everytime prematurely and didn’t make it to more than 9 day lp. I also don’t know if there is such thing as pain free nursing in the first few weeks. I as well loved the convenience. Always food with me and not having to deal with bottles. I very much appreciated it as I know it doesn’t work for everyone. I’m very curious how it will go this time. I will try to also do a little bit bottle feeding as I waited with DS till 3 months and at that point he would not take it no matter how we or who tried. He would gag when the nipple touched his lips. He never took a pacifier either. So I was tied to him day and night forever. Just thinking with 2 kids it might help if DH can feed as well sometimes.
Allie, have you heard of perineal massage? It's supposed to help reduce the risk of tearing. I don't know if it's too late to start now or not. My SIL had a big baby, 9lbs 8, her second, & she tore badly & had to have surgery immediately to repair it. She said overall it wasn't as painful as the tear with her daughter who was 8lbs 4.
I have planned sections & I feel my recovery from my daughter's was quite smooth & quick because it was planned & not an emergency (I know several people who've had EMCS). But that's only based on my experience & I'm throwing it into the mix. For me, it's the safest option for my babies, so the considerations aren't the same!
Sorry I haven’t responded yet, I caught ds stomach bug so I’m feeling awful :( and my dh has it too!
Oh no fx! I hope it passes soon. You must be miserable.

Anyone else getting nerve type shooting pain in their groin area? I think it’s a sign that baby has def moved further down. I keep standing and walking kind of wide legged. The wobble walk is happening. Lol. Also had a tiny bit of ewcm today. Eeek. Maybe because I tried to rub after DS today who was trying to chase his Grammy down the driveway when she left for work. They live in the country, but he made it almost to the dirt road. Not as bad as when he played catch me if you can around this little roundabout intersection in our neighborhood. So scary and I feel so helpless, like I can’t take care of my own child anymore. I bribed him with candy and he luckily came back.
FX, feel better soon! I'm SO SORRY, that is the worst.

Mom, that is scary! Alistair, who is 6, was shopping with me the other day and saw those 'toddler leashes' and was like 'Why would anyone do that?' and I explained to him when he was younger he'd ALWAYS try to run away. FWIW we never had a leash for him (no judgement on those who do) :haha:.

PG and Mom, I agree nursing is sooooo much easier than bottles. We had to supplement from the beginning though so DS never had nipple issues, thank goodness, and I swore by the pacifier for many years :blush: and definitely liked having DH able to help feed. I nursed for 11 months before Alistair self-weaned as my supply ran out and I was basically just a pacifier then. I drove myself insane about my supply for the entire 11 months though as it was never ideal so I promised myself I won't be as hard on myself this time if I can't make it work for so long...

Squig, thank you! Yes, I researched it and had DH do it twice as I couldn't reach and then Baby turned breech so we stopped. I'm not sure if it's too late. I've been trying it a bit myself but my technique is off as my bump is in the way lol. It's basically stretching yourself in circles and I've tried it a few times and it hurts!! I'm not sure if that means I'm NOT stretching well or if it's just sensitive down there. :(
:cry: baby is breech still and I’m super stressed about it. I know I’m not feeling well, but I have felt like crying all morning.
Baby was still breech for me until 36 and 5!!! I know it's stressful but you are 'only' 35 weeks and still have time. Also, my doctor made it sound like she had no room to flip and she did, and I didn't do anything drastic, just spinning babies website stuff.

BTW it's good to cry, let it out! :hugs: :hug:
Sorry Allie no insight on the c-section.

Oh no fx!! How miserable! I had the flu back in february and that was tough enough, cant even imagine being 35 weeks and being that sick. So sorry! Take care and I hope you feel better quick.

35+1 here. Cant believe such a huge growth from last week!!


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Aww you look great Rach!! I love the growth spurt!! Such a perfect and round bump.
Mom - I waited 6 weeks as well before trying to introduce a bottle as I was worried about nipple confusion and then she wouldn't take a bottle till about 6 months and even then I had to trick her by breastfeeding then sneakily swapping my nipple for a bottle.
This time I'm going to try and introduce a bottle at night straight away. My daughter also didn't want a dummy for ages. It was brilliant when she finally had one and started sleeping better!

Oh no FX, it's not easy when you're sick and especially sick and big pregnant. I really hope you feel better soon and your baby turns around.

Allie, I tried a little massage and found it quite sore too. I was wondering if I was doing it right.

Aww you look lovely Rach!

Afm - I'm feeling absolutely huge!! My bump looks like it's dropped a bit and I'm having low cramps on my left side. I think it's more like round ligament pain as it doesn't feel like contractions at all. I had a couple of 'whooshes' of cm and didn't know if it was my waters but I think it's just more cm especially as its stopped now. I had a leak when my waters broke with my dd and I constantly felt like I was leaking like I'd wet myself for about a day.

Has anyone thought of things they'd like to do with mat leave? I'm hoping to bake a lot more, get my dslr camera out and start blogging again. I remember I could bake with my dd about and it gives me something I can do when he's nursing or sleeping on me.
Thank you for all the lovely well wishes, really hope I’m over it soon.
Fx - really really hope baby turns for you! Sounds like a couple of ladies babies have turned recently and hope yours will follow suit.

So, tonight I stepped down onto our deck which is about 8-9 inches of a step. Obviously done hat a million times, but tonight when I took that step it felt like my pubic bone split in half. Now I can’t put weight on my right leg (the one I stepped down with) without the same splitting pain in my pubic bone. Every single step hurts like I am hurting it more. I’m glad I am seeing both my chiropractor and obgyn tomorrow. It’s a little better if I walk really wide legged, but that is really awkward looking. Lol. Hope I didn’t seriously hurt anything.
Get well soon FX!

I think I've developed mild pelvic girdle pain over the past several weeks, my groin is always sore - not the lightening crotch shooting pains from RLP, but painful to walk or roll over if I open my legs too wide etc. Just lucky I haven't developed it very severely I guess & sure I only have a week to go now (eek!) DH & I have made good progress with the boxes in the past couple of days but I'd like to get more done.

Looking good Rach 😀

PG, I have given no consideration whatsoever to doing anything in particular on mat leave - y daughter was such a poor sleeper I was constantly exhausted. So I slept any time I had a chance! I hope this one sleeps better. My daughter's sleep is occasionally improving, but of course being in late pregnancy, I'm not benefitting from that yet as I'm too uncomfortable to sleep well - sod's law 😂
Fx hope you feel better soon. I’m still with you in the naughty baby club. He isn’t Breech but flipping from transvers to oblique. There is a chance I could end up admitted because of the risk of cord prolapse if he doesn’t behave soon. It’s totally stressing me out.

I bf my second for 2years but introduced a bottle very early (with expressed bm) as I had a wedding st 3 weeks old that I couldn’t take him to. Thankfully he took to it well so my family could give me a break when I needed it.
Baby is in the 70th percentile and measured an estimated 6lbs11oz. I’m 36 weeks today. I def. don’t make small babies, but I am 5’-9”.
I’m about 1.5cm dilated.
Awww that sounds like a good weight, Mom. Sorry you nearly tumbled on your steps but glad you are okay. How do you feel?

PG, I go back to work at 6 weeks.....after being off my entire pregnancy (as my job is very physical and I can't do it pregnant). It's just a wee part-time job and I hope I can make it work (I work for an airline strictly for free flights to see our family in Scotland) but I didn't go back to work with my DS until he was 9 months and that was just part-time grad school. :shrug: I hope to enjoy some nice outdoor time but I read you can't put sunscreen on infants under 6 months!!

Topaz, I've never heard of oblique or transverse causing cord prolapse unless you go into labor....are they worried you're going to go into labor early?


AFM my blood pressure started getting high yesterday. Just 127/89 but still high enough I felt weird enough to check it. It's been really low my entire pregnancy and I had gestational hypertension with my son and regular hypertension before I got pregnant. My OB told me not to go back on my blood pressure meds though as he thinks it might drop it low. Does that number sound like an okay watch and wait number?!?!! With my DS it was 140/95 when I went on bedrest and 160/100 when I got induced and post partum. So needless to say I'm freaking out that's where this is heading!!!!! I was induced at 38 and 3 with my son.....I am starting to wonder if that will happen again or if they'll do my C-Section earlier....or if I'm just worrying for no reason.....
Allie - it might be worth waiting to see at the stage it's at for the moment but definitely worth keeping an eye on it. Fingers crossed it'll go lower again. My BP is usually 100/50 but when I went to the hospital when the baby wasn't moving it was up 129/80 I think they said which is high for me. Luckily by the next day it was back to normal.
It must be hard having to go back to work so quickly but I can understand the reason though and the flights sound a great thing!

That's brill mom, sounds pretty perfect. Maybe not too long to go now.

Oh no Topaz, that sounds stressful. I hope its OK soon.

Squidge - my daughter was a terrible sleeper as well. Luckily at 5 she mostly sleeps through the night now but it was so awful. I don't have any good suggestions but it does get better.

I'm currently keeping an eye on my undies as I'm not sure if I'm leaking! I seem to be very wet but I don't know if it's cm or my waters. It's like I'm damp all the time, even with a pad on. I'm so confused as I know that cm increases a lot too.
Thanks ladies! My preferred date would be June 8th when I would be 39 weeks exactly.

Allie - it’s a bit better after the chiropractor this morning, but every step still hurts and it scares me a bit for next week when I will be with DS by myself again during the day. Any sudden movement makes it worse.
I just don’t know if I will be physically able to safely take care of him. He can be so determined and run off if he wants to so I think we will mostly be home and the backyard. While I want to be more prepared for baby and be pregnant a bit longer it’s also going to be harder everyday.
I'm currently keeping an eye on my undies as I'm not sure if I'm leaking! I seem to be very wet but I don't know if it's cm or my waters. It's like I'm damp all the time, even with a pad on. I'm so confused as I know that cm increases a lot too.

I've been getting that. I know CM DOES increase. I have had the same fear though. :shrug:

I've been doing the test where I pee all the way and lay down and if it 'leaks' when you stand up. That hasn't happened to me yet.

Thanks ladies! My preferred date would be June 8th when I would be 39 weeks exactly.

Allie - it’s a bit better after the chiropractor this morning, but every step still hurts and it scares me a bit for next week when I will be with DS by myself again during the day. Any sudden movement makes it worse.
I just don’t know if I will be physically able to safely take care of him. He can be so determined and run off if he wants to so I think we will mostly be home and the backyard. While I want to be more prepared for baby and be pregnant a bit longer it’s also going to be harder everyday.

I hope Baby comes on June 8th then!!! And that the chiro work keeps some pain at bay....sounds rough!!!

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