We had a strange night last night... Bean was quite unsettled yesterday...I tried to feed her on the boob at about 8pm (if I'm remembering this correctly!!) she had a little bit and then started wailing again for no apparent reason... So DH swaddled her up real tight (she kind of went off it a while ago, because she usually likes having her arms free) and she slept from about 8 until we woke her up at midnight because she hadn't fed....well she only fed for 5 minutes (she just wouldn't wake up enough!!!) so we were expecting a horrible night....but she slept through until 5:30am!!
Obviously the paediatrician said we could drop her 2am feed if she didn't wake for it... Sooo, not a huge deal, but I was a bit worried about her last night, after she just wouldn't wake up properly for a feed
She seems fine though...But I changed her and fed her this morning and (after a short while of being grumbly and wide awake) swaddled her up again and she slept for a good 5 hours again!!
I've been pumping quite a bit today, so we have a good supply in the fridge atm... Trying to get into a pumping schedule a bit though, I got 10oz this morn, then 7oz, then 4oz a few hours ago... Need to pump again soon; I had a small Southern Comfort earlier and it made me feel heady after just a few sips
I should be okay to pump now though...all I've read say 2 hours and it's been over 3 now (wanted to play it safe) and I really barely had much at all. =/
Hope everyone is well
I'm super eager for a shopping spree soon, I left most of my regular clothes in the UK when we were over at Christmas because I didn't expect to be able to fit straight back into them...so I barely have any wearable clothes here!!!
P.S Evelyn poos ALL DAY LONG, I mean seriously...it's very rare that we'll change her diaper and there WON'T be a poo in it (change before every feed and in between if she's whinging for 'no reason')....