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Just got referred for IVF

took my 14 week yesterday but/. still just flab. =( skipped the gym too cause my stupid head was pounding. i hate taking so much tylenol but...

3d.. im waiting. they have it at work so i can get one no problem but.. they look better older =) though there is something to be said for a 3d gummy bear
Drsquid - oooo you have to do a 3D!!!!! I never saw one this early!!
Hey Ladies, all your baby pics are so super amazing, cant believe how quickly they grow.
My vacation was amazing, but also kept me super busy with the wedding and other things. It is only after I got home that I got a breather. I had my appointment with my RE and am super upset to hear that ET will have to wait till October. It is our anniversary this month and I was atleast hoping to pretend to be pregnant if we could have ET by then. But sadly thats not happening. We have been into this IVF thingy since March and I cant believe 6 months have passed already and I havent had a since embie in me yet. It all just seems like a dream now, everything seems an unreal dream.
they say i have to go through another round of suppression and then they give me drugs so they can control my estrogen levels, makes no real sense to me to waste another cycle. But I am left with no options.
Honey - Im sorry its being delayed longer than you wanted it to be...but its better they level you out so you wont waste a cycle and embie. Maybe we can be cycle buddies!!
Hi ladies
Honey cheeks Yes I totally agree that time is just suspended when there is no emby happening.
how disappointing for you to have to wait longer. I am a little surprised you aren't having a natural cycle given what the meds did to you last time. Have your cycles gone back to nornal? Ah these doctors do things sooo differently. Oh well I am sure the FS has a good plan for you x
Stinas , when is your FET?
Aleja - whats us update. im sure i might have read it but i cant remember now

My cycles are totally messed up now. I dont ever get a cycle without provera. My body is at its worst , and I dont know if it will ever get any better. For my FET, I now have to take one shot for suppression and then its estrogen tablets. No more Gonal F, so it is not going to be as bad as last time. Thats the FET protocol in this hospital. So lets wait it out and see what happens.
Honey - I am waiting for AF then I am guessing two-three weeks after that? I dont know how it all goes. I think the meds are the same as you for the FET. I need to go do a follow up apt with my doc. I have been putting it off because im trying to enjoy this non-TTC time....even though its still always on my mind.
Hi Honey, stinas and other girls,
Honey, don't fret about your body, it will recover with time. I too thought my cycles would never recover after IVF and also needed the provera. I am sure they will recover back to normal if we stopped ttc'ing for a few months but I think we don't want to wait that long. I know I didn't- i chose to take the provera and now Clomid as I wanted to start on the frozen cycles. Well at least you will not be on any stims this next cycle- that's a good sign.

I am having my #2 FET this weekend. It is completely natural and I am freaking out about that. So far it has been the easiest cycle either. I had 1 BT and scan at CD 12 which showed I was surging and Ov within 24hrs. So the FET is 5 days later with no meds whatsoever (i was practically urging for a trigger or pessaries but FS instructed al naturale) . I don't know about this to be honest it feels like a nothing cycle.
Hi ladies :flower:

Honey sorry you have to wait so long for you FET & I hope your cycle settles down for you. Nice to see you back online!

Aleja your FET came around fast, wishing all the :dust: in the world!

Stinas not long before your FET, hope your enjoying the time off ttc!

I had a checkup today got to hear the hb for the first time. MS has pretty much gone I'm just hungry & tired all the time :wacko:
aleja - Dont be nervous...maybe natural might work better for you?

Sheri - Yayyy how great to hear the heartbeat!!!!!
Sheri, im so excited you got to hear the heartbeat
Aleja- Since you are ovulating naturally this cycle, your embie looks like it has a very fair chance. But if I were you, I would still feel something amiss if I did an FET cycle without any drugs, it seems just plain weird, But im praying this works for you.
Just picked up my meds for my FET!
I have the 2 normal antibiotics Doxy something and i forget the other....then I have the estrace(sp?) and my PIO(yay). So thats not all natural is it?
Stinas - I personally feel it is a little comforting to have some meds during an FET. It would make me feel that we did everything to make it work. But doctors know what is best for you. I cant wait to hear you announce your BFP and join the preggo league soon. Fingers crossed for your FET.
I can see you ladies are at 14 weeks. I guess you can soon find out the gender. Who is keen on finding out gender?

And have you ladies started thinking of names yet?
i 100% didnt wanna know, unfortunatly baby B disagreed and made a point of making sure i couldnt ignore it. looks like one of each. im still disappointed i didnt wait (dunno how i thought id not find out looking at least once a week)
We will be finding out the sex, our scan is in 4 weeks time :thumbup:

Aleja how did your FET go? Hope this is it for you :flower:

How is everyone else?

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