June Jitterbugs- 2013, 51 babies born 27 boys, 24 girls (145 on the Way)

Just back from the midwife, baby is fully engaged!! Yay :D hoping it means his arrival is imminent! Everything else was good too BP urine etc....she thinks baby's back is on my back so recommended crawling on all fours lol to get him to flip...other than that mw is happy though, told me she doesn't expect to see me again now unless its with a baby haha!

So unbelievably excited, hope she is right! Everything is ready, gonna install car seat into car later and that is literally the icing on this pregnancy cake...I'm done!

How's everyone else doing?

Cottleston I'm so sorry, how rude of your consultant :( not long now hun, hang im there, think you are doing fabulous xx

I haven't updated in here in a while, mainly just on the fb group.

My baby is still breech and after trying everything else to get him/her to turn we decided to just go with the flow and declined an ECV. Of course, the hospital wants to schedule an elective c section (in fact they did - decided it would just be easier to just give in and call in and cancel it later) but I'm really keen on delivering vaginnally. I've been doing loads of research and am confident in my ability to birth a breech baby, especially as I already had an 8 pounder that I gave birth to naturally. The problem of course is with hospitals not wanting to take on the liability and therefore not having drs and midwives with training in breech deliveries.

However I've learned that 2 of the 4 consultants at my hospital are experienced with breech deliveries and so on Thursday I'm meeting with one of them to discuss a game plan if I go into labour when neither of them are on. If we can't come up with a workable compromise then I'll be driving (well not physically, but I'll be in the car lol) 3 hours in labour to the nearest hospital that routinely delivers breech babies. I hope it doesn't come to that cause even in pre labour 3 hours in the car won't be fun lol. But I'm determined to be allowed a trial of labour at the very least.

I've been watching videos of breech births (DD always gets so excited when the baby is placed on the mom lol :cloud9:) in preparation and they are so amazing but weird to watch! I still hope bub decides to turn but if not, wow birthing a breech baby is going to be so empowering,

I have a student midwife who n's stoked that I'm refusing a c section as she's not going to have many opportunities to attend a breech birth so I hope for her sake as well that I don't have to go three hours away. My gp told me I should charge admission to my suite as everyone will want to watch :rofl:

So I'm hoping for labour dust in the next 6 days as the consultant on this week has given it a definite go ahead. I don't think a baby is likely to happen this week though :(
Medzi - Yeah I get BH real easily and moving does cause them for me. And mine didn't hurt with my first pregnancy, but can hurt now.. stronger this time. So I've learned they can feel like they hurt. But apparently because not hurting a TON, its different. I got induced last time... so not sure if stomach hardens with real contractions though. Sometimes BH are just part of bump, sometimes whole bump.

Oh and Medzi, yup my DH is same way... compliments me but not trying to make a move. It was like that with my other pregnancy too though, so I expected it and not as bent out of shape about it. Since I did bring up the issue early on this time and its still happening... so at least I know I made sure to let him know it was an issue before and it concerned me. I can't be constantly stressing about it though... baby comes first! Just gotta make dtding a priority later I guess. As long as you guys are still able to hang out and talk, that sort of intimacy can come back later... or at least it did for me!

Oh man ok my DH takes meds for ADHD.... he says he doesn't have it but meds help him deal with work stress. Um ok. But then he's like your DH... super focused on one thing and totally obsesses over it... and usually a hobby or something, not me. I often feel like a nag too! For his attention and time! Mother's Day, I requested a day of time with him!

Misslissa - Haha yeah I've been 'sorting myself out' as well! Suits me just fine as I'm usually too tired to do anything more! Also, I had pressures like that at your stage... but not sure on the period pains. My baby was snuggling down lower a bit I think?

Lisaloo - Yup, I've got thigh pains at night for sure. Pelvis some. Hips no, but that was my main issue last pregnancy! I had to lie on a million pillows with dd!

Congrats Scout!!!

Cottleston - You have made it so far!! Wish you could get induced now! Seems like you've gone far enough! Can't believe your consultant wouldn't even SEE you!! That is awful!!!!!

2nd time lucky - Yeah I am ready too!! I will try and be better about keeping up shaving etc now that its near the end, ha!

NDH - Oh man good luck and I hope the walking on all fours helps turn your baby! Sounds like you will have a crazy birth experience but good that you are well versed on how it'll go so less surprises that way! And that's a lot of packing! Good luck!! We are close to the hospital, so DH can procrastinate on his packing... I know last time I was nagging him to do it, not concerned about it this time though for some reason! And my dd will be ok because family can come stay with her.

I might have underpacked... I just remember not needing much last time and then having a ton of extra stuff to lug home, so more concerned with having to put everything away when we get home! Haven't packed any bottoms yet... I use them! So I guess I must not be thinking I'll be going into labour for a bit.

Ok and maybe I should pack some entertainment... I didn't need it last time but who knows!

Mummummum - I don't know if this is okay to do, but I've been doing it for ages... when baby is moving around and hurting my sides, I sit in a chair and prop both sides of my bump with pillows! So then sides don't hurt and he mostly just shoves out front then! So your DH isn't involved enough? What's going on with him? Asking because I can relate if that is the case. I keep wanting DH to be around more instead of off working and doing his own thing... I work full-time too, yet I am there 100% for dd when not working. So I don't get why DH isn't like that!

Kelly - Contractions from dtd! Oh man! Well, maybe that means you dilated some!!! I think it can help if your body is already geared to start labour soon. And hey if it causes contractions, then it must have helped some. But your body won't continue to have contractions unless ready, maybe?? Agree with Jellycat.

Mellie - Fully engaged, yea!!! Excited for you!!!
So does this thread have a facebook group then? I'd like to be added if so! Who do I PM?

as for me, not much to report. I thought I'd feel more anxious when I hit full term. I did wash all the liners for our swing/bouncers and cleaned the car seat base... basically getting all our dd's stuff ready for this baby. Having issues with her trying to get in the swing, afraid she'll break it!!! And losing my patience with dd a LOT... she's 2 and definitely acting like it. DH gets upset with her a lot too, though. I just know I'd be better with her if I wasn't so sore and tired. I get so mad when she's running from me while I am trying to dress her or whatnot... and I get so wore out and then angry that she won't come. Sigh! Just walking inside the house from my car gets me out of breath these days!
Libby - yep, our DHs sound a lot alike! At first, our relationship was awesome...then after we got engaged it got a bit rough... I think it is because of the ADD and it just wasn't 'stimulating' for him anymore. Not his fault, just the ADD. At the time we didn't know he had it. Then the first year after we got married was AWFUL! I was in a huge depression because I was just not part of his life. I did everything I could think of for his attention. It was so hard and I actually almost left him. Finally I convinced him to see a psychologist. Within 10 minutes of him talking to her, she was like, "you have ADD." and he thought there was no way. But he saw her again, we both started reading about it, and can't even believe how obvious it was. I remember reading a book and there was a 'typical conversation' example...it was like they had recording one of our arguments. So he continued seeing her and and I also did (separately) to try to learn more about it. He then went to a psychiatrist and got an official diagnosis after having an assessment. Sometimes it is so hard because I still feel like I have to nag and sometimes I feel like I just have to be ok with that when sometimes I'm not...sometimes it just isn't fair to me. I don't know... it is still very hard sometimes!!

He is super excited about Cubby - but I worry it is like usual...it is something new and exciting... a month later it won't be... I don't know. I so know what you mean about hobbies! One month is it one thing, the next something else, and they get sooo into it! But never seems to be me..

Cottleston - sorry about your appointment :( That sucks!

Mellie - super excited baby is getting ready!!

NDH - I had a friend recently who had a breech baby - went in for her scheduled c-section and baby flipped so they sent her away. Went to an appointment 4 days later and baby was breech again! Maybe yours will still decide to turn. :)

I'd also like to know about the Facebook group!!
Mellie let us know all the tricks you did to get your little man to engage hehe :)
Libby and Medzi PM me - or send me through a FB request, its on the first post of this thread :flower:
So I was awake for an hour or so in the night with contractions. They stopped. Woke up later with another one and then nothing. O'm sure they weren't bh though as the pain in my back was so intense compared to what i've had before. It was waking me up. Baby was moving like mad with them too.

Supposed to be picking up some last minutr baby things today as dd has a day wkth her grandpa. The walking might start it off again - but i'd be so embarrased if my waters went in public!
Mellie - yay to bring engaged can't be long for baby for you now.

Mummummum - that sounds really positive you've been getting more contractions

Medzi - that sounds really tough with you and your husband, good that he got diagnosed though.

NDH - hope your baby turns soon, or arrives when you can get the breech birth. I admire your determination

All day yesterday I was getting odd episodes of discomfort then over 3 hours last night my bump was tense and was getting regular period and back ache pains.... Was thinking this baby was coming early they were really strong but then they faded away eventually. Need to get more baby stuff sorted before this little one arrives. JJ has to go to the docs today as has a high temp and complaining of head pain, thinking he might have another ear infection, so doubt I will have the time to sort through baby stuff today
Hey ladies, its trully getting close.......so I havebeen getting pains at the pelvic area and lower abdomen...keep thinking the end is finally here:)...until i read that true contractions should start from the top of tummy to down and not from down as those are only preparation ones......I am 100% effaced so not sure how much longer to wait.

Getting excited about meeting the little one soon...can now officially say that we are ready:) .... and I think am also tired of going to work.
Exciting that things are starting to happen for people!

My intense back pain is coming and going again this morning
It doesn't last long. Feels like baby is very low.

Off to the shops for when they open so we can get back quick - just incase.
I'm feeling really period-painy and I feel really swollen down below???? Is this normal?
My first was a csection due to breech, I never felt anything with her, no bh or contractions or anything. I feel like i am much of a first timer again!
I've been stalking this page crazily for the last week or so, so close for all of you! how AWESOME!
I'm feeling really period-painy and I feel really swollen down below???? Is this normal?
My first was a csection due to breech, I never felt anything with her, no bh or contractions or anything. I feel like i am much of a first timer again!

I feel the same way - induced last time and this feels like a first time pregnancy now I am at this stage!

I've had period type pains for the last week. They only stepped up last night and on occasion today to being really painful but still nothing - just more plug loss.

I'm feeling really on edge about when it will happen now. Not enjoying it like I thought I would tbh.
Looks like my June baby is going to be a May baby! I'll be 37 weeks on Thursday and being induced due to high blood pressure and my kidney disease. My cervix was checked today and is soft and 2 cm dilated so I'm happy at least I am going into an induction with some dilation!

MumMumMum - how was your induction last time? I'm pretty nervous about it...

Any other non first time moms with induction stories?
Looks like my June baby is going to be a May baby! I'll be 37 weeks on Thursday and being induced due to high blood pressure and my kidney disease. My cervix was checked today and is soft and 2 cm dilated so I'm happy at least I am going into an induction with some dilation!

MumMumMum - how was your induction last time? I'm pretty nervous about it...

Any other non first time moms with induction stories?

Mine was around the same stage. My daughter was born at exactly 37 weeks. I had to have two pessaries, 24 hours apart. There was a lot of walking around the hospital to try and get things going and the rest of the time I was on monitors. BUT my body wasn't ready for labour - I'm sure I would have gone over. That does make it harder. Hopefully as you are already 2cm it will make a big difference for you.

For me the worst part was the lack of sleep. I'd already been in 4 days before I delivered and I was on a labour ward so there was a lot of noise! As someone who needs their sleep, everything seems worse to me after that.

Once my waters went I was taken to a delivery room, hooked up to the monitors and no food, drink or getting out of bed to go to the loo. I only had the starting dose of drip, they didn't need to increase it at all, my contractions started and rocketed really quickly. She was born six hours after my waters went.

To me it was painful, but I have nothing (yet) to compare it to to know if it is more painful than if you 'naturally' go into labour.

I was induced due to really high protein, high blood pressure and excessive swelling. My pre-e was classed as severe and I was on regular meds and my BP was being taken all the time (I had a cuff on throughout labour). Not sure if that was the reason for any of the restrictions with bed etc.

My daughter was also small, but that was because the pre-e reduced her growth.

If I had to be induced this time I would still prefer it over a c section. I guess that says something! My advice is to stay positive if it doesn't work straight away and keep in mind whatever happens, you'll soon have your baby!

Good luck! :flower:
Thank you! He said they would break my water as a first step since I'm already dilated. I kinda hope that is all they have to do and I won't need a drip - but if I do I'll request a low amount if possible and it be turned off once things get going (again, if possible).

They don't think I have pre-e. I do have protein in my urine but that is likely because I have kidney disease. They are more worried about my kidneys starting to fail because of the high blood pressure that they don't want to push my body further. And they have actually estimated baby to be pretty big so it doesn't look like baby was affected by it which is great news! As of last week, baby was estimated at just over 7 pounds (I know that it can be off though).

I've been on BP meds my whole pregnancy as I was on it even before pregnancy as well since I have chronic high blood pressure (so it isn't pregnancy induced).

I am confident and getting more excited so hopefully it goes ok! And hopefully it doesn't take as long as yours! I can't imagine delivering on that little of sleep - that is super impressive!
I'm feeling really period-painy and I feel really swollen down below???? Is this normal?
My first was a csection due to breech, I never felt anything with her, no bh or contractions or anything. I feel like i am much of a first timer again!

I feel the same way - induced last time and this feels like a first time pregnancy now I am at this stage!

I've had period type pains for the last week. They only stepped up last night and on occasion today to being really painful but still nothing - just more plug loss.

I'm feeling really on edge about when it will happen now. Not enjoying it like I thought I would tbh.

I've not had any plug loss yet.
I'm feeling really on edge too, every little pain/twinge/twitch and I'm like "what's that! Is this it?! Where's my hospital bag!" Ha

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