June jewels 2018!!!!

Stressed beyond belief.
We were "supposed" to be out of our house by yesterday, well it rained all week and obviously we can't move stuff in the rain so we weren't able to do much at all.
So we still have some stuff at that house that we need to get but cant get it cause its still raining.

Dummy me did way to much. Cue SEVERE pain, lots of mucus plug lost, some leakage which theyre not worried about because I have excess fluid, and contractions. Baby is still moving fine but I am hurting so bad.
Awww I demand you lay down ASAP and get a good night's sleep! Take a Unisom and lock the door and tell them you'll be out in 12 hours!! :hugs:
Allie it's only if my waters break that there is a risk. My waters went first with my first but not til 40 +5 and my second was 40+4 so I'm not expecting this one to be early so will push to wait til 38 weeks before we do anything but if he is still flipping around then they will likely admit me. The options then from what I've read is a stabilising induction which I 'll push for or a section.

Yesterday he started off transvers then oblique with head to right. Then head to left. I 've put my support belt on fairly tight to see if I can restrict him to staying put.

I just hate all this waiting. I'm constantly trying to work out where he is lying. Not easy when the front of my bump is so solid most of the time because of the placenta.

So excited that we will be getting lots of babies soon. Some of you are so close now. I feel like I have ages left.
Sorry to hear all the epp. I hope you can get the chance to rest more today.

Allie, that BP is in the normal range for me!
Sorry eppgirl, hope things calm down for you soon!

Topaz I can imagine how that would be stressful!! You still have time though, and baby is halfway to head down. I read that 97% of babies are head down by 37 (?) weeks, so you have a high likelihood or your LO cooperating eventually!

AFM, 38 weeks today - feel like I’m in the TWW all over again (unless he decides to be late!!) :haha:
I don't know if I'm getting ill with something or labour is starting! It's 2am I'm time and I've been woken up constantly with the worst indigestion.
I've also had diarrhea tonight (sorry ladies). My dd just woke up in the night so I took her to the loo and whilst she was having a wee I had stomach cramps like I was going to have bad diarrhea again but when I sat on the loo nothing at all happened. I can feel it coming on again right now, so I'll head back to the loo in a moment just incase. I remember the cramps before but not how it all started in the beginning.

I might have also picked up a bug as I feel sick as well and my stomachs gurgling. I suddenly feel really nervous like I'm not ready for the baby yet! So hopefully he hangs on another couple of weeks.
Sorry epp, cant imagine having to deal with all that right now. Please try to rest as much as possible.

Sander the tww is a perfect description....though technically im in a 4 week wait! Lol its torture!

Topaz i hope he settles head down soon for you!

Pg oh i hope its just a random bout of upset tummy and not labor just yet or a tummy bug. I have noticed though the last two days Ive been getting a constant urge to go to the bathroom, but when I sit on the toilet, nothing. I do manage to go a couple times a day(sorry tmi) but not nearly as much as it feels like I need to go. Ive read its common as baby settles down lower they can push on your colon and give you that constant feeling of having to go.
Awww PG, I wonder if it's the start?!?! They do say that is a sign!! I know what you mean, i'm antsy but I wonder if I go into labor if I'll be like 'Wait a week!!' haha. I hope you don't have a tummy bug either though as that is no fun. Maybe you're just getting your clear out a few weeks early. I am still in the constipated stages. :dohh:

Sander, happy 38 weeks, I'll join you tomorrow. Yep the it's the new TWW haha.

Topaz, sounds reasonable you won't have your waters break any time soon. I hope they work with you to avoid you having to get admitted or induced or a C-Section. Mostly I hope baby turn in the next week or so for you for your peace of mind!

I hope everyone is doing well. Here, I'm just waiting to see if Baby comes on her own before I have to have a C-Section (or not, still undecided). I keep getting hiccups (fetal hiccups) like 4 times a day and it worries me even though my doctor told me not to worry. Plus I feel like Baby is fighting to get out sometimes, her movements are a bit wacky at times, especially before bed. It's like she's knocking on me saying 'Let me out!' Haha. Or like my whole uterus will jerk!

I'm wondering if I should do some more things to get my body ready for labor. Drinking one cup of RLT a day, doing one session on my birth ball. I think I'll ramp things up a bit tomorrow as I'll be 38 weeks. Checked my BP again today and it was fine.
Sorry I’ve been a little MIA ladies. I’m 38.5w now so I guess kinda any day but (TMI) I’ve been having a really bad pregnancy hemorrhoid flare up. I’m terrified of going into labor right now! I can’t even imagine pushing. I swear, I might need the epidural just for this. Ugh. It’s so awful. It’s a little better the last couple days but I’ll talk to my MW about it on Wednesday if it’s still bothering me I guess.
Thanks ladies, it's settled down today but I woke up with period type cramps so now I'm changing my mindset from thinking that he'll come a week over due to just getting my mind and body more prepared just incase.
I started to panic thinking "oh god, is it really time to do this again!" Although I feel huge and I'm done with pregnancy it's so scary thinking of the massive change coming soon.

Oh no curious, that's not fun at all. I had it middle of my pregnancy. If you need an epidural then the choice is always there.

My baby has a lot of hiccups too, and sporadic movements. I do sometimes wonder if it's normal but I've never been told to panic about movement, only if it reduces or changes.
Thanks PG. You described exactly how I feel right now too- massive and done but terrified of the big change coming.
I could have written that as well! Totally how I feel. ^^^^^^^^

Rach, we cross posted. I wonder if it's your iron supplelments? I am still constipated. I want the 'clear out' so I don't poop during labor if it happens this week lol. I am sure I am blocked up. :dohh:

Curious ,OUCH, I'm so sorry!! I had my first bout of hemmoroids midway through this pregnancy and it really does hurt.

Gosh there is nothing glamorous about this, is there? :dohh:

I had no BH today really but then I just an hour ago had my first painful BH/contraction. I will try not to get my hopes up, haha. Nothing since. Alex got all excited and I was like, 'I could be getting these for days and days before anything happens...'
My mom just recently told me about psyllium husk powder. Her pharmacist told her about it when she mentioned I have GD. It is very high in fiber and helps with blood glucose levels and one of the side effects is, that it helps with constipation. It’s weird stuff, but it works. I mix it in Almond milk. Or you can do juice, but way too many carbs for what I am allowed. Once you whisk it in you have to drink it fast as it clumps together and gets all gelatinous. Maybe something for those of you looking to help with constipation.
I guess many of us are on labour watch now or will be soon! Getting exciting! Only a few days for me. I'll be glad not to be pregnant anymore as moving around is really quite painful now.

Sorry to hear about the pikes, Curious, that sounds so uncomfortable.

Allie, I don't believe hiccups are anything to worry about - my daughter had them LOADS & I hated the feeling but it was fine & normal. Thankfully this one only has them rarely. They don't count as movements though for the purpose of monitoring movements.
Thanks for the reassurance. :hugs: I notice a pattern to the hiccups which makes me think they are just part of her current 'swallowing'/'eating' schedule....and that has helped me feel better....I need to stay off Google, as everyone always tells me haha.

Labor watch is on haha.....anyone?!?! Anyone?!? :haha:
Not me :) hoping for at least one more week. Please let me have the next (long) weekend to finish organizing. Well finish is wishful thinking, but I would be feeling a lot better if I can just get a bit more done. For example put away the mountain of laundry in my bedroom so the bassinet actually fits. Need to pull the car seat out and install the base in the car. Pack a hospital bag which I have completely ignored so far. At least I finally pulled out the newborn clothes I had saved from DS. BUY DIAPERS!!! If I remember right it’s 8-12 wet diapers in 24h??? Last time I ran out of NB diapers and the size one was too big so I will buy some extra this time. My friend is pregnant so I can give her any I don’t use. Hope everyone is hanging in here. Def feels like my body is slowly falling apart and telling me it’s done with this.
Allie sorry I guess my post sounded like I couldnt go. Ive been very regular, but I have a constant urge to go. I think it was just the way baby was sitting, it lasted about 3 days but is gone today.

Also had a check up today. Nst perfect, fundal measuring 1 week behind(i take those measurements with a grain if salt). Still just 1cm dilated but cervix high. So doesnt look like a baby anytime soom for me. Which, even though Im done is a good thing. I’d like him stay in until at least 38 1/2 weeks.
Glad all went well Rach!!!

Mom, I was wondering how many newborn diapers to have. We just have one pack of newborn but I'm sure we'll need more haha. We have a few boxes of 1s. I keep imagining having a huge baby but maybe that's just me feeling huge. :haha:

Had a good old cry to DH a bit ago, just general freaking out. 'I am scared to have a C-Section!' as I bawled and then 'I'm scared to tear my sphincter again!' as I bawled some more. I have more or less decided to keep my C Section scheduled and hope Baby comes before, as if I go later than 39 weeks she could be too big and cause me to tear worse/Baby get stuck worse (DS was stuck through 4 hours of pushing before needing the vacuum assist).

Crazy to think this time next week I'll have a baby. Probably why I'm super emotional. We installed the carseat, my bag is packed, Baby's bassinet is all ready with a her first PJs and swaddle and burp cloth laid out.....
Sounds like a reasonable plan allie. And it's good to get the emotions out.

Saw midwife this morning and was sent for a presentation scan. After being transvers yesterday, today he is breech. Go for a rescan in 8 days and if still changing position so much will see a consultant either then or the following week to discuss options.
That sounds very reasonable Allie. Such a hard choice! I hope you have an easier delivery this time around, whichever you choose.

I guess this is the plus of cloth diapers :D I just have a big box of them from DD, washed and ready to go. The minus is the laundry when she’s born, haha.

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