PG - you are probably right. He loved nursing. We did til he was 21 months and quit as I wasnt getting pregnant. I temped and my temp dropped everytime prematurely and didnt make it to more than 9 day lp. I also dont know if there is such thing as pain free nursing in the first few weeks. I as well loved the convenience. Always food with me and not having to deal with bottles. I very much appreciated it as I know it doesnt work for everyone. Im very curious how it will go this time. I will try to also do a little bit bottle feeding as I waited with DS till 3 months and at that point he would not take it no matter how we or who tried. He would gag when the nipple touched his lips. He never took a pacifier either. So I was tied to him day and night forever. Just thinking with 2 kids it might help if DH can feed as well sometimes.